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4 changed files with 70 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
"To UNIX Timestamp",
"Windows Filetime to UNIX Timestamp",
"UNIX Timestamp to Windows Filetime",
"NTP Timestamp to Unix Timestamp",
"NTP Timestamp to UNIX Timestamp",
"UNIX Timestamp to NTP Timestamp",
"DateTime Delta",
"Extract dates",

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Operation from "../Operation.mjs";
import BigNumber from "bignumber.js";
import OperationError from "../errors/OperationError.mjs";
import RemoveWhitespace from "./RemoveWhitespace.mjs";
import SwapEndianness from "./SwapEndianness.mjs";
import SwapEndianness from "./SwapEndianness.mjs";
* NTP Timestamp to UNIX Timestamp operation
@ -36,9 +36,8 @@ class NTPTimestampToUNIXTimestamp extends Operation {
"name": "Output : Unix timestamp unit",
"type": "option",
"value": ["Seconds (s)", "Milliseconds (ms)", "Microseconds (μs)", "Nanoseconds (ns)"]
"value": ["Seconds (s)", "Milliseconds (ms)", "Microseconds (μs)", "Nanoseconds (ns)"]
@ -56,36 +55,38 @@ class NTPTimestampToUNIXTimestamp extends Operation {
input = new RemoveWhitespace().run(input, [true, true, true, true, true, false]);
if (format.startsWith("Hex")) {
if (input.length != 16) {
return `Error: NTP Timestamp should be 64 bits long`;
let ntpTimestampSecondsPart;
let ntpTimestampFractionsPart;
if (format.startsWith("Hex")) {
if (input.length !== 16) {
return `Error: NTP Timestamp should be 64 bits long`;
if (format === "Hex (little-endian)") {
// Convert little-endian to big-endian
input = new SwapEndianness().run(input, ["Raw", input.length, false]);
// Getting the 32 bits (8 first hexa values) long seconds part
const hex_ntp_timestamp_seconds_part = input.substring(0, 8);
// Getting the 32 bits (8 first hexa values) long seconds part
const hexNtpTimestampSecondsPart = input.substring(0, 8);
// Getting the 32 bits (8 last hexa values) long seconds fractions part
const hex_ntp_timestamp_fractions_part = input.substring(input.length - 8, input.length);
const hexNtpTimestampFractionsPart = input.substring(input.length - 8, input.length);
// Convert hexadecimal values to decimal values
var ntp_timestamp_seconds_part = new BigNumber(hex_ntp_timestamp_seconds_part, 16);
var ntp_timestamp_fractions_part = new BigNumber(hex_ntp_timestamp_fractions_part, 16);
ntpTimestampSecondsPart = new BigNumber(hexNtpTimestampSecondsPart, 16);
ntpTimestampFractionsPart = new BigNumber(hexNtpTimestampFractionsPart, 16);
} else if (format == "Fixed-point decimal") {
} else if (format === "Fixed-point decimal") {
// Get the seconds and the seconds fractions parts of the timestamp separated by a "."
const pf_ntp_timestamp_seconds_and_fractions_parts = String(input).split(".");
var ntp_timestamp_seconds_part = new Number(pf_ntp_timestamp_seconds_and_fractions_parts[0]);
var ntp_timestamp_fractions_part = pf_ntp_timestamp_seconds_and_fractions_parts[1];
const pfNtpTimestampSecondsAndFractionsParts = String(input).split(".");
ntpTimestampSecondsPart = new Number(pfNtpTimestampSecondsAndFractionsParts[0]);
ntpTimestampFractionsPart = pfNtpTimestampSecondsAndFractionsParts[1];
if (ntp_timestamp_fractions_part == null) {
ntp_timestamp_fractions_part = 0
if (ntpTimestampFractionsPart === null) {
ntpTimestampFractionsPart = 0;
} else {
ntp_timestamp_fractions_part = new Number(pf_ntp_timestamp_seconds_and_fractions_parts[1]);
ntpTimestampFractionsPart = new Number(pfNtpTimestampSecondsAndFractionsParts[1]);
} else {
@ -93,47 +94,42 @@ class NTPTimestampToUNIXTimestamp extends Operation {
// Set the maximum unsigned positive integer representable in 32 bits
const max_uint32=new Number(Math.pow(2, 32))
const maxUint32=new Number(Math.pow(2, 32));
// Check whether the seconds and the seconds fractions parts values do
// not exceeds the maximum positive integer representable in 32 bits
if (ntp_timestamp_seconds_part > max_uint32)
return `Error: Timestamp seconds part should be 32 bits long. The seconds part '${ntp_timestamp_seconds_part}' of the provided NTP timestamp exceeds the maximum positive integer representable in 32 bits '${max_uint32}'`;
if (ntp_timestamp_fractions_part > max_uint32)
