#!/bin/bash VERSION="2.4.0" # Nginx Proxy Manager CLI Script # Github [ https://github.com/Erreur32/nginx-proxy-manager-Bash-API ] # Erreur32 July 2024 # # This script allows you to manage Nginx Proxy Manager via the API. It provides # functionalities such as creating proxy hosts, managing users, listing hosts, # backing up configurations, and more. # # Usage: # ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh [OPTIONS] # # Examples: # # πŸ“¦ Backup First! # ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --backup # # 🌐 Host Creation: # ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh -d example.com -i -p 8080 (check default values below) # ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --show-default # ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --create-user newuser password123 user@example.com # ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --delete-user 'username' # ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --host-list # ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --host-ssl-enable 10 # # πŸ”§ Advanced Example: # ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh -d example.com -i -p 8080 -a 'proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;' # # Custom Certificate: # ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --generate-cert example.com user@example.com --custom # # Custom locations: # ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh -d example.com -i -p 8080 -l '[{"path":"/api","forward_host":"","forward_port":8081}]' # # # Options: # # 🌐 Host proxy creation: # -d DOMAIN_NAMES Domain name (required for creating/updating hosts) # -i FORWARD_HOST IP address or domain name of the target server (required for creating/updating hosts) # -p FORWARD_PORT Port of the target server (required for creating/updating hosts) # -f FORWARD_SCHEME Scheme for forwarding (http/https, default: http) # -c CACHING_ENABLED Enable caching (true/false, default: false) # -b BLOCK_EXPLOITS Block exploits (true/false, default: true) # -w ALLOW_WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE Allow WebSocket upgrade (true/false, default: true) # -l CUSTOM_LOCATIONS Custom locations (JSON array of location objects)" # -a ADVANCED_CONFIG Advanced configuration (block of configuration settings) # # πŸ“¦ Backup and Restore: # --backup Backup all configurations to a file # --backup-host id Backup a single host configuration and its certificate (if exists) # --restore Restore configurations from a backup file # --restore-host (empty/name) Restore a single host configuration and its certificate (if exists) # # πŸ”§ Miscellaneous: # --check-token Check if the current token is valid # --create-user user pass email Create a user with a username, password and email # --delete-user username Delete a user by username # --host-delete id Delete a proxy host by ID # --host-show id Show full details for a specific host by ID # --show-default Show default settings for creating hosts # --host-list List the names of all proxy hosts # --host-list-full List all proxy hosts with full details # --host-list-ssl-certificates List all SSL certificates # --host-list-users List all users # --host-search hostname Search for a proxy host by domain name # --host-enable id Enable a proxy host by ID # --host-disable id Disable a proxy host by ID # --host-ssl-enable id Enable SSL, HTTP/2, and HSTS for a proxy host # --host-ssl-disable id Disable SSL, HTTP/2, and HSTS for a proxy host # --generate-cert domain email [--custom] Generate a Let's Encrypt or Custom certificate for the given domain and email # --help Display this help ################################ # Variables to Edit (required) # ################################ NGINX_IP="" # Existing nginx user API_USER="user@nginx" API_PASS="pass nginx" # Path to store .txt files and Backups BASE_DIR="/path/nginx_proxy_script/data" ################################# # Variables to Edit (optional) # ################################# #DATE=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # API Endpoints BASE_URL="http://$NGINX_IP:81/api" API_ENDPOINT="/tokens" # Directory will be create automatically. TOKEN_DIR="$BASE_DIR/token" BACKUP_DIR="$BASE_DIR/backups" EXPIRY_FILE="$TOKEN_DIR/expiry_${NGINX_IP}.txt" TOKEN_FILE="$TOKEN_DIR/token_${NGINX_IP}.txt" # Set Token duration validity. TOKEN_EXPIRY="1y" # Default variables (you can adapt) CACHING_ENABLED=false BLOCK_EXPLOITS=true ALLOW_WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE=1 HTTP2_SUPPORT=0 ADVANCED_CONFIG="" LETS_ENCRYPT_AGREE=false LETS_ENCRYPT_EMAIL="" FORWARD_SCHEME="http" FORCE_CERT_CREATION=false SSL_FORCED=0 HSTS_ENABLED=0 HSTS_SUBDOMAINS=0 # Don't touch below that line (or you know ...) # Control variables CREATE_USER=false DELETE_USER=false DELETE_HOST=false LIST_HOSTS=false LIST_HOSTS_FULL=false LIST_SSL_CERTIFICATES=false LIST_USERS=false SEARCH_HOST=false ENABLE_HOST=false DISABLE_HOST=false CHECK_TOKEN=false BACKUP=false BACKUP_HOST=false RESTORE=false RESTORE_HOST=false GENERATE_CERT=false ENABLE_SSL=false DISABLE_SSL=false HOST_SHOW=false SHOW_DEFAULT=false CUSTOM_CERT=false # Colors Custom COLOR_GREEN="\033[32m" COLOR_RED="\033[41;1m" COLOR_ORANGE="\033[38;5;202m" COLOR_YELLOW="\033[93m" COLOR_RESET="\033[0m" COLOR_GREY="\e[90m" WHITE_ON_GREEN="\033[30;48;5;83m" # Check if necessary dependencies are installed check_dependencies() { local dependencies=("curl" "jq") for dep in "${dependencies[@]}"; do if ! command -v "$dep" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Dependency $dep is not installed. Please install it before running this script.${COLOR_RESET}" exit 1 fi done } check_dependencies # Check if the Nginx Proxy Manager API is accessible check_nginx_access() { if ping -c 2 -W 2 $NGINX_IP &> /dev/null; then if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$BASE_URL"; then echo -e "\n βœ… Nginx url: $BASE_URL" else echo -e "\n β›” Nginx url β›” $BASE_URL is NOT accessible." exit 1 fi else echo -e "\n β›” $NGINX_IP β›” is not responding. Houston, we have a problem." exit 1 fi } # !!! ne filtrer que les dossiers ! # Function to list available backups list_backups() { echo "Available backups:" for domain in $(ls -td "$BACKUP_DIR"/*/); do domain_name=$(basename "$domain") echo " - ${domain_name//_/.