(2017) New project MOTDs32 Custom MOTD by Erreur32

coverage report


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          |  +	Stats32   |

MOTDs32 Documentation:

Original project: http://www.gelogic.net/

MOTDs32 is a fork of the excelent MOTDstat !

Usage: generate dynamicaly the /etc/motd file with current information about system resources and usage

Using crontab the script will periodically display status of system resources and services.

The original message of the day is now stored in /etc/motd.orig file.

Everytime you connect throught the SSH you will see some informations (customisable).

See example


git clone https://gitlab.echosystem.fr/Erreur32/MOTDs32.git

type inside the directory:

Answer: y (install the package needed)
If you want to check MANUALY,
try this command: /usr/bin/motds32
Usage: motds32 OPTIONS
    -g, --generate    Check system status and generate it to /etc/motd file
    -s, --status      Show limited content of MOTD file
    -v, --version     Display information about motds32 version and author
    -m, --MotD32      See the MOTD file
You can see the result with : cat /etc/motd
or usr/bin/motds32 -c
or motd -m


need to redownload the last version form gitlab, do the following:
git clone https://gitlab.echosystem.fr/Erreur32/MOTDs32.git
cd MOTDs32
git pull

Sample MOTD32 report

00:03:47 19/07  @echosystem .../Stats-tools/MOTDs32 (master)# /usr/bin/motds32 -c

 motd -m
Read motds32 file
        echosystem.fr  > status at 10:05 > 5min load is 0.82 on 8 cpu(s)

      Disk status        |      Memory status       |     Service status
partition      free  usg | Memory      used kB  [%] | service(s)        (count)
/              4,9G  74% | Memory:    59711808  90% | tcp/
/home          1,5T  12% | Swap:          3560   0% | tcp6/:::2222
                         | Buffers:    1271192      | tcp/
                         | Cached:    51624824      | tcp6/:::25
                         |                          | tcp/
                         |                          | tcp6/:::80
                         |                          | tcp6/:::443
                         |                          | udp/
                         |                          | udp/
                         |                          | udp/
                         |                          | udp6/fe80::ec4:7aff:fe0f:123
                         |                          | udp6/2001:41d0:d:2e5:::123
                         |                          | udp6/::1:123
             __                             __                      ___
.-----.----.|  |--.-----.-----.--.--.-----.|  |_.-----.--------.  .'  _|.----.
|  -__|  __||     |  _  |__ --|  |  |__ --||   _|  -__|        |__|   _||   _|
|_____|____||__|__|_____|_____|___  |_____||____|_____|__|__|__|__|__|  |__|
/bin/bash : root

 10:05:39 up 66 days, 15:35,  2 users,  load average: 1,40, 0,79, 0,67
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
erreur32 pts/0   mar.15    2days  1.62s  0.26s sshd: erreur32 [priv]
erreur32 pts/1    2a01:e35:8aa3:87 08:57    4.00s  1.10s  0.01s sshd: erreur32 [priv]

Debian GNU/Linux 8.8 (jessie) (3.16.0-4-amd64).
Kernel Info:    Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 x86_64

-----------     ---     ------------    ----------
System load :   1.40    IP Address:
Memory usage:   10.3%   System uptime:  66 days
Usage on /  :   74%     Swap usage:     0.0%
Local Users :   2       Processes:      282
-----------     ---     ------------    ----------

  vendredi 21 juillet 2017, 10:05:39 (UTC+0200)

  mercredi 19 juillet 2017, 00:05:44 (UTC+0200)

Explanation of the report

Explanation of the report

   system hostname              report time        system load
         |                          |                   |
         |      NTP status          |                   |  Number of CPU(s)
         |         |                |                   |      |
         V         V                V                   V      V                  
    echosystem.fr+-+  > status at 00:03 > 5min load is 0.75 on 8 cpu(s)
View on terminal screen the resultat: https://echosystem.fr/termrec/MOTDs32.html



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