# To dump a database to a file (Note that your password will appear in your command history!): -mysqldump -uusername -ppassword the-database > db.sql # To dump a database to a file: mysqldump -uusername -p the-database > db.sql # To dump a database to a .tgz file (Note that your password will appear in your command history!): -mysqldump -uusername -ppassword the-database | gzip -9 > db.sql # To dump a database to a .tgz file: mysqldump -uusername -p the-database | gzip -9 > db.sql # To dump all databases to a file (Note that your password will appear in your command history!): -mysqldump -uusername -ppassword --all-databases > all-databases.sql # To dump all databases to a file: mysqldump -uusername -p --all-databases > all-databases.sql # To export the database structure only: mysqldump --no-data -uusername -p the-database > dump_file # To export the database data only: mysqldump --no-create-info -uusername -p the-database > dump_file