#!/usr/bin/php < hay at bykr dot org > * Make this executable * $ chmod u+x json2sql * Then invoke it from the command line like this * $ json2sql tablename myfile.json * The script will automatically write the resulting file as myfile.sql */ $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); function quit($msg) { die($msg . "\n"); } $table = $argv[1]; if (!$table) quit("No tablename given!"); $filename = $argv[2]; if (!file_exists($filename)) quit("File does not exist: $filename"); $file = file_get_contents($filename); if (!$file) quit("File read error with $filanme"); //echo "Processing $filename... \n"; $data = json_decode($file, true); $sql = ""; foreach($data as $obj) { $keys = implode('`,`', array_map('addslashes', array_keys($obj))); $values = implode("','", array_map('addslashes', array_values($obj))); $sql .= "INSERT INTO `$table` (`$keys`, `Dates`) VALUES ('$values', '$date');\n"; } // Create a filename based on the input file $out = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . ".sql"; if(!file_put_contents($out, $sql)) quit("Could not write contents to $out"); quit("Written SQL data to $out"); // php -f json2sql.php StatServer_5 server.json