. */ namespace GameQ\Protocols; /** * World Opponent Network (WON) class * * Pre-cursor to the A2S (source) protocol system * * @author Nikolay Ipanyuk * @author Austin Bischoff * * @package GameQ\Protocols */ class Won extends Source { /** * Array of packets we want to look up. * Each key should correspond to a defined method in this or a parent class * * @type array */ protected $packets = [ self::PACKET_DETAILS => "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFdetails\x00", self::PACKET_PLAYERS => "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFplayers", self::PACKET_RULES => "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFrules", ]; /** * The query protocol used to make the call * * @type string */ protected $protocol = 'won'; /** * String name of this protocol class * * @type string */ protected $name = 'won'; /** * Longer string name of this protocol class * * @type string */ protected $name_long = "World Opponent Network"; }