# Nginx Proxy Manager CLI Script _by Erreur32_ 🛠️ This script allows you to manage Nginx Proxy Manager via the API. 🔑 it generates and manages the TOKENS automatically and check validity !! no more worries about that ;) ⚙️ It provides functionalities such as creating/deleting proxy hosts, managing users, and displaying configurations and more. ## Usage: ```bash ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh [OPTIONS] ``` ## Options: ```tcl -d DOMAIN_NAMES Domain name (required) -i FORWARD_HOST IP address or domain name of the target server (required) -p FORWARD_PORT Port of the target server (required) -s SSL_FORCED Force SSL (true/false, default: false) -c CACHING_ENABLED Enable caching (true/false, default: false) -b BLOCK_EXPLOITS Block exploits (true/false, default: true) -w ALLOW_WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE Allow WebSocket upgrade (true/false, default: false) -h HTTP2_SUPPORT Support HTTP/2 (true/false, default: true) -a ADVANCED_CONFIG Advanced configuration (string) -e LETS_ENCRYPT_AGREE Accept Let's Encrypt (true/false, default: false) -n DNS_CHALLENGE DNS challenge (true/false, default: false) --create-user username password Create a user with a username and password --delete-user username Delete a user by username --delete-host id Delete a proxy host by ID --list-hosts List the names of all proxy hosts --list-hosts-full List all proxy hosts with full details --list-ssl-certificates List all SSL certificates --list-users List all users --search-host hostname Search for a proxy host by domain name --help Display this help ``` ## Examples: ```bash ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh -d example.com -i -p 8080 -s true ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --create-user newuser password123 ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --list-hosts ``` ![https://github.com/Erreur32/nginx-proxy-manager-API/blob/main/nginx-proxy-script.png](https://github.com/Erreur32/nginx-proxy-manager-API/blob/main/nginx-proxy-script.png) ## TODO: - Check for the SSL generated option - Translate all text in english :p !