--- title: Home body_classes: 'title-center title-h1h2' ---


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I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. !!!!

- Henri Matisse

!!!! ! Rejoignez la procédure contre les GAFAM: [https://gafam.laquadrature.net/](https://gafam.laquadrature.net/)


# Say Hello to Grav! ## installation successful... Congratulations! You have installed the **Base Grav Package** that provides a **simple page** and the default **Quark** theme to get you started. !! If you see a **404 Error** when you click `Typography` in the menu, please refer to the [troubleshooting guide](http://learn.getgrav.org/troubleshooting/page-not-found). ### Find out all about Grav * Learn about **Grav** by checking out our dedicated [Learn Grav](http://learn.getgrav.org) site. * Download **plugins**, **themes**, as well as other Grav **skeleton** packages from the [Grav Downloads](http://getgrav.org/downloads) page. * Check out our [Grav Development Blog](http://getgrav.org/blog) to find out the latest goings on in the Grav-verse. !!! If you want a more **full-featured** base install, you should check out [**Skeleton** packages available in the downloads](http://getgrav.org/downloads). ### Edit this Page To edit this page, simply navigate to the folder you installed **Grav** into, and then browse to the `user/pages/01.home` folder and open the `default.md` file in your [editor of choice](http://learn.getgrav.org/basics/requirements). You will see the content of this page in [Markdown format](http://learn.getgrav.org/content/markdown). ### Create a New Page Creating a new page is a simple affair in **Grav**. Simply follow these simple steps: 1. Navigate to your pages folder: `user/pages/` and create a new folder. In this example, we will use [explicit default ordering](http://learn.getgrav.org/content/content-pages) and call the folder `03.mypage`. 2. Launch your text editor and paste in the following sample code: --- title: My New Page --- # My New Page! This is the body of **my new page** and I can easily use _Markdown_ syntax here. 3. Save this file in the `user/pages/03.mypage/` folder as `default.md`. This will tell **Grav** to render the page using the **default** template. 4. That is it! Reload your browser to see your new page in the menu. ! NOTE: The page will automatically show up in the Menu after the "Typography" menu item. If you wish to change the name that shows up in the Menu, simple add: `menu: My Page` between the dashes in the page content. This is called the YAML front matter, and it is where you configure page-specific options.