# Make-My-htpasswd Script to create htpasswd hash for htaccess file. Original repo. https://git.echosystem.fr/Erreur32/Make-My-htpasswd ## How to install - go to your web directory, - git clone https://git.echosystem.fr/Erreur32/Make-My-htpasswd.git ( maybe need to check owner file ) : $ chown www-data /path/to/Make-My-htpasswd - check with your favorite browser. :) ## TODO - Finish README ;) - Add credits and Sources. - Finish Update script Version. - Fixer le mix anglo-french (soit tout en anglais, soit tout en français, mais pas les deux...) ^^ ********************************************************** SCREEN ![](https://upfile.echosystem.fr/plugins/imageviewer/site/direct.php?s=2W1&/Screenshot-2018__tools_echosystem_fr.png) ![](https://upfile.echosystem.fr/plugins/imageviewer/site/direct.php?s=5xh&/Screenshot-2018-2-21_https_tools_echosystem_fr.png) * Scrypt by Erreur32*