    -->  motdstat 0.0.4 become MOTDs32 0.0.5
      - NEW features: add more info  
	- IP ...
	- Hostname with figlet (auto install)
	- Show who is connected with SSH 
	- ADD show numbers of process
	- ADD a ./install and ./uninstall script.
	- ...
	- need to finish the changelog :P
        motdstat 0.0.4
	- FEATURE: autodiscovery of "netservice" and "process" configuration files 
        from running network services and processes. (thanks to Bongermino Björ)
      - FEATURE: checking if the "mail" command is installed
      - FIXED: hostname detection. Instead of using 'hostname -f' the $HOSTNAME variable is used
	- FIXED: '\n' in syslog messages

	motdstat 0.0.3
	- FIXED: gaps/spaces in ntp status
	- FIXED: swapped yellow/red colors in "Disk Status" column header
	- FEATURE: e-mail notification on system reboot
	- FEATURE: custom executable commands for Load, Memory, NTP and SWAP tresholds
	- FEATURE: custom configurable partition usage (auto-create from /etc/fstab)
	- FEATURE: customizable sending messages to local syslog

	motdstat 0.0.2
	- fixed: checking if /etc/motd file exists
	- fixed: displaying correct swap usage value in instead of swap total value in kb
	- fixed: a couple of typo fixes
	- fixed: deleting temporary files .motdstat_mail_$$ in temporary directory /tmp
	- fixed: handling stderr message(s) when checking ntp status using ntpq command
	- fixed: e-mail notification sending when ntp synchronization was lost
	- fixed: installation makefile overwrite already installed config files
	- changed "swap:" instead of "swaptotal:" in memory column
	- changed "memory:" instead of "memtotal:" in memory column
 	- displaying real memory usage instead of total memory
	- updated readme documentation file

	motdstat 0.0.1
	- initial release