 * This file is part of GameQ.
 * GameQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * GameQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

namespace GameQ;

use GameQ\Exception\Protocol as Exception;

 * Class Buffer
 * Read specific byte sequences from a provided string or Buffer
 * @package GameQ
 * @author  Austin Bischoff <austin@codebeard.com>
 * @author  Aidan Lister <aidan@php.net>
 * @author  Tom Buskens <t.buskens@deviation.nl>
class Buffer

     * Constants for the byte code types we need to read as
    const NUMBER_TYPE_BIGENDIAN = 'be',
        NUMBER_TYPE_MACHINE = 'm';

     * The number type we use for reading integers.  Defaults to little endian
     * @type string
    private $number_type = self::NUMBER_TYPE_LITTLEENDIAN;

     * The original data
     * @type string
    private $data;

     * The original data
     * @type int
    private $length;

     * Position of pointer
     * @type int
    private $index = 0;

     * Constructor
     * @param string $data
     * @param string $number_type
    public function __construct($data, $number_type = self::NUMBER_TYPE_LITTLEENDIAN)

        $this->number_type = $number_type;
        $this->data = $data;
        $this->length = strlen($data);

     * Return all the data
     * @return  string    The data
    public function getData()

        return $this->data;

     * Return data currently in the buffer
     * @return  string    The data currently in the buffer
    public function getBuffer()

        return substr($this->data, $this->index);

     * Returns the number of bytes in the buffer
     * @return  int  Length of the buffer
    public function getLength()

        return max($this->length - $this->index, 0);

     * Read from the buffer
     * @param int $length
     * @return string
     * @throws \GameQ\Exception\Protocol
    public function read($length = 1)

        if (($length + $this->index) > $this->length) {
            throw new Exception("Unable to read length={$length} from buffer.  Bad protocol format or return?");

        $string = substr($this->data, $this->index, $length);
        $this->index += $length;

        return $string;

     * Read the last character from the buffer
     * Unlike the other read functions, this function actually removes
     * the character from the buffer.
     * @return string
    public function readLast()

        $len = strlen($this->data);
        $string = $this->data[strlen($this->data) - 1];
        $this->data = substr($this->data, 0, $len - 1);
        $this->length -= 1;

        return $string;

     * Look at the buffer, but don't remove
     * @param int $length
     * @return string
    public function lookAhead($length = 1)

        return substr($this->data, $this->index, $length);

     * Skip forward in the buffer
     * @param int $length
    public function skip($length = 1)

        $this->index += $length;

     * Jump to a specific position in the buffer,
     * will not jump past end of buffer
     * @param $index
    public function jumpto($index)

        $this->index = min($index, $this->length - 1);

     * Get the current pointer position
     * @return int
    public function getPosition()

        return $this->index;

     * Read from buffer until delimiter is reached
     * If not found, return everything
     * @param string $delim
     * @return string
     * @throws \GameQ\Exception\Protocol
    public function readString($delim = "\x00")

        // Get position of delimiter
        $len = strpos($this->data, $delim, min($this->index, $this->length));

        // If it is not found then return whole buffer
        if ($len === false) {
            return $this->read(strlen($this->data) - $this->index);

        // Read the string and remove the delimiter
        $string = $this->read($len - $this->index);

        return $string;

     * Reads a pascal string from the buffer
     * @param int  $offset      Number of bits to cut off the end
     * @param bool $read_offset True if the data after the offset is to be read
     * @return string
     * @throws \GameQ\Exception\Protocol
    public function readPascalString($offset = 0, $read_offset = false)

        // Get the proper offset
        $len = $this->readInt8();
        $offset = max($len - $offset, 0);

        // Read the data
        if ($read_offset) {
            return $this->read($offset);
        } else {
            return substr($this->read($len), 0, $offset);

     * Read from buffer until any of the delimiters is reached
     * If not found, return everything
     * @param      $delims
     * @param null $delimfound
     * @return string
     * @throws \GameQ\Exception\Protocol
     * @todo: Check to see if this is even used anymore
    public function readStringMulti($delims, &$delimfound = null)