}" done } # Display help usage() { echo -e "Options:" echo -e " -d ${COLOR_ORANGE}DOMAIN_NAMES${COLOR_RESET} Domain name (${COLOR_RED}required${COLOR_RESET})" echo -e " -i ${COLOR_ORANGE}FORWARD_HOST${COLOR_RESET} IP address or domain name of the target server (${COLOR_RED}required${COLOR_RESET})" echo -e " -p ${COLOR_ORANGE}FORWARD_PORT${COLOR_RESET} Port of the target server (${COLOR_RED}required${COLOR_RESET})" echo -e "\n (Check default settings, no need if already set!)" echo -e " -f FORWARD_SCHEME Scheme for forwarding (http/https, default: $(colorize_booleanh $FORWARD_SCHEME))" echo -e " -c CACHING_ENABLED Enable caching (true/false, default: $(colorize_boolean $CACHING_ENABLED))" echo -e " -b BLOCK_EXPLOITS Block exploits (true/false, default: $(colorize_boolean $BLOCK_EXPLOITS))" echo -e " -w ALLOW_WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE Allow WebSocket upgrade (true/false, default: $(colorize_boolean $ALLOW_WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE))" echo -e " -l CUSTOM_LOCATIONS Custom locations (${COLOR_YELLOW}JSON array${COLOR_RESET} of location objects)" echo -e " -a ADVANCED_CONFIG Advanced configuration (${COLOR_YELLOW}string${COLOR_RESET})" echo "" echo -e " --info ℹ️ ${COLOR_YELLOW}Display${COLOR_RESET} Script Variables Information" echo -e " --show-default πŸ” ${COLOR_YELLOW}Show${COLOR_RESET} Default settings for creating hosts" echo -e " --backup πŸ“¦ ${COLOR_GREEN}Backup${COLOR_RESET} All configurations to a different files in \$BACKUP_DIR" echo -e " --backup-host id πŸ“¦ ${COLOR_GREEN}Backup${COLOR_RESET} Single host configuration and its certificate (if exists)" echo -e " --restore πŸ“¦ ${COLOR_GREEN}Restore${COLOR_RESET} All configurations from a backup file" echo -e " --restore-host id πŸ“¦ ${COLOR_GREEN}Restore${COLOR_RESET} Restore single host with list with empty arguments or a Domain name" echo -e " --check-token πŸ”§ ${COLOR_YELLOW}Check${COLOR_RESET} If the current token is valid" echo -e " --create-user user pass email πŸ‘€ ${COLOR_GREEN}Create${COLOR_RESET} User with a ${COLOR_YELLOW}username, ${COLOR_YELLOW}password${COLOR_RESET} and ${COLOR_YELLOW}email${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " --delete-user username πŸ’£ ${COLOR_ORANGE}Delete${COLOR_RESET} User by ${COLOR_YELLOW}username${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " --host-delete id πŸ’£ ${COLOR_ORANGE}Delete${COLOR_RESET} Proxy host by ${COLOR_YELLOW}ID${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " --host-search hostname πŸ” ${COLOR_GREEN}Search${COLOR_RESET} Proxy host by domain name" echo -e " --host-show id πŸ” ${COLOR_YELLOW}Show${COLOR_RESET} Full details for a specific host by ${COLOR_YELLOW}ID${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " --host-list πŸ“‹ ${COLOR_YELLOW}List${COLOR_RESET} All Proxy hosts (simple)" echo -e " --host-list-full πŸ“‹ ${COLOR_YELLOW}List${COLOR_RESET} All Proxy hosts full details (JSON)" echo -e " --host-list-ssl-certificates πŸ“‹ ${COLOR_YELLOW}List${COLOR_RESET} All SSL certificates" echo -e " --host-list-users πŸ“‹ ${COLOR_YELLOW}List${COLOR_RESET} All Users" echo -e " --host-enable id βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Enable${COLOR_RESET} Proxy host by ${COLOR_YELLOW}ID${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " --host-disable id ❌ ${COLOR_ORANGE}Disable${COLOR_RESET} Proxy host by ${COLOR_YELLOW}ID${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " --host-ssl-enable id πŸ”’ ${COLOR_GREEN}Enable${COLOR_RESET} SSL, HTTP/2, and HSTS for a proxy host (Will generate Certificat auto if needed)" echo -e " --host-ssl-disable id πŸ”“ ${COLOR_ORANGE}Disable${COLOR_RESET} SSL, HTTP/2, and HSTS for a proxy host" echo -e " --generate-cert domain email [--custom]πŸ›‘οΈ ${COLOR_GREEN}Generate${COLOR_RESET} Custom certificate for the given domain and email (Only for Custom certificat)" echo -e " --examples πŸ”– Examples commands, more explicits" echo -e " --help" echo "" exit 0 } # Examples CLI Commands examples_cli() { echo -e "\n${COLOR_YELLOW}Usage: ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh -d domain -i ip -p port [-f forward_scheme] [-c caching_enabled] [-b block_exploits] [-w allow_websocket_upgrade] [-a advanced_config] [-t token_expiry] [--create-user username password email] [--delete-user username] [--host-delete id] [--host-list] [--host-list-full] [--host-list-ssl-certificates] [--host-list-users] [--host-search hostname] [--host-enable id] [--host-disable id] [--check-token] [--backup] [--backup-host id] [--restore] [--restore-host id] [--generate-cert domain email [--custom]] [--host-ssl-enable id] [--host-ssl-disable id] [--host-show id] [--show-default] [--help]${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e "" echo -e "Examples:" echo -e "\n πŸ“¦ Backup First before doing anything!${COLOR_GREY}" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --backup" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --backup-host 1" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --restore" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --restore-host 1" echo -e "\n ${COLOR_RESET}🌐 Host Creation${COLOR_GREY}" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --show-default" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh -d example.com -i -p 8080" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --host-ssl-enable 10" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --host-show 10" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --host-list" echo -e "\n ${COLOR_RESET}πŸ‘€ User Management${COLOR_GREY}" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --create-user newuser password123 user@example.com" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --delete-user 'username'" echo -e "\n ${COLOR_RESET}πŸ”§ Advanced Example:${COLOR_GREY}" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh -d example.com -i -p 8080 -a 'proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;'" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --generate-cert example.com user@example.com --custom" echo -e "\n ${COLOR_RESET}πŸ“ Custom locations:${COLOR_GREY}" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh -d example.com -i -p 8080 -l '[{\"path\":\"/api\",\"forward_host\":\"\",\"forward_port\":8081}]'" echo -e "\n ${COLOR_RESET}πŸ”– Full option:${COLOR_GREY}" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh -d example.com -i -p 8080 -f https -c true -b true -w true -a 'proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr;' -l '[{\"path\":\"/api\",\"forward_host\":\"\",\"forward_port\":8081}]'" echo -e "${COLOR_RESET}" echo "" exit 0 } # Display script variables info display_info() { echo -e "\n${COLOR_YELLOW}Script Info: ${COLOR_GREEN}${VERSION}${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e "\n${COLOR_YELLOW}Script Variables Information:${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " ${COLOR_GREEN}BASE_URL${COLOR_RESET} ${BASE_URL}" echo -e " ${COLOR_GREEN}NGINX_IP${COLOR_RESET} ${NGINX_IP}" echo -e " ${COLOR_GREEN}API_USER${COLOR_RESET} ${API_USER}" echo -e " ${COLOR_GREEN}BASE_DIR${COLOR_RESET} ${BASE_DIR}" echo -e " ${COLOR_GREEN}BACKUP_DIR${COLOR_RESET} ${BACKUP_DIR}" if [ -d "$BACKUP_DIR" ]; then backup_count=$(ls -1 "$BACKUP_DIR" | wc -l) echo -e " ${COLOR_GREEN}BACKUP HOST ${COLOR_YELLOW}$backup_count ${COLOR_RESET}" else echo -e " ${COLOR_RED}Backup directory does not exist.