return `Error: Timestamp fractions seconds part should be 32 bits long. The fractions seconds part '${ntp_timestamp_fractions_part}' of the provided NTP timestamp exceeds the maximum positive integer representable in 32 bits '${max_uint32}'`;
if (ntpTimestampSecondsPart > maxUint32) {
return `Error: Timestamp seconds part should be 32 bits long. The seconds part '${ntpTimestampSecondsPart}' of the provided NTP timestamp exceeds the maximum positive integer representable in 32 bits '${maxUint32}'`;
if (ntpTimestampFractionsPart > maxUint32) {
return `Error: Timestamp fractions seconds part should be 32 bits long. The fractions seconds part '${ntpTimestampFractionsPart}' of the provided NTP timestamp exceeds the maximum positive integer representable in 32 bits '${maxUint32}'`;
// Convert the NTP timestamp seconds part value (seconds elapsed since 01 january
// Convert the NTP timestamp seconds part value (seconds elapsed since 01 january
// 1900 midnight) to UNIX timestamp (seconds elapsed since 01 january 1970 midnight)
const unix_timestamp_seconds_part = ntp_timestamp_seconds_part - new Number("2208988800");
const unixTimestampSecondsPart = ntpTimestampSecondsPart - new Number("2208988800");
// Convert the NTP timestamp seconds fractions part value to seconds
const unix_timestamp_fractions_part = ntp_timestamp_fractions_part / new Number(Math.pow(2, 32));
const unixTimestampFractionsPart = ntpTimestampFractionsPart / new Number(Math.pow(2, 32));
// Addition the seconds part value to the seconds fractions part value
// to form the UNIX timestamp in seconds
let unix_timestamp=unix_timestamp_seconds_part + unix_timestamp_fractions_part;
let unixTimestamp=unixTimestampSecondsPart + unixTimestampFractionsPart;
// Convert seconds Unix timestamp to requested result unit
if (unit === "Seconds (s)") {
return String(unix_timestamp);
return String(unixTimestamp);
} else if (unit === "Milliseconds (ms)") {
unix_timestamp = unix_timestamp * new Number("1000");
unixTimestamp = unixTimestamp * new Number("1000");
} else if (unit === "Microseconds (μs)") {
unix_timestamp = unix_timestamp * new Number(Math.pow(10, 6));
unixTimestamp = unixTimestamp * new Number(Math.pow(10, 6));
} else if (unit === "Nanoseconds (ns)") {
unix_timestamp = unix_timestamp * new Number(Math.pow(10, 9));
unixTimestamp = unixTimestamp * new Number(Math.pow(10, 9));
} else {
throw new OperationError("Unrecognised unit");
return String(unix_timestamp);
return String(unixTimestamp);
export default NTPTimestampToUNIXTimestamp;
export default NTPTimestampToUNIXTimestamp;

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
import Operation from "../Operation.mjs";
import RemoveWhitespace from "./RemoveWhitespace.mjs";
import SwapEndianness from "./SwapEndianness.mjs";
import SwapEndianness from "./SwapEndianness.mjs";
import OperationError from "../errors/OperationError.mjs";
@ -30,14 +30,13 @@ class NTPTimestampToUNIXTimestamp extends Operation {
"name": "Input : Unix timestamp unit",
"type": "option",
"value": ["Seconds (s)", "Milliseconds (ms)", "Microseconds (μs)", "Nanoseconds (ns)"]
"value": ["Seconds (s)", "Milliseconds (ms)", "Microseconds (μs)", "Nanoseconds (ns)"]
"name": "Output: NTP timestamp format",
"type": "option",
"value": ["Fixed-point decimal", "Hex (big-endian)", "Hex (little-endian)"]
@ -55,77 +54,73 @@ class NTPTimestampToUNIXTimestamp extends Operation {
input = new RemoveWhitespace().run(input, [true, true, true, true, true, false]);
let unix_timestamp_seconds;
let unixTimestampSeconds;
// Convert the provided Unix timestmap to seconds Unix timestamps
if (unit === "Seconds (s)") {
unix_timestamp_seconds = input;
unixTimestampSeconds = input;
} else if (unit === "Milliseconds (ms)") {
unix_timestamp_seconds = input / new Number("1000");
unixTimestampSeconds = input / new Number("1000");
} else if (unit === "Microseconds (μs)") {
unix_timestamp_seconds = input / new Number(Math.pow(10, 6));
unixTimestampSeconds = input / new Number(Math.pow(10, 6));
} else if (unit === "Nanoseconds (ns)") {
unix_timestamp_seconds = input / new Number(Math.pow(10, 9));
unixTimestampSeconds = input / new Number(Math.pow(10, 9));
} else {
throw new OperationError("Unrecognised unit");
// Get the seconds and the fractions seconds parts of the UNIX timestamp