        // Get position of delimiters
        $pos = [];
        foreach ($delims as $delim) {
            if ($p = strpos($this->data, $delim, min($this->index, $this->length))) {
                $pos[] = $p;

        // If none are found then return whole buffer
        if (empty($pos)) {
            return $this->read(strlen($this->data) - $this->index);

        // Read the string and remove the delimiter
        $string = $this->read($pos[0] - $this->index);
        $delimfound = $this->read();

        return $string;

     * Read an 8-bit unsigned integer
     * @return int
     * @throws \GameQ\Exception\Protocol
    public function readInt8()

        $int = unpack('Cint', $this->read(1));

        return $int['int'];

     * Read and 8-bit signed integer
     * @return int
     * @throws \GameQ\Exception\Protocol
    public function readInt8Signed()

        $int = unpack('cint', $this->read(1));

        return $int['int'];

     * Read a 16-bit unsigned integer
     * @return int
     * @throws \GameQ\Exception\Protocol
    public function readInt16()

        // Change the integer type we are looking up
        switch ($this->number_type) {
            case self::NUMBER_TYPE_BIGENDIAN:
                $type = 'nint';

            case self::NUMBER_TYPE_LITTLEENDIAN:
                $type = 'vint';

                $type = 'Sint';

        $int = unpack($type, $this->read(2));

        return $int['int'];

     * Read a 16-bit signed integer
     * @return int
     * @throws \GameQ\Exception\Protocol
    public function readInt16Signed()

        // Read the data into a string
        $string = $this->read(2);

        // For big endian we need to reverse the bytes
        if ($this->number_type == self::NUMBER_TYPE_BIGENDIAN) {
            $string = strrev($string);

        $int = unpack('sint', $string);


        return $int['int'];

     * Read a 32-bit unsigned integer
     * @return int
     * @throws \GameQ\Exception\Protocol
    public function readInt32()

        // Change the integer type we are looking up
        switch ($this->number_type) {
            case self::NUMBER_TYPE_BIGENDIAN:
                $type = 'Nint';

            case self::NUMBER_TYPE_LITTLEENDIAN:
                $type = 'Vint';

                $type = 'Lint';

        // Unpack the number
        $int = unpack($type, $this->read(4));

        return $int['int'];

     * Read a 32-bit signed integer
     * @return int
     * @throws \GameQ\Exception\Protocol
    public function readInt32Signed()

        // Read the data into a string
        $string = $this->read(4);

        // For big endian we need to reverse the bytes
        if ($this->number_type == self::NUMBER_TYPE_BIGENDIAN) {
            $string = strrev($string);

        $int = unpack('lint', $string);


        return $int['int'];

     * Read a 64-bit unsigned integer
     * @return int
     * @throws \GameQ\Exception\Protocol
    public function readInt64()

        // We have the pack 64-bit codes available. See: http://php.net/manual/en/function.pack.php
        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.3') >= 0 && PHP_INT_SIZE == 8) {
            // Change the integer type we are looking up
            switch ($this->number_type) {
                case self::NUMBER_TYPE_BIGENDIAN:
                    $type = 'Jint';

                case self::NUMBER_TYPE_LITTLEENDIAN:
                    $type = 'Pint';

                    $type = 'Qint';

            $int64 = unpack($type, $this->read(8));

            $int = $int64['int'];

        } else {
            if ($this->number_type == self::NUMBER_TYPE_BIGENDIAN) {
                $high = $this->readInt32();
                $low = $this->readInt32();
            } else {
                $low = $this->readInt32();
                $high = $this->readInt32();

            // We have to determine the number via bitwise
            $int = ($high << 32) | $low;

            unset($low, $high);

        return $int;

     * Read a 32-bit float
     * @return float
     * @throws \GameQ\Exception\Protocol
    public function readFloat32()

        // Read the data into a string
        $string = $this->read(4);

        // For big endian we need to reverse the bytes
        if ($this->number_type == self::NUMBER_TYPE_BIGENDIAN) {
            $string = strrev($string);

        $float = unpack('ffloat', $string);


        return $float['float'];