${COLOR_RESET}" fi if [ -f "$TOKEN_FILE" ]; then echo -e " ${COLOR_GREEN}Token NPM ${COLOR_YELLOW} $TOKEN_FILE ${COLOR_RESET}" else echo -e " ${COLOR_RED}Token file does not exist! ${COLOR_RESET} \n πŸ”– Check ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --check-token " echo -e " Generating new token..." generate_token fi echo "" } # VΓ©rification et crΓ©ation des dossiers si nΓ©cessaires if [ ! -d "$BASE_DIR" ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Error : BASE_DIR $BASE_DIR Don't exist. Check config.${COLOR_RESET}" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "$TOKEN_DIR" ]; then #echo -e "${COLOR_YELLOW}Info : Le dossier de tokens $TOKEN_DIR n'existe pas. CrΓ©ation en cours...${COLOR_RESET}" mkdir -p "$TOKEN_DIR" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Error: Failed to create token directory $TOKEN_DIR.${COLOR_RESET}" exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -d "$BACKUP_DIR" ]; then #echo -e "${COLOR_YELLOW}Info : Le dossier de backups $BACKUP_DIR n'existe pas. CrΓ©ation en cours...${COLOR_RESET}" mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Dependency $dep is not installed. Please install it before running this script.${COLOR_RESET}" exit 1 fi fi # shellcheck disable=SC2120 # check_no_arguments() { # if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then # echo -e "\n ${COLOR_RED}No arguments provided. Use --help to see all command options.${COLOR_RESET}" # echo "" # #display_info # exit 1 # fi # } # Colorize boolean values for display colorize_boolean() { local value=$1 if [ "$value" = true ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}true${COLOR_RESET}" else echo -e "${COLOR_YELLOW}false${COLOR_RESET}" fi } colorize_booleanh() { local value=$1 if [ "$value" = https ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}https${COLOR_RESET}" else echo -e "${COLOR_YELLOW}http${COLOR_RESET}" fi } ################################ # Generate a new API token generate_token() { response=$(curl -s -X POST "$BASE_URL$API_ENDPOINT" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw "{\"identity\":\"$API_USER\",\"secret\":\"$API_PASS\",\"expiry\":\"$TOKEN_EXPIRY\"}") token=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '.token') expires=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '.expires') if [ "$token" != "null" ]; then echo "$token" > $TOKEN_FILE echo "$expires" > $EXPIRY_FILE echo "Token: $token" echo "Expiry: $expires" else echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Error generating token.${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e "Check your [user] and [pass] and [IP]" exit 1 fi } # Validate the existing token validate_token() { if [ ! -f "$TOKEN_FILE" ] || [ ! -f "$EXPIRY_FILE" ]; then return 1 fi token=$(cat $TOKEN_FILE) expires=$(cat $EXPIRY_FILE) current_time=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") if [[ "$current_time" < "$expires" ]]; then echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}The token is valid. Expiry: $expires${COLOR_RESET}" return 0 else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}The token is invalid. Expiry: $expires${COLOR_RESET}" return 1 fi } ################################# while getopts "d:i:p:f:c:b:w:a:l:-:" opt; do case $opt in d) DOMAIN_NAMES="$OPTARG" ;; i) FORWARD_HOST="$OPTARG" ;; p) FORWARD_PORT="$OPTARG" ;; f) FORWARD_SCHEME="$OPTARG" ;; c) CACHING_ENABLED="$OPTARG" ;; b) BLOCK_EXPLOITS="$OPTARG" ;; w) ALLOW_WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE="$OPTARG" ;; a) ADVANCED_CONFIG="$OPTARG" ;; l) CUSTOM_LOCATIONS="$OPTARG" ;; -) case "${OPTARG}" in show-default) SHOW_DEFAULT=true ;; backup) BACKUP=true ;; backup-host) BACKUP_HOST=true HOST_ID="${!OPTIND}"; shift ;; restore-host) if [ -n "${!OPTIND}" ] && [[ "${!OPTIND}" != -* ]]; then RESTORE_HOST=true DOMAIN="${!OPTIND}"; shift else list_backups echo -n "Enter domain to restore: " read DOMAIN RESTORE_HOST=true fi ;; ssl-restore) SSL_RESTORE=true ;; ssl-regenerate) SSL_REGENERATE=true ;; create-user) CREATE_USER=true USERNAME="${!OPTIND}"; shift PASSWORD="${!OPTIND}"; shift EMAIL="${!OPTIND}"; shift ;; delete-user) DELETE_USER=true USERNAME="${!OPTIND}"; shift ;; host-delete) DELETE_HOST=true HOST_ID="${!OPTIND}"; shift ;; host-show) HOST_SHOW=true HOST_ID="${!OPTIND}"; shift ;; host-list) LIST_HOSTS=true ;; host-list-full) LIST_HOSTS_FULL=true ;; host-list-ssl-certificates) LIST_SSL_CERTIFICATES=true ;; host-list-users) LIST_USERS=true ;; host-search) SEARCH_HOST=true SEARCH_HOSTNAME="${!OPTIND}"; shift ;; host-enable) ENABLE_HOST=true HOST_ID="${!OPTIND}"; shift ;; host-disable) DISABLE_HOST=true HOST_ID="${!OPTIND}"; shift ;; check-token) CHECK_TOKEN=true ;; generate-cert) GENERATE_CERT=true DOMAIN="${!OPTIND}"; shift EMAIL="${!OPTIND}"; shift ;; custom) CUSTOM_CERT=true ;; host-ssl-enable) ENABLE_SSL=true HOST_ID="${!OPTIND}"; shift ;; host-ssl-disable) DISABLE_SSL=true HOST_ID="${!OPTIND}"; shift ;; force-cert-creation) FORCE_CERT_CREATION=true ;; examples) examples_cli ;; info) display_info;echo; exit 0 ;; esac ;; *) display_info; exit 0 ;; esac done # If no arguments are provided, display usage if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then #echo -e "\n Unknown option --${OPTARG}" ; display_info # usage exit 0 fi ###################################### # Function to check if the host ID exists host-check-id() { local host_id=$1 local host_list=$(./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --host-list) if echo "$host_list" | grep -q ""id": $host_id"; then return 0 else echo "Error: Host ID $host_id does not exist." exit 1 fi } ###################################### # Function to validate JSON files validate_json() { local file=$1 jq empty "$file" 2>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Invalid JSON: $file" return 1 fi return 0 } # Function to list global backup files list_global_backup_files() { ls -t "$BACKUP_DIR"/*_*.json } # Function to list SSL backup files list_ssl_backup_files() { ls -t "$BACKUP_DIR"/ssl_certif_*.json } # Function to regenerate SSL certificates for all hosts regenerate_all_ssl_certificates() { echo -e "\nπŸ”„ Regenerating SSL certificates for all hosts..." local hosts=$(curl -s -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "$NGINX_API_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts") local host_ids=($(echo "$hosts" | jq -r '.