96 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable file
96 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable file
# tclock - Display a clock in a terminal
BG_BLUE="$(tput setab 4)"
FG_BLACK="$(tput setaf 0)"
FG_WHITE="$(tput setaf 7)"
terminal_size() { # Calculate the size of the terminal
terminal_cols="$(tput cols)"
terminal_rows="$(tput lines)"
banner_size() {
# Because there are different versions of banner, we need to
# calculate the size of our banner's output
while read; do
[[ ${#REPLY} -gt $banner_cols ]] && banner_cols=${#REPLY}
done < <(banner "12:34 PM")
display_clock() {
# Since we are putting the clock in the center of the terminal,
# we need to read each line of banner's output and place it in the
# right spot.
local row=$clock_row
while read; do
tput cup $row $clock_col
echo -n "$REPLY"
done < <(banner "$(date +'%I:%M %p')")
# Set a trap to restore terminal on Ctrl-c (exit).
# Reset character attributes, make cursor visible, and restore
# previous screen contents (if possible).
trap 'tput sgr0; tput cnorm; tput rmcup || clear; exit 0' SIGINT
# Save screen contents and make cursor invisible
tput smcup; tput civis
# Calculate sizes and positions
clock_row=$(((terminal_rows - banner_rows) / 2))
clock_col=$(((terminal_cols - banner_cols) / 2))
progress_row=$((clock_row + banner_rows + 1))
progress_col=$(((terminal_cols - 60) / 2))
# In case the terminal cannot paint the screen with a background
# color (tmux has this problem), create a screen-size string of
# spaces so we can paint the screen the hard way.
for ((i=0; i < (terminal_cols * terminal_rows); ++i)); do
blank_screen="${blank_screen} "
# Set the foreground and background colors and go!
echo -n ${BG_BLUE}${FG_WHITE}
while true; do
# Set the background and draw the clock
if tput bce; then # Paint the screen the easy way if bce is supported
else # Do it the hard way
tput home
echo -n "$blank_screen"
tput cup $clock_row $clock_col
# Draw a black progress bar then fill it in white
tput cup $progress_row $progress_col
echo -n ${FG_BLACK}
echo -n "###########################################################"
tput cup $progress_row $progress_col
echo -n ${FG_WHITE}
# Advance the progress bar every second until a minute is used up
for ((i = $(date +%S);i < 60; ++i)); do
echo -n "#"
sleep 1