## Hi Survivor !! ![https://dayz.echosystem.fr](https://git.echosystem.fr/repo-avatars/191) # Simple live Stat for Dayz Standalone server. ### Required - Set the *config.php* file > Fill your `ip` , `port` , `query` and `omega server port mod` - mysql database (to store status server for graph) > Schema database is not ready yet. - put *statserverjson.sh* in crontab like this: > */5 * * * * /bin/bash /your/path/statserver_json.sh ### OPTIONAL: - Omega manager (to check mod only) ### sample: [example live page](https://dayz.echosystem.fr/server/Namalsk2) # ... STILL in Devlopment ... ----- Website: [dayz.echosystem.fr](https://dayz.echosystem.fr) Author: Erreur32