[] | select(.ssl.enabled == true) | .id')) if [ ${#host_ids[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo " β›” No hosts with SSL certificates found." return 1 fi for host_id in "${host_ids[@]}"; do echo -e "\nπŸ”„ Regenerating SSL certificate for host ID: $host_id" local response=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"id":'"$host_id"',"provider":"letsencrypt"}' "$NGINX_API_URL/nginx/certificates/generate") if [[ $response == *"error"* ]]; then echo -e " β›” Error regenerating SSL certificate for host ID: $host_id: $response" else echo -e " βœ… SSL certificate regenerated for host ID: $host_id" fi done } # Function to restore SSL certificates from a backup file restore_ssl_certificates() { echo -e "\n🩹 Restoring SSL certificates from backup..." local ssl_files=($(ls ./backups/ssl_certif_*.json 2>/dev/null)) if [ ${#ssl_files[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo " β›” No SSL backup files found." return 1 fi echo -e "\nπŸ” Available SSL backup files:" for i in "${!ssl_files[@]}"; do echo "$((i+1))) ${ssl_files[$i]}" done echo -n "#? " read -r ssl_choice local selected_file=${ssl_files[$((ssl_choice-1))]} if [ -z "$selected_file" ]; then echo "Invalid selection." return 1 fi echo -e "\n🩹 Restoring SSL certificates from $selected_file..." validate_json "$selected_file" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo " β›” Restoration aborted due to invalid JSON file." return 1 fi local response=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @"$selected_file" "$NGINX_API_URL/nginx/certificates/restore") if [[ $response == *"error"* ]]; then echo -e " β›” Error restoring SSL certificates: $response" return 1 fi echo -e " βœ… SSL certificates restored successfully!" } # Function to delete all existing proxy hosts delete_all_proxy_hosts() { echo -e "\n πŸ—‘οΈ ${COLOR_ORANGE}Deleting all existing proxy hosts...${COLOR_RESET}" existing_hosts=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" | jq -r '.[].id') for host_id in $existing_hosts; do echo -e " πŸ’£ Deleting host ID $host_id..." response=$(curl -s -w "HTTPSTATUS:%{http_code}" -X DELETE "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts/$host_id" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") http_body=$(echo "$response" | sed -e 's/HTTPSTATUS\:.*//g') http_status=$(echo "$response" | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/.*HTTPSTATUS://') if [ "$http_status" -ne 200 ]; then echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to delete host ID $host_id. HTTP status: $http_status. Response: $http_body${COLOR_RESET}" return 1 fi done echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}All existing proxy hosts deleted successfully!${COLOR_RESET}" return 0 } # Function to restore from a backup file restore_backup() { echo -e "\n 🩹 ${COLOR_ORANGE}Restoring all configurations from backup...${COLOR_RESET}" # Function to sanitize names for directory sanitize_name() { echo "$1" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_/g' } GLOBAL_BACKUP_FILES=$(ls -t "$BACKUP_DIR"/*_*.json) if [ -z "$GLOBAL_BACKUP_FILES" ]; then echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}No backup files found.${COLOR_RESET}" exit 1 fi echo -e "\n πŸ” Available global backup files:" select global_file in $GLOBAL_BACKUP_FILES; do if [ -n "$global_file" ]; then case "$global_file" in *users_*.json) echo -e "\n 🩹 Restoring users from $global_file..." RESPONSE=$(cat "$global_file") curl -s -X POST "$BASE_URL/users/bulk" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw "$RESPONSE" echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Users restored successfully!${COLOR_RESET}" ;; *settings_*.json) echo -e "\n 🩹 Restoring settings from $global_file..." RESPONSE=$(cat "$global_file") curl -s -X POST "$BASE_URL/nginx/settings/bulk" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw "$RESPONSE" echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Settings restored successfully!${COLOR_RESET}" ;; *access_lists_*.json) echo -e "\n 🩹 Restoring access lists from $global_file..." RESPONSE=$(cat "$global_file") curl -s -X POST "$BASE_URL/nginx/access-lists/bulk" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw "$RESPONSE" echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Access lists restored successfully!${COLOR_RESET}" ;; esac else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Invalid selection.${COLOR_RESET}" fi break done echo -e "\n 🩹 Restoring proxy hosts and SSL certificates..." for host_dir in "$BACKUP_DIR"/*/; do if [ -d "$host_dir" ]; then HOST_FILES=$(ls -t "$host_dir"proxy_host_*.json 2>/dev/null) SSL_FILES=$(ls -t "$host_dir"ssl_certifi_*.json 2>/dev/null) if [ -n "$HOST_FILES" ]; then PROXY_HOST_FILE=$(echo "$HOST_FILES" | head -n 1) echo -e "\n 🩹 Restoring proxy host from $PROXY_HOST_FILE..." RESPONSE=$(jq 'del(.id, .created_on, .modified_on, .owner_user_id)' "$PROXY_HOST_FILE") HTTP_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -w "HTTPSTATUS:%{http_code}" -X POST "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw "$RESPONSE") HTTP_BODY=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | sed -e 's/HTTPSTATUS\:.*//g') HTTP_STATUS=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/.*HTTPSTATUS://') if [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -eq 200 ] || [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -eq 201 ]; then echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Proxy host restored successfully!${COLOR_RESET}" else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to restore proxy host. Error: $HTTP_BODY${COLOR_RESET}" fi fi if [ -n "$SSL_FILES" ]; then for SSL_FILE in $SSL_FILES; do echo -e "\n 🩹 Restoring SSL certificate from $SSL_FILE..." CERT_RESPONSE=$(cat "$SSL_FILE") HTTP_CERT_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -w "HTTPSTATUS:%{http_code}" -X POST "$BASE_URL/nginx/certificates" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw "$CERT_RESPONSE") HTTP_CERT_BODY=$(echo "$HTTP_CERT_RESPONSE" | sed -e 's/HTTPSTATUS\:.*//g') HTTP_CERT_STATUS=$(echo "$HTTP_CERT_RESPONSE" | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/.*HTTPSTATUS://') if [ "$HTTP_CERT_STATUS" -eq 200 ] || [ "$HTTP_CERT_STATUS" -eq 201 ]; then echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}SSL certificate restored successfully!${COLOR_RESET}" else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to restore SSL certificate. Error: $HTTP_CERT_BODY${COLOR_RESET}" fi done fi fi done echo -e "\n βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}All configurations restored successfully!${COLOR_RESET}\n" } ###################################################### ## en test ###################################################### # Function to list backup versions for a given host ID list_backup_versions_t() { echo -e "\n πŸ” Listing available backup versions for host ID $HOST_ID..." ls -t "$BACKUP_DIR"/proxy_host_ID_+"${HOST_ID}"_IP_"${NGINX_IP//./_}"_*.json | head -n 10 | while read -r file; do timestamp=$(echo "$file" | grep -oE '[0-9]{14}') echo " - $timestamp" done } ## en test # Function to show content of the backup show_backup_content() { BACKUP_FILE=$(ls -t "$BACKUP_DIR"/proxy_host_ID_+"${HOST_ID}"_IP_"${NGINX_IP//./_}"_*.json | head -n 1) if [ -f "$BACKUP_FILE" ]; then echo -e "\n πŸ”„ Content of the backup for host ID $HOST_ID:" jq . "$BACKUP_FILE" | less else echo -e "\n β›” ${COLOR_RED}No backup file found for host ID $HOST_ID.