# Check Server Status Simple PHP Script for checking if a server is online or not and add additional other Check like SSL / PROC / Disk / memory ... Need php5.4 or+ ## Installation - Clone this repo in your web folder. - Add your servers in web page ! ### SSL check (Optional) for checking SSL information on hostname need to run the script in console - Need the script bash `./ssl-checks.sh` - dependance needed: `apt-get install openssl` Exemple: ```bash cd /path/Check-Server-Status ssl-checks.sh --host echosystem.fr --end > SSL.txt ``` ## Update - backup your servers.xml. - In the root directory make : `git pull` ## Screenshot ![https://git.echosystem.fr/Erreur32/Check-Server-Status/raw/branch/main/screen/Screenshot%202023-11-17%20%20%20Server%20Status%20Port.png](https://git.echosystem.fr/Erreur32/Check-Server-Status/raw/branch/main/screen/Screenshot%202023-11-17%20%20%20Server%20Status%20Port.png) ## INFORMATION 🚨 This page is not secure ! you need absolutly put a login or place it in a safety place ! ## Feel free to contact me to add more options. #### Inspired by https://github.com/MTco/Check-Server-Status