<?php ini_set("allow_url_fopen", 1); // Edit this -> $ipserv = "" ; // IP server game $portserv = "2302" ; // Game Server Port $modport = "2312" ; // Mod port omega (+10) $queryport= "27016" ; // Queryport $title = "MY stat SERVER " ; // Web title page $descript = "Your crew desciption" ; $namemap = "MAP CHERNARUS"; // you can put what you want. // Don't touch below $urlserv = $ipserv.":".$portserv ; // need to fix if mod = 0 $json = file_get_contents('http://'.$ipserv.':'.$modport.'/'); $objhigher=json_decode($json); //converts to an object $objlower = $objhigher[0]; // if the json response its multidimensional this lowers it $objlower=json_decode($json); //converts to an array of objects // librarie SQ - info serv game require 'SQ_/bootstrap.php'; use xPaw\SourceQuery\SourceQuery; define( 'SQ_SERVER_ADDR', "${ipserv}" ); // IP server define( 'SQ_SERVER_PORT', "${queryport}" ); // YOUR QUERY PORT define( 'SQ_TIMEOUT', 3 ); define( 'SQ_ENGINE', SourceQuery::SOURCE ); $Timer = MicroTime( true ); $Query = new SourceQuery( ); $Info = Array( ); $Players = Array( ); try { $Query->Connect( SQ_SERVER_ADDR, SQ_SERVER_PORT, SQ_TIMEOUT, SQ_ENGINE ); $Info = $Query->GetInfo( ); $Players = $Query->GetPlayers( ); } catch( Exception $e ) { $Exception = $e; } $Query->Disconnect( ); $Timer = Number_Format( MicroTime( true ) - $Timer, 4, '.', '' ); $InfoGT = $Info['GameTags']; ?>