${COLOR_RESET}" fi } ## en test # Function to show differences between current and backup versions show_backup_differences() { CURRENT_HOST=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts/$HOST_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") BACKUP_FILE=$(ls -t "$BACKUP_DIR"/proxy_host_ID_+"${HOST_ID}"_IP_"${NGINX_IP//./_}"_*.json | head -n 1) BACKUP_HOST=$(jq 'del(.id, .created_on, .modified_on, .owner_user_id)' "$BACKUP_FILE") echo -e "\n πŸ”„ Differences between current and backup versions for host ID $HOST_ID:" diff <(echo "$CURRENT_HOST" | jq .) <(echo "$BACKUP_HOST" | jq .) | less } # Delete a proxy host by ID delete_proxy_host() { if [ -z "$HOST_ID" ]; then echo -e "\n πŸ’£ The --host-delete option requires a host ID." usage fi echo -e " πŸ’£ Deleting proxy host ID: $HOST_ID..." RESPONSE=$(curl -s -w "HTTPSTATUS:%{http_code}" -X DELETE "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts/$HOST_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") HTTP_BODY=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | sed -e 's/HTTPSTATUS\:.*//g') HTTP_STATUS=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/.*HTTPSTATUS://') if ! [[ "$HTTP_STATUS" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -ne 200 ]; then echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to delete proxy host. HTTP status: $HTTP_STATUS. Error: $HTTP_BODY${COLOR_RESET}" return 1 else echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Proxy host πŸ’£ deleted successfully!${COLOR_RESET}\n" return 0 fi } ################################ # Check if a proxy host with the given domain names already exists check_existing_proxy_host() { RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") EXISTING_HOST=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r --arg DOMAIN "$DOMAIN_NAMES" '.[] | select(.domain_names[] == $DOMAIN)') if [ -n "$EXISTING_HOST" ]; then echo -e "\n πŸ”” Proxy host for $DOMAIN_NAMES already exists.${COLOR_GREEN}" read -p " πŸ‘‰ Do you want to update it with the new configuration? (y/n): " -r if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then HOST_ID=$(echo "$EXISTING_HOST" | jq -r '.id') update_proxy_host "$HOST_ID" else echo -e "${COLOR_RESET} No changes made.\n" exit 0 fi else create_new_proxy_host fi } # Update an existing proxy host update_proxy_host() { HOST_ID=$1 echo -e "\n πŸŒ€ Updating proxy host for $DOMAIN_NAMES..." if [ -n "$CUSTOM_LOCATIONS" ]; then CUSTOM_LOCATIONS_ESCAPED=$(printf '%s' "$CUSTOM_LOCATIONS" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g' | sed 's/"/\\"/g') else CUSTOM_LOCATIONS_ESCAPED="[]" fi ADVANCED_CONFIG_ESCAPED=$(printf '%s' "$ADVANCED_CONFIG" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g' | sed 's/"/\\"/g') DATA=$(printf '{ "domain_names": ["%s"], "forward_host": "%s", "forward_port": %s, "access_list_id": null, "certificate_id": null, "ssl_forced": %s, "caching_enabled": %s, "block_exploits": %s, "advanced_config": "%s", "meta": { "dns_challenge": %s }, "allow_websocket_upgrade": %s, "http2_support": %s, "forward_scheme": "%s", "enabled": true, "locations": %s }' "$DOMAIN_NAMES" "$FORWARD_HOST" "$FORWARD_PORT" "$SSL_FORCED" "$CACHING_ENABLED" "$BLOCK_EXPLOITS" "$ADVANCED_CONFIG_ESCAPED" "$DNS_CHALLENGE" "$ALLOW_WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE" "$HTTP2_SUPPORT" "$FORWARD_SCHEME" "$CUSTOM_LOCATIONS_ESCAPED") echo -e "\n Request Data: $DATA" echo "$DATA" | jq . > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\n ${COLOR_RED}Invalid JSON format${COLOR_RESET}" exit 1 fi RESPONSE=$(curl -v -s -X PUT "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts/$HOST_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw "$DATA") echo -e "Response: $RESPONSE" if [ "$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.error | length')" -eq 0 ]; then echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Proxy host updated successfully!${COLOR_RESET} " else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to update proxy host. Error: $(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.message')${COLOR_RESET}" fi } # Create a new proxy host create_new_proxy_host() { echo -e "\n 🌍 Creating proxy host for $DOMAIN_NAMES..." if [ -n "$CUSTOM_LOCATIONS" ]; then CUSTOM_LOCATIONS_ESCAPED=$(printf '%s' "$CUSTOM_LOCATIONS" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g' | sed 's/"/\\"/g') else CUSTOM_LOCATIONS_ESCAPED="[]" fi DATA=$(printf '{ "domain_names": ["%s"], "forward_host": "%s", "forward_port": %s, "access_list_id": null, "certificate_id": null, "ssl_forced": false, "caching_enabled": %s, "block_exploits": %s, "advanced_config": "%s", "meta": { "dns_challenge": %s }, "allow_websocket_upgrade": %s, "http2_support": %s, "forward_scheme": "%s", "enabled": true, "locations": %s }' "$DOMAIN_NAMES" "$FORWARD_HOST" "$FORWARD_PORT" "$CACHING_ENABLED" "$BLOCK_EXPLOITS" "$ADVANCED_CONFIG" "$DNS_CHALLENGE" "$ALLOW_WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE" "$HTTP2_SUPPORT" "$FORWARD_SCHEME" "$CUSTOM_LOCATIONS_ESCAPED") echo -e "\n Request Data: $DATA" echo "$DATA" | jq . > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\n ${COLOR_RED}Invalid JSON format${COLOR_RESET}" exit 1 fi RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X POST "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw "$DATA") if [ "$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.error | length')" -eq 0 ]; then echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Proxy host created successfully!${COLOR_RESET}" else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to create proxy host. Error: $(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.message')${COLOR_RESET}\n" fi } # Create or update a proxy host based on the existence of the domain create_or_update_proxy_host() { if [ -z "$DOMAIN_NAMES" ] || [ -z "$FORWARD_HOST" ] || [ -z "$FORWARD_PORT" ]; then echo -e "\n 🌍 The -d, -i, and -p options are required to create or update a proxy host." echo -e " πŸ”– Check some examples commands with --examples \n" usage fi check_existing_proxy_host } # Function to pad strings to a certain length pad() { local str="$1" local len="$2" local str_len=${#str} local pad_len=$((len - str_len)) local padding=$(printf '%*s' "$pad_len" "") echo "$str$padding" } # List all proxy hosts with basic details list_proxy_hosts() { echo -e "\n${COLOR_ORANGE} πŸ‘‰ List of proxy hosts (simple)${COLOR_RESET}" printf " %-6s %-36s %-9s %-4s\n" "ID" "Domain" "Status" "SSL" RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") # Clean the response to remove control characters CLEANED_RESPONSE=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | tr -d '\000-\031') echo "$CLEANED_RESPONSE" | jq -r '.