#!/bin/sh # # Removal script of MOTDs32 # # make sur this file is executable +x ## clean terminal clear; cat <<"EOF" Installation of MOTDs32 | + Stats32 | ,--. ,--. ,-----. ,--------.,------. ,----. ,---. | `.' |' .-. ''--. .--'| .-. \ ,---. '.-. |'.-. \ | |'.'| || | | | | | | | \ :( .-' .' ; .-' .' | | | |' '-' ' | | | '--' /.-' `)/'-' |/ '-. `--' `--' `-----' `--' `-------' `----' `----' '-----' By Erreur32 # MOTDstat is dynamicaly refreshing the /etc/motd file with current informations # about system status and usage. EOF # Make sure only root can run our script if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo -e "\n\e[34m Dsinstallation of MOTDs32 in progress... \e[0m" ## remove all stuff make uninstall rm /etc/motds32/ -Rf rm /usr/bin/motd -f echo -e "\n\e[92m MOTDs32 removed \e[0m"