#!/bin/sh # # MOTDs32 installation instructions # ================================== # # (2017) New project MOTDs32 by Erreur32 # Author: Erreur32 # Version 0.0.5 # # https://gitlab.echosystem.fr/Erreur32/MOTDs32 # # ,--. ,--. ,-----. ,--------.,------. ,----. ,---. # | `.' |' .-. ''--. .--'| .-. \ ,---. '.-. |'.-. \ # | |'.'| || | | | | | | | \ :( .-' .' < .-' .' # | | | |' '-' ' | | | '--' /.-' `)/'-' |/ '-. # `--' `--' `-----' `--' `-------' `----' `----' '-----' # # | + Stats32 | # MOTDstat is dynamicaly refreshing the /etc/motd file with current informations # about system status and usage. # # Copyright 2017 Erreur32 # original project: Pavol Krigler # # make sur this file is executable +x ################################################################################ # # Installation # ============ # # As root execute this command (the easy way!): # # ./install.sh # ################################################################################ ## clean terminal clear; cat <<"EOF" Installation of MOTDs32 | + Stats32 | ,--. ,--. ,-----. ,--------.,------. ,----. ,---. | `.' |' .-. ''--. .--'| .-. \ ,---. '.-. |'.-. \ | |'.'| || | | | | | | | \ :( .-' .' ; .-' .' | | | |' '-' ' | | | '--' /.-' `)/'-' |/ '-. `--' `--' `-----' `--' `-------' `----' `----' '-----' By Erreur32 EOF echo -e "\033[1;30m# MOTDstat is dynamicaly refreshing the /etc/motd file with current informations" echo -e "\033[1;30m# about system status and usage." # Make sure only root can run our script if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo -e "\n\e[34mInstallation of MOTDs32 in progress... \e[0m\n\n" ## Install command in bashrc #echo -ne '\e[0m # (5%)\r' #sleep 1 #echo -e "\n\n" if [ `grep -c /etc/motd /root/.bashrc` == 0 ] then echo -e " code bash missing" echo "cat /etc/motd" >> /root/.bashrc echo -e "\e[92m Code bash \e[0madded.\n" else grepmot=`grep '/etc/motd' /root/.bashrc` echo -e "Code bash found $grepmot \n" #sed -i '/cat \/etc\/motd/d' /root/.bashrc #echo -e "\e[92m Code .bashrc remove.\e[0m" fi ## Insdtall modules if [ -f "/etc/motds32/Stats32" ] then echo -e " -->\e[34m Stats32 already installed\e[0m" else mkdir /etc/motds32; cp Stats32 /etc/motds32/Stats32 -Rf fi if [ -f /usr/bin/motd ] then echo -e " -->\e[34m motd already installed\e[0m" else ln -s /usr/bin/motds32 /usr/bin/motd fi echo -e " -->\e[34m Copy files OK\n" #echo -ne '\e[0m #########(50%)\r' #sleep 1 #echo -ne "\n" echo -e "\nDo you wish to install the required package?\n \e[0m --> apt-get install ntp figlet ? (y/n) " old_stty_cfg=$(stty -g) stty raw -echo answer=$( while ! head -c 1 | grep -i '[ny]' ;do true ;done ) stty $old_stty_cfg if echo "$answer" | grep -iq "^y" ;then echo -e "\n\e[92m apt-get install \e[0m ntp figlet \e[94m start\e[0m\n" ; apt-get install -y ntp figlet; echo -e "\n\e[92m apt-get installation\e[0m Succesfull\n" if [ -f /usr/bin/motds32 ] then echo -e "\n\e[92m Make file\e[0m done.\n" else make install echo -e "\n\e[92m Make file\e[0m done.\n" fi else echo -e "\n\e[34mDo you want to continue this installation? (y/n)\n " old2_stty_cfg=$(stty -g) stty raw -echo answer2=$( while ! head -c 2 | grep -i '[ny]' ;do true ;done ) stty $old2_stty_cfg if echo "$answer2" | grep -iq "^y" ;then echo -e "\n\e[92m No apt-get required\e[0m Installation continue... \n"; make install else exit 1 fi fi #echo -ne '\e[0m ##################(90%)\r' #sleep 1 #echo -e "\n" ## Install Crontab if crontab -l | grep -q '/usr/bin/motds32'; then echo -e "\e[92m Cron already \e[0madded." else echo -e "\e[92m Cron \e[0m added." (crontab -l ; echo "*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/motds32 -g 2>1")| crontab - fi ## Generate first stats /usr/bin/motds32 -g #echo -ne '\n\e[0m #######################(100%)\r\n\n' echo -e "\n\n\e[34m \e[92m Installation of MOTDs32 completed!\e[0m \n\n\nHelp? Use: \n \033[1;30m/usr/bin/motds32\e[0m \nor \033[1;30m\n motd\e[0m\n" exit 0 #EOF