[] | "\(.id) \(.domain_names | join(", ")) \(.enabled) \(.ssl_forced)"' | while read -r id domain enabled ssl_forced; do if [ "$enabled" -eq 1 ]; then status="$(echo -e "${WHITE_ON_GREEN} enabled ${COLOR_RESET}")" else status="$(echo -e "${COLOR_RED} disable ${COLOR_RESET}")" fi if [ "$ssl_forced" -eq 1 ]; then ssl_status="βœ…" else ssl_status="✘" fi # Print the row with colors printf " ${COLOR_YELLOW}%6s${COLOR_RESET} ${COLOR_GREEN}%-36s${COLOR_RESET} %-8s %-4s\n" \ "$(pad "$id" 6)" "$(pad "$domain" 36)" "$status" "$ssl_status" done echo "" } # List all proxy hosts with full details list_proxy_hosts_full() { echo -e "\n${COLOR_ORANGE} πŸ‘‰ List of proxy hosts with full details...${COLOR_RESET}\n" RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -c '.[]' | while read -r proxy; do echo "$proxy" | jq . done echo "" } # Search for a proxy host by domain name search_proxy_host() { if [ -z "$SEARCH_HOSTNAME" ]; then echo " πŸ” The --host-search option requires a domain name." usage fi echo -e "\n πŸ” Searching for proxy host for $SEARCH_HOSTNAME..." RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -c --arg search "$SEARCH_HOSTNAME" '.[] | select(.domain_names[] | contains($search))' | while IFS= read -r line; do id=$(echo "$line" | jq -r '.id') domain_names=$(echo "$line" | jq -r '.domain_names[]') echo -e " πŸ”Ž id: ${COLOR_YELLOW}$id${COLOR_RESET} ${COLOR_GREEN}$domain_names${COLOR_RESET}" done echo "" } # List all SSL certificates list_ssl_certificates() { echo " πŸ‘‰ List of SSL certificates..." RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/certificates" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") echo "$RESPONSE" | jq } # List all users list_users() { echo -e "\n πŸ‘‰ List of users..." RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/users" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") echo -e "\n $RESPONSE" | jq } # Create a new user create_user() { if [ -z "$USERNAME" ] || [ -z "$PASSWORD" ] || [ -z "$EMAIL" ]; then echo -e "\n πŸ‘€ The username, password, and email parameters are required to create a user." usage fi echo -e "\n πŸ‘€ Creating user $USERNAME..." DATA=$(jq -n --arg username "$USERNAME" --arg password "$PASSWORD" --arg email "$EMAIL" --arg name "$USERNAME" --arg nickname "$USERNAME" --arg secret "$PASSWORD" '{ name: $name, nickname: $nickname, email: $email, roles: ["admin"], is_disabled: false, auth: { type: "password", secret: $secret } }') echo "Data being sent: $DATA" # Log the data being sent HTTP_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -w "HTTPSTATUS:%{http_code}" -X POST "$BASE_URL/users" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw "$DATA") HTTP_BODY=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | sed -e 's/HTTPSTATUS\:.*//g') HTTP_STATUS=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/.*HTTPSTATUS://') if [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -eq 201 ]; then echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}User created successfully!${COLOR_RESET}\n" else echo "Data sent: $DATA" # Log the data sent echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to create user. HTTP status: $HTTP_STATUS. Response: $HTTP_BODY${COLOR_RESET}\n" fi } # Delete a user by username delete_user() { if [ -z "$USERNAME" ]; then echo " πŸ—‘οΈ The --delete-user option requires a πŸ‘€ username." usage fi echo " πŸ—‘οΈ Deleting user πŸ‘€ $USERNAME..." # Fetch the user ID based on the username USER_ID=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/users" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" | jq -r --arg USERNAME "$USERNAME" '.[] | select(.nickname == $USERNAME) | .id') if [ -n "$USER_ID" ]; then HTTP_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -w "HTTPSTATUS:%{http_code}" -X DELETE "$BASE_URL/users/$USER_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") HTTP_BODY=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | sed -e 's/HTTPSTATUS\:.*//g') HTTP_STATUS=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/.*HTTPSTATUS://') if [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -eq 200 ]; then echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}User deleted successfully!${COLOR_RESET}\n" else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to delete user. HTTP status: $HTTP_STATUS. Response: $HTTP_BODY${COLOR_RESET}\n" fi else echo -e " ${COLOR_RED}User not found: $USERNAME${COLOR_RESET}\n" fi } # Enable a proxy host by ID enable_proxy_host() { if [ -z "$HOST_ID" ]; then echo -e "\n πŸ’£ The --host-enable option requires a host ID." usage fi echo -e "\n βœ… Enabling 🌐 proxy host ID: $HOST_ID..." # Check if the proxy host exists before enabling CHECK_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts/$HOST_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") if echo "$CHECK_RESPONSE" | jq -e '.id' > /dev/null 2>&1; then # Proxy host exists, proceed to enable DATA=$(echo "$CHECK_RESPONSE" | jq '{enabled: 1}') HTTP_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -w "HTTPSTATUS:%{http_code}" -X PUT "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts/$HOST_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw "$DATA") # Extract the body and the status HTTP_BODY=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | sed -e 's/HTTPSTATUS\:.*//g') HTTP_STATUS=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/.*HTTPSTATUS://') if [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -eq 200 ]; then echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Proxy host enabled successfully!${COLOR_RESET}\n" else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to enable proxy host. HTTP status: $HTTP_STATUS. Response: $HTTP_BODY${COLOR_RESET}\n" fi else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Proxy host with ID $HOST_ID does not exist.${COLOR_RESET}\n" fi } # Disable a proxy host by ID disable_proxy_host() { if [ -z "$HOST_ID" ]; then echo -e "\n ❌ The --host-disable option requires a host ID." usage fi echo -e "\n ❌ Disabling 🌐 proxy host ID: $HOST_ID..." HTTP_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -w "HTTPSTATUS:%{http_code}" -X POST "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts/$HOST_ID/disable" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json") # Extract the body and the status HTTP_BODY=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | sed -e 's/HTTPSTATUS\:.*//g') HTTP_STATUS=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/.*HTTPSTATUS://') if [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -eq 200 ]; then echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Proxy host disabled successfully!