# To download a single file wget http://path.to.the/file # To download a file and change its name wget http://path.to.the/file -o newname # To continue an aborted downloaded wget -c http://path.to.the/file # To download multiples files with multiple URLs wget URL1 URL2 # To parse a file that contains a list of URLs to fetch each one wget -i url_list.txt # To download files according to a pattern wget http://www.myserver.com/files-{1..15}.tar.bz2 # To download all the files in a directory with a specific extension if directory indexing is enabled wget -r -l1 -A.extension http://myserver.com/directory # Allows you to download just the headers of responses (-S --spider) and display them on Stdout (-O -). wget -S --spider -O - http://google.com