#!/bin/bash # # Installation of MOTDs32 # Author: Erreur32 # Version 0.0.5 # # MOTDstat is dynamicaly refreshing the /etc/motd file with current informations # about system status and usage. # # Copyright 2017 Erreur32 # original project: Pavol Krigler # echo -n "Do you wish to install the missing package (y/n)? " old_stty_cfg=$(stty -g) stty raw -echo answer=$( while ! head -c 1 | grep -i '[ny]' ;do true ;done ) stty $old_stty_cfg if echo "$answer" | grep -iq "^y" ;then echo "Yes let's go" ; apt-get install -y ntp figlet else echo "No continue without"; make install fi ## install missing package # apt-get install -y ntp figlet ## start Installation #make install cp Stats32 /etc/motds32/Stats32 ## Install Crontab echo "add in crontab --> */5 * * * * /usr/bin/motds32 -g (generation each 5 minutes)" #crontab << FIN #$(crontab -l) ### MOTDs32 generation #*/5 * * * * /etc/motds32/Stats32 > /etc/motds32/Stats32.txt | /usr/bin/motds32 -g 2>1 ### #FIN /usr/bin/motds32 -g