${COLOR_RESET}\n" else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to disable proxy host. HTTP status: $HTTP_STATUS. Response: $HTTP_BODY${COLOR_RESET}\n" fi } # Generate Let's Encrypt certificate if not exists generate_certificate() { if [ -z "$DOMAIN" ] || [ -z "$EMAIL" ]; then echo -e "\n πŸ›‘οΈ The --generate-cert option requires a domain and email." usage fi echo -e "\n πŸ‘€ Checking if Let's Encrypt certificate for domain: $DOMAIN exists..." RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/certificates" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") EXISTING_CERT=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r --arg DOMAIN "$DOMAIN" '.[] | select(.domain_names[] == $DOMAIN)') if [ -n "$EXISTING_CERT" ] && ! $FORCE_CERT_CREATION; then EXPIRES_ON=$(echo "$EXISTING_CERT" | jq -r '.expires_on') echo -e " πŸ”” Certificate for $DOMAIN already exists and is valid until $EXPIRES_ON." exit 0 fi echo -e " βš™οΈ Generating Let's Encrypt certificate for domain: $DOMAIN..." DATA=$(jq -n --arg domain "$DOMAIN" --arg email "$EMAIL" --argjson agree true '{ provider: "letsencrypt", domain_names: [$domain], meta: { letsencrypt_agree: $agree, letsencrypt_email: $email } }') echo -e "\n πŸ”” Please WAIT until validation !!(or not)!! \n Data being sent: $DATA" # Log the data being sent HTTP_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -w "HTTPSTATUS:%{http_code}" -X POST "$BASE_URL/nginx/certificates" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw "$DATA") HTTP_BODY=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | sed -e 's/HTTPSTATUS\:.*//g') HTTP_STATUS=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/.*HTTPSTATUS://') if [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -eq 201 ]; then echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Certificate generated successfully!${COLOR_RESET}\n" else echo " Data sent: $DATA" # Log the data sent echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to generate certificate. HTTP status: $HTTP_STATUS. Response: $HTTP_BODY${COLOR_RESET}\n" fi } # enable_ssl function enable_ssl() { if [ -z "$HOST_ID" ]; then echo -e "\n πŸ›‘οΈ The --host-ssl-enable option requires a host ID." usage fi echo -e "\n βœ… Enabling πŸ”’ SSL, HTTP/2, and HSTS for proxy host ID: $HOST_ID..." # Check host details CHECK_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts/$HOST_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") CERTIFICATE_ID=$(echo "$CHECK_RESPONSE" | jq -r '.certificate_id') DOMAIN_NAMES=$(echo "$CHECK_RESPONSE" | jq -r '.domain_names[]') # Check if a Let's Encrypt certificate exists CERT_EXISTS=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/certificates" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" | jq -r --arg domain "$DOMAIN_NAMES" '.[] | select(.provider == "letsencrypt" and .domain_names[] == $domain) | .id') if [ -z "$CERT_EXISTS" ]; then echo " β›” No Let's Encrypt certificate associated with this host. Generating a new certificate..." generate_certificate CERTIFICATE_ID=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/certificates" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" | jq -r --arg domain "$DOMAIN_NAMES" '.[] | select(.provider == "letsencrypt" and .domain_names[] == $domain) | .id') else echo " βœ… Existing Let's Encrypt certificate found. Using certificate ID: $CERT_EXISTS" CERTIFICATE_ID="$CERT_EXISTS" fi # Update the host with SSL enabled DATA=$(jq -n --arg cert_id "$CERTIFICATE_ID" '{ certificate_id: $cert_id, ssl_forced: true, http2_support: true, hsts_enabled: true, hsts_subdomains: false }') echo -e "\n Data being sent for SSL enablement: $DATA" # Log the data being sent HTTP_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -w "HTTPSTATUS:%{http_code}" -X PUT "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts/$HOST_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw "$DATA") HTTP_BODY=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | sed -e 's/HTTPSTATUS\:.*//g') HTTP_STATUS=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/.*HTTPSTATUS://') if [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -eq 200 ]; then echo -e "\n βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}SSL, HTTP/2, and HSTS enabled successfully!${COLOR_RESET}\n" else echo -e "\n πŸ‘‰Data sent: $DATA" # Log the data sent echo -e "\n β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to enable SSL, HTTP/2, and HSTS. HTTP status: $HTTP_STATUS. Response: $HTTP_BODY${COLOR_RESET}\n" fi } # disable_ssl # Function to disable SSL for a proxy host disable_ssl() { if [ -z "$HOST_ID" ]; then echo -e "\n πŸ›‘οΈ The --host-ssl-disable option requires a host ID." usage fi echo -e "\n 🚫 Disabling πŸ”“ SSL for proxy host ID: $HOST_ID..." CHECK_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts/$HOST_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") if echo "$CHECK_RESPONSE" | jq -e '.id' > /dev/null 2>&1; then CERTIFICATE_ID=$(echo "$CHECK_RESPONSE" | jq -r '.certificate_id') DATA=$(jq -n --argjson cert_id null '{ certificate_id: $cert_id, ssl_forced: false, http2_support: false, hsts_enabled: false, hsts_subdomains: false }') HTTP_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -w "HTTPSTATUS:%{http_code}" -X PUT "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts/$HOST_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw "$DATA") HTTP_BODY=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | sed -e 's/HTTPSTATUS\:.*//g') HTTP_STATUS=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/.*HTTPSTATUS://') if [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -eq 200 ]; then echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}SSL disabled successfully!${COLOR_RESET}\n" else echo " Data sent: $DATA" # Log the data sent echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to disable SSL. HTTP status: $HTTP_STATUS. Response: $HTTP_BODY${COLOR_RESET}\n" fi else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Proxy host with ID $HOST_ID does not exist.${COLOR_RESET}\n" fi } # host_show # Function to show full details for a specific host by ID host_show() { if [ -z "$HOST_ID" ]; then echo -e "\n β›” The --host-show option requires a host ID." usage fi echo -e "\n${COLOR_ORANGE} πŸ‘‰ Full details for proxy host ID: $HOST_ID...