<?php /** * This file is part of GameQ. * * GameQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GameQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ namespace GameQ\Protocols; use GameQ\Buffer; use GameQ\Exception\Protocol as Exception; use GameQ\Protocol; use GameQ\Result; /** * GTA Five M Protocol Class * * Server base can be found at https://fivem.net/ * * Based on code found at https://github.com/LiquidObsidian/fivereborn-query * * @author Austin Bischoff <austin@codebeard.com> */ class Gta5m extends Protocol { /** * Array of packets we want to look up. * Each key should correspond to a defined method in this or a parent class * * @type array */ protected $packets = [ self::PACKET_STATUS => "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetinfo xxx", ]; /** * Use the response flag to figure out what method to run * * @type array */ protected $responses = [ "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFinfoResponse" => "processStatus", ]; /** * The query protocol used to make the call * * @type string */ protected $protocol = 'gta5m'; /** * String name of this protocol class * * @type string */ protected $name = 'gta5m'; /** * Longer string name of this protocol class * * @type string */ protected $name_long = "GTA Five M"; /** * Normalize settings for this protocol * * @type array */ protected $normalize = [ // General 'general' => [ // target => source 'gametype' => 'gametype', 'hostname' => 'hostname', 'mapname' => 'mapname', 'maxplayers' => 'sv_maxclients', 'mod' => 'gamename', 'numplayers' => 'clients', 'password' => 'privateClients', ], ]; /** * Process the response * * @return array * @throws \GameQ\Exception\Protocol */ public function processResponse() { // In case it comes back as multiple packets (it shouldn't) $buffer = new Buffer(implode('', $this->packets_response)); // Figure out what packet response this is for $response_type = $buffer->readString(PHP_EOL); // Figure out which packet response this is if (empty($response_type) || !array_key_exists($response_type, $this->responses)) { throw new Exception(__METHOD__ . " response type '{$response_type}' is not valid"); } // Offload the call $results = call_user_func_array([$this, $this->responses[$response_type]], [$buffer]); return $results; } /* * Internal methods */ /** * Handle processing the status response * * @param Buffer $buffer * * @return array */ protected function processStatus(Buffer $buffer) { // Set the result to a new result instance $result = new Result(); // Lets peek and see if the data starts with a \ if ($buffer->lookAhead(1) == '\\') { // Burn the first one $buffer->skip(1); } // Explode the data $data = explode('\\', $buffer->getBuffer()); // No longer needed unset($buffer); $itemCount = count($data); // Now lets loop the array for ($x = 0; $x < $itemCount; $x += 2) { // Set some local vars $key = $data[$x]; $val = $data[$x + 1]; if (in_array($key, ['challenge'])) { continue; // skip } // Regular variable so just add the value. $result->add($key, $val); } /*var_dump($data); var_dump($result->fetch()); exit;*/ return $result->fetch(); } }