--- title: s-tui media_order: s-tui-stress-terminal-ui-monitoring-.jpgng.jpg private: false date: '10:43 06-04-2018' taxonomy: category: - blog - articles tag: - articles - debian - tools - monitoring process: markdown: true twig: false twig_first: true creator: erreur32 hero_classes: 'hero-small text-light overlay-dark' blog_url: /blog show_sidebar: true show_breadcrumbs: true show_pagination: true content: items: '- ''@self.children''' limit: '5' order: by: date dir: desc pagination: '1' url_taxonomy_filters: '1' --- Project: [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amanusk/s-tui/](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amanusk/s-tui/) #### The Stress Terminal UI: s-tui ![](https://github.com/amanusk/s-tui/blob/master/ScreenShots/stui_logo.png?raw=true) s-tui is a terminal UI for monitoring your computer. s-tui allows to monitor CPU temperature, frequency, power and utilization in a graphical way from the terminal. #### Screenshot ![](https://github.com/amanusk/s-tui/blob/master/ScreenShots/s-tui2.gif?raw=true) * [The Stress Terminal UI: s-tui](#the-stress-terminal-ui-s-tui) * [Screenshot](#screenshot) * [What it does](#what-it-does) * [Usage](#usage) * [Simple installation](#simple-installation) * [pip (x86 ARM)](#pip-x86--arm) * [Options](#options) * [Dependencies](#dependencies) * [Other installation methods](#other-installation-methods) * [Ubuntu](#ubuntu) * [Arch-Linux](#arch-linux) * [Build](#build) * [Compatibility](#compatibility) * [FAQ](#faq) ## What it does * Monitoring your CPU temperature/utilization/frequency/power * Shows performance dips caused by thermal throttling * Requires minimal resources * Requires no X-server * Built in options for stressing the CPU (stress/stress-ng) ### Usage ``` s-tui ``` or ``` sudo s-tui ``` ### Simple installation #### pip (x86 + ARM) The most up to date version of s-tui is available with pip ``` sudo pip install s-tui ``` Or if you cannot use sudo: ``` pip install s-tui --user ``` If you are installing s-tui on a Raspberry-Pi you might need to install `python-dev` first ### Options ``` ********s-tui manual******** usage: s_tui.py [-h] [-d] [-c] [-t] [-j] [-nm] [-v] [-ct CUSTOM_TEMP] TUI interface: The side bar houses the controls for the displayed grahps. At the bottom of the side bar, more information is presented in text form. * Use the arrow keys or 'hjkl' to navigate the side bar * Toggle between stressed and regular operation using the radio buttons in 'Modes'. * If you wish to alternate stress defaults, you can do it in 'Stress options' * Select a different temperature sensors from the 'Temp Sensors' menu * Change time between updates using the 'Refresh' field * Use the 'Reset' button to reset graphs and statistics * Toggle displayed graphs by selecting the [X] check box * If a sensor is not available on your system, N/A is presented * If your system supports it, you can use the utf8 button to get a smoother graph * Press 'q' or the 'Quit' button to quit * Run `s-tui --help` to get this message and additional cli options optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -d, --debug Output debug log to _s-tui.log -c, --csv Save stats to csv file -t, --terminal Display a single line of stats without tui -j, --json Display a single line of stats in JSON format -nm, --no-mouse Disable Mouse for TTY systems -v, --version Display version -ct CUSTOM_TEMP, --custom_temp CUSTOM_TEMP Custom temperature sensors. The format is: , As it appears in 'sensors' e.g > sensors it8792-isa-0a60, temp1: +47.0C temp2: +35.0C temp3: +37.0C use: -ct it8792,0 for temp 1 -cf CUSTOM_FAN, --custom_fan CUSTOM_FAN Similar to custom temp e.g >sensors thinkpad-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter fan1: 1975 RPM use: -cf thinkpad,0 for fan1 ``` ### Dependencies s-tui is a great tool for monitoring. If you would like to stress your computer, install stress. Stress options will then show up in s-tui (optional) ``` sudo apt-get install stress ``` ## Configuration s-tui is a self-contained application which can run out-of-the-box and doesn't need config files to drive its core features. However, additional features like running scripts when a certain threshold has been exceeded (e.g. CPU temperature) does necessitate