The new MOTD 2018 is MOTDs32
Find a file
2017-08-08 23:47:32 +02:00
bin modif text 2017-08-08 18:30:38 +02:00
etc/motds32 new 2017-07-30 23:19:31 +02:00
fonts new 2017-07-30 23:19:31 +02:00
CHANGELOG add fix chmod file 2017-07-31 14:47:45 +02:00
INSTALL new 2017-07-30 23:25:27 +02:00 Update 2017-07-31 19:15:39 +02:00
Makefile add fix 2017-07-31 15:09:29 +02:00 Update 2017-08-08 23:47:32 +02:00
Stats32 Update Stats32 command last -a 2017-08-08 23:35:15 +02:00

MIT Licence Project 2017 fork on MOTDstat

MOTDs32 = MOTD + Stats32

,--.   ,--. ,-----. ,--------.,------.         ,----.  ,---.
|   `.'   |'  .-.  ''--.  .--'|  .-.  \  ,---. '.-.  |'.-.  \
|  |'.'|  ||  | |  |   |  |   |  |  \  :(  .-'   .' ;  .-' .'
|  |   |  |'  '-'  '   |  |   |  '--'  /.-'  `)/'-'  |/   '-.
`--'   `--' `-----'    `--'   `-------' `----' `----' '-----'

          |  +	   |
                                             by  🅴🆁🆁🅴🆄🆁32

What it is? Requirements Installation Uninstall Documentation Sample Report Stats git Repo License

What it is?

MOTDs32 is a fork of the excelent MOTDstat ! Original project modstat

Usage: generate dynamicaly the /etc/motd file with current information about system resources and usage The original message of the day is now stored in /etc/motd.orig file. Everytime you connect throught the SSH you will see some informations (customisable).

  • It's only for a g33k or adminsys for check some services status in the shell.

  • Add a beautifull MOTD for shell bash, each ssh connection and also with bash command.


  • SHELL >= bash: 4.3.30(1)
  • figlet (install auto in
  • build-essential (package for build) (install auto in


(See install file.)

type inside the directory:

$ ./
   -->   Answer: y and enter (install the package if needed)  
    -->   see option 3 for uninstall

You can set differents features in /etc/motds32/motds32.conf


need to redownload the last version form gitlab, do the following:

$ git clone
$ cd MOTDs32
$ ./ (option 3)
$ git pull
$ ./


Choose option 3 with ./ script !


in your shell bash type: motd

$  motd
Usage: motds32 OPTIONS
    -g, --generate    Check system status and generate it to /etc/motd file
    -s, --status      Show limited content of MOTD file
    -v, --version     Display information about motds32 version and author
    -m, --MotD32      See the MOTD file

Result with CAT:

$  cat /etc/motd

Result with motds32:

$  /usr/bin/motds32

Sample MOTD32 Report

$ motd -m
Read motds32 file  > status at 10:05 > 5min load is 0.82 on 8 cpu(s)

      Disk status        |      Memory status       |     Service status
partition      free  usg | Memory      used kB  [%] | service(s)        (count)
/              4,9G  74% | Memory:    59711808  90% | tcp/
/home          1,5T  12% | Swap:          3560   0% | tcp6/:::2222
                         | Buffers:    1271192      | tcp/
                         | Cached:    51624824      | tcp6/:::25
                         |                          | tcp/
                         |                          | tcp6/:::80
                         |                          | tcp6/:::443
                         |                          | udp/
                         |                          | udp/
                         |                          | udp/
                         |                          | udp6/fe80::ec4:7aff:fe0f:123
                         |                          | udp6/2001:41d0:d:2e5:::123
                         |                          | udp6/::1:123
             __                             __                      ___
.-----.----.|  |--.-----.-----.--.--.-----.|  |_.-----.--------.  .'  _|.----.
|  -__|  __||     |  _  |__ --|  |  |__ --||   _|  -__|        |__|   _||   _|
|_____|____||__|__|_____|_____|___  |_____||____|_____|__|__|__|__|__|  |__|
/bin/bash : root

 10:05:39 up 66 days, 15:35,  2 users,  load average: 1,40, 0,79, 0,67
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
erreur32 pts/0    143.173.370.24   mar.15    2days  1.62s  0.26s sshd: erreur32 [priv]
erreur32 pts/1    2a01:e45:8ad3:7 08:57    4.00s  1.10s  0.01s sshd: erreur32 [priv]

Debian GNU/Linux 8.8 (jessie) (3.16.0-4-amd64).
Kernel Info:    Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 x86_64

-----------     ---     ------------    ----------
System load :   1.40    IP Address:
Memory usage:   10.3%   System uptime:  66 days
Usage on /  :   74%     Swap usage:     0.0%
Local Users :   2       Processes:      282
-----------     ---     ------------    ----------

  vendredi 21 juillet 2017, 10:05:39 (UTC+0200)

Explanation of the report

   system hostname              report time        system load
         |                          |                   |
         |      NTP status          |                   |  Number of CPU(s)
         |         |                |                   |      |
         V         V                V                   V      V               > status at 00:03 > 5min load is 0.75 on 8 cpu(s)</code></pre>

Stats Repo

Powered by 🅴🆁🆁🅴🆄🆁32