(function($) { //Attach this new method to jQuery $.fn.extend({ //This is where you write your plugin's name champ: function(options) { //Iterate over the current set of matched elements var defaults = { selector: "tab_wrapper", plugin_type: "tab", side: "", //responsive: "true", active_tab: "1", controllers: "false", ajax: "false", multiple_tabs: "false", show_ajax_content_in_tab: "false", content_path: "false" } var obj = $.extend(defaults, options); var li_rel = 1, div_rel = 1; return this.each(function() { var plugin_type = obj.plugin_type; var side = obj.side; var active_tab = obj.active_tab; var controllers = obj.controllers; //var responsive = obj.responsive; var multiple_tabs = obj.multiple_tabs; var ajax = obj.ajax; var show_ajax_content_in_tab = obj.show_ajax_content_in_tab; var content_path = obj.content_path; var tab_content_selector = $(this).find(" > div > div.tab_content"); var tab_selector = $(this).find(" >ul li"); var parent = $(this); var controller_parent = $(".controller").closest(".tab_wrapper"); var con_siblings; if (side != "") { parent.addClass(side + "_side"); } if (controllers == "true") { parent.addClass("withControls"); parent.append("
"); } if (plugin_type == "accordion") { //alert(34); parent.addClass("accordion"); parent.removeClass(side + "_side"); parent.removeClass("withControls"); $(".controller", parent).remove(); } if (ajax == "true") { $.ajax({ url: content_path, success: function(result) { $(" .tab_content.tab_" + show_ajax_content_in_tab, parent).html(result); } }); $(document).ajaxError(function(event, request, settings) { $(" .tab_content.tab_" + show_ajax_content_in_tab, parent).prepend("

Error requesting page " + settings.url + "

"); }); } function hide_controls(parent) { if (parent.find(" >ul li:eq(0)").hasClass("active")) { $(".controller .previous", parent).hide(); } else { $(".controller .previous", parent).show(); } if (parent.find(" >ul li").last().hasClass("active")) { $(".controller .next", parent).hide(); } else { $(".controller .next", parent).show(); } } $(".controller .previous", $(this)).click(function() { con_siblings = $(this).closest(".controller"); con_siblings.siblings("ul").find("li.active").prev().trigger("click"); hide_controls(controller_parent); }); $(".controller .next", $(this)).click(function() { con_siblings = $(this).closest(".controller"); con_siblings.siblings("ul").find("li.active").next().trigger("click"); hide_controls(controller_parent); }); $(this).find(" >ul li").removeClass("active"); $(this).find(" > div > div.tab_content").removeClass("active"); if (active_tab == "") { $(this).find(" >ul li:eq(0)").addClass("active").show(); //set active tab on load $(this).find(" > div > div.tab_content:eq(0)").addClass("active").show(); //set active tab on load hide_controls(parent); } else { $(this).find(" >ul li:eq(" + (active_tab - 1) + ")").addClass("active").show(); //set active tab on load $(this).find(" > div > div.tab_content:eq(" + (active_tab - 1) + ")").addClass("active").show(); //set active tab on load hide_controls(parent); } tab_content_selector.first().addClass("first"); tab_content_selector.last().addClass("last"); // add class to content div tab_content_selector.each(function() { var tab_count = $(this).parents(".tab_wrapper").length; var add_relation = "tab_" + tab_count + "_" + div_rel; //var add_relation = "tab_" + div_rel; $(this).addClass(add_relation); $(this).attr("title", add_relation); div_rel++; }); if (multiple_tabs == "true") { var get_parent = $(this).closest(".tab_wrapper"); var active_tab_text = $(this).find(" >ul li:eq(0)").text(); get_parent.addClass("show-as-dropdown"); get_parent.prepend("
" + active_tab_text + "
"); } $(".active_tab").click(function() { $(this).next().stop(true, true).slideToggle(); }); // add relation attr to li and generate accordion header for mobile //if (responsive == "true") { tab_selector.each(function() { var tab_count = $(this).parents(".tab_wrapper").length; var add_relation = "tab_" + tab_count + "_" + li_rel; var accordian_header = $(this).text(); //var add_relation = "tab_" + li_rel; var get_parent = $(this).closest(".tab_wrapper"); $(this).attr("rel", add_relation); var current_tab_class = $(this).attr("class"); tab_content_selector.each(function() { if ($(this).hasClass(add_relation)) { get_parent.find(" > div > div.tab_content." + add_relation).before("
" + accordian_header + "
"); } }); li_rel++; }); // } // on click of accordion header slideUp/SlideDown respective content $(".accordian_header").click(function() { var clicked_header = $(this).attr("title"); var content_status = $(this).next(".tab_content").css("display"); var get_closest_parent = $(this).closest(".tab_wrapper"); if (content_status == "none") { get_closest_parent.find(">.content_wrapper >.accordian_header").removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); get_closest_parent.find(">ul >li").removeClass("active"); get_closest_parent.find(">ul >li[rel='" + clicked_header + "']").addClass("active"); tab_content_selector.removeClass("active").stop(true, true).slideUp(); get_closest_parent.find(" > div > div.tab_content." + clicked_header).addClass("active").stop(true, true).slideDown(); } else { get_closest_parent.find(">.content_wrapper >.accordian_header").removeClass("active"); $(this).removeClass("active"); get_closest_parent.find(">ul >li").removeClass("active"); get_closest_parent.find(" > div > div.tab_content." + clicked_header).removeClass("active").stop(true, true).slideUp(); } }); // on click of tab hide/show respective content tab_selector.click(function() { var clicked_tab = $(this).attr("rel"); var get_new_closest_parent = $(this).closest(".tab_wrapper"); var get_closest_tab_list = $(this).closest(".tab_list"); get_closest_tab_list.next(".content_wrapper").find(" >.accordian_header").removeClass("active"); get_new_closest_parent.find(".accordian_header." + clicked_tab).addClass("active"); tab_content_selector.removeClass("active").hide(); get_new_closest_parent.find(" > div > div.tab_content." + clicked_tab).addClass("active").show(); tab_selector.removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); hide_controls(get_new_closest_parent); var winWidth = $(window).width(); if (multiple_tabs == "true") { if ($(this).parent(".tab_list").parent(".show-as-dropdown")) { var selected_tab_text = $(this).text(); $(".active_tab .text").text(selected_tab_text); } if (winWidth <= 768) { $(this).closest(".tab_list").stop(true, true).slideUp(); } } }); }); } }); })(jQuery);