diff --git a/cheat/cheatsheets/http b/cheat/cheatsheets/http new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6a4ca5 --- /dev/null +++ b/cheat/cheatsheets/http @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +# Custom HTTP method HTTP headers and JSON data: +http PUT example.org X-API-Token:123 name=John + +# Submitting forms: +http -f POST example.org hello=World + +# See the request that is being sent using one of the output options: +http -v example.org + +# Use Github API to post a comment on an issue with authentication: +http -a USERNAME POST https://api.github.com/repos/jkbrzt/httpie/issues/83/comments body='HTTPie is awesome!' + +# Upload a file using redirected input: +http example.org < file.json + +# Download a file and save it via redirected output: +http example.org/file > file + +# Download a file wget style: +http --download example.org/file + +# Use named sessions_ to make certain aspects or the communication +# persistent between requests to the same host: +# http --session=logged-in -a username:password httpbin.org/get API-Key:123 +http --session=logged-in httpbin.org/headers + +# Set a custom Host header to work around missing DNS records: +http localhost:8000 Host:example.com + +# Simple JSON example: +http PUT example.org name=John email=john@example.org + +# Non-string fields use the := separator, which allows you to embed raw +# JSON into the resulting object. Text and raw JSON files can also be +# embedded into fields using =@ and :=@: +http PUT api.example.com/person/1 name=John age:=29 married:=false hobbies:='["http", "pies"]' description=@about-john.txt bookmarks:=@bookmarks.json + +# Send JSON data stored in a file: +http POST api.example.com/person/1 < person.json + +# Regular Forms +http --form POST api.example.org/person/1 name='John Smith' email=john@example.org cv=@~/Documents/cv.txt + +# File Upload Forms +# If one or more file fields is present, the serialization and content +# type is multipart/form-data: +http -f POST example.com/jobs name='John Smith' cv@~/Documents/cv.pdf + +# To set custom headers you can use the Header:Value notation: +http example.org User-Agent:Bacon/1.0 'Cookie:valued-visitor=yes;foo=bar' X-Foo:Bar Referer:http://httpie.org/ + +# Basic auth: +http -a username:password example.org + +# Digest auth: +http --auth-type=digest -a username:password example.org + +# With password prompt: +http -a username example.org + +# Authorization information from your ~/.netrc file is honored as well: +cat ~/.netrc + machine httpbin.org + login httpie + # password test +http httpbin.org/basic-auth/httpie/test + +# You can specify proxies to be used through the --proxy argument for each +# protocol (which is included in the value in case of redirects across +# protocols): +http --proxy=http: --proxy=https: example.org + +# With Basic authentication: +http --proxy=http:http://user:pass@ example.org + +# To skip the HOST'S SSL CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION, you can pass +# --verify=no (default is yes): +http --verify=no https://example.org + +# You can also use --verify= to set a CUSTOM CA BUNDLE path: +http --verify=/ssl/custom_ca_bundle https://example.org + +# To use a CLIENT SIDE CERTIFICATE for the SSL communication, you can pass +# the path of the cert file with --cert: +http --cert=client.pem https://example.org + +# If the PRIVATE KEY is not contained in the cert file you may pass the +# path of the key file with --cert-key: +http --cert=client.crt --cert-key=client.key https://example.org + +# You can control what should be printed via several options: + # --headers, -h Only the response headers are printed. + # --body, -b Only the response body is printed. + # --verbose, -v Print the whole HTTP exchange (request and response). + # --print, -p Selects parts of the HTTP exchange. +http --verbose PUT httpbin.org/put hello=world + +# Print request and response headers: + # Character Stands for + # ----------- ------------------- + # H Request headers. + # B Request body. + # h Response headers. + # b Response body. +http --print=Hh PUT httpbin.org/put hello=world + +# Let's say that there is an API that returns the whole resource when it +# is updated, but you are only interested in the response headers to see +# the status code after an update: +http --headers PATCH example.org/Really-Huge-Resource name='New Name' + +# Redirect from a file: +http PUT example.com/person/1 X-API-Token:123 < person.json + +# Or the output of another program: +grep '401 Unauthorized' /var/log/httpd/error_log | http POST example.org/intruders + +# You can use echo for simple data: +echo '{"name": "John"}' | http PATCH example.com/person/1 X-API-Token:123 + +# You can even pipe web services together using HTTPie: +http GET https://api.github.com/repos/jkbrzt/httpie | http POST httpbin.org/post + +# You can use cat to enter multiline data on the terminal: +cat | http POST example.com + + # ^D +cat | http POST example.com/todos Content-Type:text/plain + - buy milk + - call parents + ^D + +# On OS X, you can send the contents of the clipboard with pbpaste: +pbpaste | http PUT example.com + +# Passing data through stdin cannot be combined with data fields specified +# on the command line: +echo 'data' | http POST example.org more=data # This is invalid + + +# AN ALTERNATIVE TO REDIRECTED stdin is specifying a filename (as +# @/path/to/file) whose content is used as if it came from stdin. + +# It has the advantage that THE Content-Type HEADER IS AUTOMATICALLY SET +# to the appropriate value based on the filename extension. For example, +# the following request sends the verbatim contents of that XML file with +# Content-Type: application/xml: +http PUT httpbin.org/put @/data/file.xml + +# Download a file: +http example.org/Movie.mov > Movie.mov + +# Download an image of Octocat, resize it using ImageMagick, upload it +# elsewhere: +http octodex.github.com/images/original.jpg | convert - -resize 25% - | http example.org/Octocats + +# Force colorizing and formatting, and show both the request and the +# response in less pager: +http --pretty=all --verbose example.org | less -R + +# When enabled using the --download, -d flag, response headers are printed +# to the terminal (stderr), and a progress bar is shown while the response +# body is being saved to a file. +http --download https://github.com/jkbrzt/httpie/tarball/master + +# You can also redirect the response body to another program while the +# response headers and progress are still shown in the terminal: +http -d https://github.com/jkbrzt/httpie/tarball/master | tar zxf - + +# If --output, -o is specified, you can resume a partial download using +# the --continue, -c option. This only works with servers that support +# Range requests and 206 Partial Content responses. If the server doesn't +# support that, the whole file will simply be downloaded: +http -dco file.zip example.org/file + +# Prettified streamed response: +http --stream -f -a YOUR-TWITTER-NAME https://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/filter.json track='Justin Bieber' + +# Send each new tweet (JSON object) mentioning "Apple" to another +# server as soon as it arrives from the Twitter streaming API: +http --stream -f -a YOUR-TWITTER-NAME https://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/filter.json track=Apple | while read tweet; do echo "$tweet" | http POST example.org/tweets ; done + +# Create a new session named user1 for example.org: +http --session=user1 -a user1:password example.org X-Foo:Bar + +# Now you can refer to the session by its name, and the previously used +# authorization and HTTP headers will automatically be set: +http --session=user1 example.org + +# To create or reuse a different session, simple specify a different name: +http --session=user2 -a user2:password example.org X-Bar:Foo + +# Instead of a name, you can also directly specify a path to a session +# file. This allows for sessions to be re-used across multiple hosts: +http --session=/tmp/session.json example.orghttp --session=/tmp/session.json admin.example.orghttp --session=~/.httpie/sessions/another.example.org/test.json example.orghttp --session-read-only=/tmp/session.json example.org