# Create new environment virtualenv /path/to/project/env_name # Create new environment and inherit already installed Python libraries virtualenv --system-site-package /path/to/project/env_name # Create new environment with a given Python interpreter virtualenv /path/to/project/env_name -p /usr/bin/python/3.4 # Activate environnment source /path/to/project/env_name/bin/activate # Quit environment deactivate # virtualenvwrapper (wrapper for virtualenv) # installation pip install --user virtualenvwrapper # configuration # add in ~/.bashrc or similar export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME source ~/.local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh # Create new environmment (with virtualenvwrapper) mkvirtualenv env_name # new environmment is stored in ~/.virtualenvs # Activate environmment (with virtualenvwrapper) workon env_name # Quit environmment (with virtualenvwrapper) deactivate # Delete environmment (with virtualenvwrapper) rmvirtualenv env_name