# Basic usage Indent Select text then press TAB Cut CTRL-w Copy ALT-w Paste CTRL-y Search/Find CTRL-s Replace ALT-% (ALT-SHIFT-5) Save CTRL-x CTRL-s Load/Open CTRL-x CTRL-f Undo CTRL-x u Highlight all text CTRL-x h Directory listing CTRL-x d Cancel a command ESC ESC ESC Font size bigger CTRL-x CTRL-+ Font size smaller CTRL-x CTRL-- # Buffers Split screen vertically CTRL-x 2 Split screen vertically with 5 row height CTRL-u 5 CTRL-x 2 Split screen horizontally CTRL-x 3 Split screen horizontally with 24 column width CTRL-u 24 CTRL-x 3 Revert to single screen CTRL-x 1 Hide the current screen CTRL-x 0 Kill the current screen CTRL-x k Move to the next buffer CTRL-x O Select a buffer CTRL-x b Run command in the scratch buffer CTRL-x CTRL-e # Other stuff Open a shell ALT-x eshell Goto a line number ALT-x goto-line Word wrap ALT-x toggle-word-wrap Spell checking ALT-x flyspell-mode Line numbers ALT-x linum-mode Toggle line wrap ALT-x visual-line-mode Compile some code ALT-x compile List packages ALT-x package-list-packages # Sudoing within eshell By default when using the sudo command within eshell you'll just get "permission denied" messages. To overcome that type: alias sudo '*sudo $*' # Line numbers To add line numbers and enable moving to a line with CTRL-l: (global-set-key "\C-l" 'goto-line) (add-hook 'find-file-hook (lambda () (linum-mode 1))) # Org-mode To begin org-mode ALT-x org-mode Table column separator Vertical/pipe character Reorganize table TAB Section heading * Open/collapse section TAB Open/collapse All CTRL-TAB Export in other file formats (eg HTML,PDF) CTRL-c CTRL-e To make org-mode automatically wrap lines: (add-hook 'org-mode-hook '(lambda () (visual-line-mode 1)))