bin | ||
etc/motds32 | ||
INSTALL | || | ||
Makefile | || | ||
Stats32 |
MOTDs32 installation instructions
(2017) New project MOTDs32 by Erreur32
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MOTDstat Documentation
Original project:
MOTDstat will dynamicaly generate the /etc/motd file with current
information about system resources and usage. Using crontab the script will periodically display status of system resources and services. The original message of the day is now stored in /etc/motd.orig file. By configuring e-mail address you'll receive the notifications about following issues:
o high CPU load (configurable warning/critical limits)
o exceeding disk space (configurable warning/critical limits on
o intensive usage of SWAP space (configurable warning/critical limits)
o specific process is not runnig
o specific local network service is not running
o NTP is not synchronized with network peer(s) (ntpq is required)
o too many e-mails in mail queue (mailq is required)
o system reboot
The system status report is organized into three columns:
o 1st column contains information about partition(s) free space and
usage in percentage.
o 2nd column will display information about used memory and SWAP space
o 3rd column will monitor running processes and local network services
You are able to modify the disk space warning and critical limits per
mounted filesystem. First time you run the MOTDstat, the fstab_limits file will be generated with default warning and critical limit. You can setup the limits by your needs. If some partition is not mounted, the notification e-mail will be send.
(git clone
type : ./
cd /PATH/MOTDs32 git pull
When you want MOTD to be displayed while logging via SSH client you will
have to change setting on the SSH daemon as following: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PrintMotd yes
To apply the changes, restart the SSH server daemon.
Sample MOTDstat report*+ > status at 19:15 > 5min load is 1.06 on 4 cpu(s)
Disk status | Memory status | Service status
partition free usg | Memory used kB [%] | services (count) / 2.7G 41% | Memory: 1013676 97% | tcp/ /boot 100M 14% | Swap: 6 0% | tcp/ /var 33G 11% | Buffers: 506268 | tcp/ /var/log 8.7G 4% | Cached: 2490812 | tcp/ /tmp 4.4G 4% | | tcp/ | | udp/ | | udp/ | | ntpd | | httpd (15) | | mysqld (2) | | master
Explanation of the report
system hostname report time system load
| | |
| NTP status | | Number of CPU(s)
| | | | |
V V V V V*+ > status at 19:15 > 5min load is 1.06 on 4 cpu(s)