#!/bin/sh # # MOTDs32 installation instructions # ================================== # # (2017) New project MOTDs32 by Erreur32 # Author: Erreur32 # Version 0.0.5 # # https://gitlab.echosystem.fr/Erreur32/MOTDs32 # # ,--. ,--. ,-----. ,--------.,------. ,----. ,---. # | `.' |' .-. ''--. .--'| .-. \ ,---. '.-. |'.-. \ # | |'.'| || | | | | | | | \ :( .-' .' < .-' .' # | | | |' '-' ' | | | '--' /.-' `)/'-' |/ '-. # `--' `--' `-----' `--' `-------' `----' `----' '-----' # # | + Stats32 | # MOTDstat is dynamicaly refreshing the /etc/motd file with current informations # about system status and usage. # # Copyright 2017 Erreur32 # original project: Pavol Krigler # # ################################################################################ # # Installation # ============ # # As root execute this command (the easy way!): # # ./Install.sh # ################################################################################ ## clean terminal clear; ## Install command in bashrc echo "cat /etc/motd" >> /root/.bashrc ## Insdtall modules #mkdir /etc/motds32 if [ -e /etc/motds32/Stats32] then echo -e "Stats32 already installed" else mkdir /etc/motds32; cp Stats32 /etc/motds32/Stats32 -Rf fi if [ -e /usr/bin/motd] then echo -e "motd already installed" else ln -s /usr/bin/motds32 /usr/bin/motd fi echo -e "Do you wish to install the missing package before (y/n)? \n --> apt-get install ntp figlet ?" old_stty_cfg=$(stty -g) stty raw -echo answer=$( while ! head -c 1 | grep -i '[ny]' ;do true ;done ) stty $old_stty_cfg if echo "$answer" | grep -iq "^y" ;then echo -e "/n OK installation start: ntp figlet" ; apt-get install -y ntp figlet; make install else echo -e "/n No continue without"; make install fi ## Install Crontab echo -e "\n \n Add ENTRY in ROOT crontab (generation each 5 minutes)" crontab << FIN $(crontab -l) ### MOTDs32 generation (5 min) */5 * * * * /usr/bin/motds32 -g 2>1 ### FIN ## Generate first stats /usr/bin/motds32 -g #EOF