creating a config directory. This directory will be made in `~/.config/s-tui` by default. #### Adding threshold scripts s-tui gives you the ability to run arbitrary shell scripts when a certain threshold is surpassed, like your CPU temperature. You can define this custom behaviour by adding a shell file to the directory `~/.config/s-tui/hooks.d` with one of the following names, depending on what threshold you're interesting in reacting to: * `temperaturesource.sh`: triggered when the CPU temperature threshold is exceeded If s-tui finds a script in the hooks directory with the name of a source it supports, it will run that script every 30 seconds as long as the current value of the source remains above the threshold. Note that at the moment only CPU temperature threshold hooks are supported. ### More installation methods #### Ubuntu The latest stable version of s-tui is available via pip. To install pip on Ubuntu run: `sudo apt-get install gcc python-dev python-pip` Once pip is installed, install s-tui from pip: `(sudo) pip install s-tui` A *deprecated* ppa is available (tested on Ubuntu 16.04) ``` sudo add-apt-repository ppa:amanusk/python-s-tui sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-s-tui ``` #### Arch-Linux AUR packages of s-tui are available `s-tui` is the latest stable release version. Maintined by [@DonOregano](https://github.com/DonOregano) `s-tui-git` follows the master branch. maintained by [@MauroMombelli](https://github.com/MauroMombelli) install with `(sudo) yaourt -S s-tui` ### Run source code Running s-tui from source Clone ``` git clone https://github.com/amanusk/s-tui.git ``` Install dependencies, these need to be installed to run `s-tui.py` ``` (sudo) pip install urwid (sudo) pip install psutil ``` Install stress (optional) ``` sudo apt-get install stress ``` Run the .py file ``` (sudo) python -m s_tui.s_tui ``` #### OPTIONAL integration of FIRESTARTER (via submodule, does not work on all systems) FIRESTARTER is a great tool to stress your system to the extreme. If you would like, you can integrate FIRESTARTER submodule into s-tui. To build FIRESTARTER ``` git submodule init git submodule update cd ./FIRESTARTER ./code-generator.py make ``` Once you have completed these steps, you can either: * Install FIRESTARTER to make it accessible to s-tui, e.g make a soft-link to FIRESTARTER in /usr/local/bin. * Run s-tui from the main project directory with `python -m s_tui.s_tui` An option to run FIRESTARTER will then be available in s-tui ### Compatibility s-tui uses psutil to probe some of your hardware information. If your hardware is not supported, you might not see all the information. * On Intel machines: Running s-tui as root gives access to the maximum Turbo Boost frequency available to your CPU when stressing all cores. Running without root will display the Turbo Boost available on a single core. * Power read is supported on Intel Core CPUs of the second generation and newer (Sandy Bridge) * s-tui tested to run on Raspberry-Pi 3,2,1 ### Q&A __Q__: How is this different from htop? __A__: s-tui is not a processes monitor like htop. The purpose is to monitor your CPU statistics and have an option to test the system under heavy load. (Think AIDA64 stress test, not task manager). __Q__: What features require sudo permissions? __A__: Top Turbo frequency varies depending on how many cores are utilized. Sudo permissions are required in order to accurately read the top frequency when all the cores are utilized. __Q__: I don't have a temperature graph __A__: Systems have different sensors to read CPU temperature. If you do not see a temperature read, your system might not be supported (yet). You can try manually setting the sensor with the cli interface (see --help), or selecting a sensor from the 'Temp Sensors' menu __Q__: I have a temperature graph, but it is wrong. __A__: A default sensor is selected for temperature reads. On some systems this sensor might indicate the wrong temperature. You can manually select a sensor from the 'Temp Sensors' menu or using the cli interface (see --help) __Q__: I am using the TTY with no X server and s-tui crashes on start __A__: By default, s-tui is handles mouse inputs. This causes some systems to crash. Try running `s-tui --no-mouse`