const unix_timestamp_seconds_part = Math.floor(unix_timestamp_seconds);
const unix_timestamp_fractions_part = unix_timestamp_seconds % 1;
const unixTimestampSecondsPart = Math.floor(unixTimestampSeconds);
const unixTimestampFractionsPart = unixTimestampSeconds % 1;
// The greatest seconds value is the maximum unsigned positive integer representable
// in 32 bits (2**32) - 2208988800 (seconds elapsed from NTP Epoch and UNIX Epoch)
const greatest_seconds_value = Math.pow(2, 32) - 2208988800
const greatestSecondsValue = Math.pow(2, 32) - 2208988800;
// Check whether the seconds value part do not exceeds the greatest seconds value
if (unix_timestamp_seconds_part > greatest_seconds_value)
return `Error: The NTP Timestamp seconds part '${unix_timestamp_seconds_part}' exceeds the greatest authorized seconds value ${greatest_seconds_value} due to an incorrect provided UNIX timestamp`;
if (unixTimestampSecondsPart > greatestSecondsValue) {
return `Error: The NTP Timestamp seconds part '${unixTimestampSecondsPart}' exceeds the greatest authorized seconds value ${greatestSecondsValue} due to an incorrect provided UNIX timestamp`;
// Convert the UNIX timestamp seconds part value (seconds elapsed since 01 january
// 1970 midnight) to NTP timestamp (seconds elapsed since 01 january 1900 midnight)
var ntp_timestamp_seconds_part = unix_timestamp_seconds_part + new Number("2208988800");
const ntpTimestampSecondsPart = unixTimestampSecondsPart + new Number("2208988800");
// Convert the NTP timestamp seconds fractions part value to seconds
var ntp_timestamp_fractions_part = unix_timestamp_fractions_part * (Math.pow(2, 32));
const ntpTimestampFractionsPart = unixTimestampFractionsPart * (Math.pow(2, 32));
if (format.startsWith("Hex")) {
// Convert Unix timestamp seconds and seconds fractions parts from decimal to hexadecimal
const hexNtpTimestampSecondsPart = ntpTimestampSecondsPart.toString(16);
let hexNtptimestampfractionsPart = ntpTimestampFractionsPart.toString(16);
// Convert Unix timestamp seconds and seconds fractions parts from decimal to hexadecimal
const hex_ntp_timestamp_seconds_part = ntp_timestamp_seconds_part.toString(16);
var hex_ntp_timestamp_fractions_part = ntp_timestamp_fractions_part.toString(16);
if (hex_ntp_timestamp_fractions_part == 0) {
if (hexNtptimestampfractionsPart === 0) {
// pad hexadecimal seconds fractions part
hex_ntp_timestamp_fractions_part = "00000000"
hexNtptimestampfractionsPart = "00000000";
// Concatenate seconds part hexadecimal value to seconds fractions part
// Concatenate seconds part hexadecimal value to seconds fractions part
// hexadecimal value to form the big-endian hexadecimal Unix timestamp
const be_hex_ntp_timestamp = hex_ntp_timestamp_seconds_part + hex_ntp_timestamp_fractions_part;
const beHexNtpTimestamp = hexNtpTimestampSecondsPart + hexNtptimestampfractionsPart;
if (format === "Hex (little-endian)") {
// Convert big-endian to little-endian
const le_hex_ntp_timestamp = new SwapEndianness().run(be_hex_ntp_timestamp, ["Raw", 16, false]);
return le_hex_ntp_timestamp;
const leHexNtpTimestamp = new SwapEndianness().run(beHexNtpTimestamp, ["Raw", 16, false]);
return leHexNtpTimestamp;
} else if (format === "Hex (big-endian)") {
return be_hex_ntp_timestamp;
return beHexNtpTimestamp;
} else {
throw new OperationError("Unrecognised format");
} else if (format === "Fixed-point decimal") {
// Construct the NTP timestamp by concatenating the seconds part
// Construct the NTP timestamp by concatenating the seconds part
// value to the seconds fractions part value separeted by a "."
const pf_ntp_timestamp=ntp_timestamp_seconds_part+'.'+ntp_timestamp_fractions_part;
return pf_ntp_timestamp;
const pfNtpTimestamp=ntpTimestampSecondsPart+"."+ntpTimestampFractionsPart;
return pfNtpTimestamp;
} else {
throw new OperationError("Unrecognised format");
throw new OperationError("Unrecognised format");
export default NTPTimestampToUNIXTimestamp;
export default NTPTimestampToUNIXTimestamp;

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@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ TestRegister.addTests([
recipeConfig: [
op: "UNIX Timestamp to NTP Timestamp",
args: ["Seconds (s)", "Floating-point", ],
args: ["Seconds (s)", "Floating-point"],