${COLOR_RESET}\n" RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts/$HOST_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") echo "$RESPONSE" | jq . echo "" } # show_default # Display default settings for creating hosts show_default() { echo -e "\n ⭐ ${COLOR_YELLOW}Default settings Token:${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " - TOKEN_EXPIRY : ${COLOR_ORANGE}${TOKEN_EXPIRY}${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e "\n ⭐ ${COLOR_YELLOW}Default settings for creating hosts (change according to your needs):${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " - FORWARD_SCHEME : ${COLOR_ORANGE}${FORWARD_SCHEME}${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " - SSL_FORCED : ${COLOR_ORANGE}${SSL_FORCED}${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " - CACHING_ENABLED : ${COLOR_ORANGE}${CACHING_ENABLED}${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " - BLOCK_EXPLOITS : ${COLOR_ORANGE}${BLOCK_EXPLOITS}${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " - ALLOW_WEBSOCKET : ${COLOR_ORANGE}${ALLOW_WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE}${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " - HTTP2_SUPPORT : ${COLOR_ORANGE}${HTTP2_SUPPORT}${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " - HSTS_ENABLED : ${COLOR_ORANGE}${HSTS_ENABLED}${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " - HSTS_SUBDOMAINS : ${COLOR_ORANGE}${HSTS_SUBDOMAINS}${COLOR_RESET}" echo exit 0 } ## backup # Function to make a full backup full_backup() { mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR" # Get the current date in a formatted string DATE=$(date +"_%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S") echo "" # Function to sanitize names for directory sanitize_name() { echo "$1" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_/g' } # Initialize counters USER_COUNT=0 # Create subdirectories mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR/.user" mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR/.settings" mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR/.access_lists" # Backup users USERS_FILE="$BACKUP_DIR/.user/users_${NGINX_IP//./_}$DATE.json" RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/users" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") if [ -n "$RESPONSE" ]; then echo "$RESPONSE" | jq '.' > "$USERS_FILE" USER_COUNT=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq '. | length') echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Users backup completed πŸ†—${COLOR_GREY}: $USERS_FILE${COLOR_RESET}" else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to backup users.${COLOR_RESET}" fi # Backup settings SETTINGS_FILE="$BACKUP_DIR/.settings/settings_${NGINX_IP//./_}$DATE.json" RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/settings" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") if [ -n "$RESPONSE" ]; then echo "$RESPONSE" | jq '.' > "$SETTINGS_FILE" echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Settings backup completed πŸ†—${COLOR_GREY}: $SETTINGS_FILE${COLOR_RESET}" else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to backup settings.${COLOR_RESET}" fi # Backup proxy hosts RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") if [ -n "$RESPONSE" ]; then echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -c '.[]' | while read -r proxy; do HOST_NAME=$(echo "$proxy" | jq -r '.domain_names[0]') SANITIZED_HOST_NAME=$(sanitize_name "$HOST_NAME") HOST_DIR="$BACKUP_DIR/$SANITIZED_HOST_NAME" mkdir -p "$HOST_DIR" HOST_ID=$(echo "$proxy" | jq -r '.id') echo "$proxy" | jq '.' > "$HOST_DIR/proxy_host_${HOST_ID}_${NGINX_IP//./_}$DATE.json" # Backup SSL certificate if it exists CERTIFICATE_ID=$(echo "$proxy" | jq -r '.certificate_id') if [ "$CERTIFICATE_ID" != "null" ]; then CERT_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/certificates/$CERTIFICATE_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") if [ -n "$CERT_RESPONSE" ]; then echo "$CERT_RESPONSE" | jq '.' > "$HOST_DIR/ssl_certif_${CERTIFICATE_ID}_${NGINX_IP//./_}$DATE.json" else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to backup SSL certificate for certificate ID $CERTIFICATE_ID.${COLOR_RESET}" fi else echo -e " ⚠️ ${COLOR_YELLOW}No SSL certificate associated with host ID $HOST_ID.${COLOR_RESET}" fi done else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to backup proxy hosts.${COLOR_RESET}" exit 1 fi echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Proxy host backup completed πŸ†—${COLOR_GREY}: $BACKUP_DIR ${COLOR_RESET}" # Backup access lists ACCESS_LISTS_FILE="$BACKUP_DIR/.access_lists/access_lists_${NGINX_IP//./_}$DATE.json" RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/access-lists" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") if [ -n "$RESPONSE" ]; then echo "$RESPONSE" | jq '.' > "$ACCESS_LISTS_FILE" echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Access lists backup completed πŸ†—${COLOR_GREY}: $ACCESS_LISTS_FILE${COLOR_RESET}" else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to backup access lists.${COLOR_RESET}" exit 1 fi # Count the number of host directories HOST_COUNT=$(find "$BACKUP_DIR" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | wc -l) # Count total number of backup files TOTAL_BACKUPS=$(find "$BACKUP_DIR" -type f -name "*.json" | wc -l) echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Backup πŸ†— ${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " πŸ“¦ ${COLOR_YELLOW}Backup Summary:${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " - Number of users backed up: ${COLOR_CYAN}$USER_COUNT${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " - Number of proxy hosts backed up: ${COLOR_CYAN}$HOST_COUNT${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e " - Total number of backup files: ${COLOR_CYAN}$TOTAL_BACKUPS${COLOR_RESET}\n" } ## backup-host # Function to backup a single host configuration and its certificate (if exists) backup-host() { if [ -z "$HOST_ID" ]; then echo " πŸ“¦ The --backup-host option requires a host ID." usage fi mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR" # Get the current date in a formatted string DATE=$(date +"_%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S") # Fetch proxy host data RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts/$HOST_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") if [ -n "$RESPONSE" ]; then HOST_NAME=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.domain_names[0]') SANITIZED_HOST_NAME=$(echo "$HOST_NAME" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_/g') HOST_DIR="$BACKUP_DIR/$SANITIZED_HOST_NAME" mkdir -p "$HOST_DIR" echo "$RESPONSE" | jq '.' > "$HOST_DIR/proxy_host_${NGINX_IP//./_}_$DATE.json" echo -e "\n βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}Proxy host backup completed πŸ†—${COLOR_GREY}: ${HOST_DIR}/proxy_host_${NGINX_IP//./_}_$DATE.json${COLOR_RESET}" # Fetch SSL certificate if it exists CERTIFICATE_ID=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.certificate_id') if [ "$CERTIFICATE_ID" != "null" ]; then CERT_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/certificates/$CERTIFICATE_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") if [ -n "$CERT_RESPONSE" ]; then echo "$CERT_RESPONSE" | jq '.' > "$HOST_DIR/ssl_certif_${NGINX_IP//./_}_$DATE.json" echo -e " βœ… ${COLOR_GREEN}SSL certificate backup completed πŸ†—${COLOR_GREY}: ${HOST_DIR}/ssl_certif_${NGINX_IP//./_}_$DATE.json${COLOR_RESET}" else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to backup SSL certificate for certificate ID $CERTIFICATE_ID.${COLOR_RESET}" fi else echo -e " ⚠️ ${COLOR_YELLOW}No SSL certificate associated with host ID $HOST_ID.${COLOR_RESET}" fi else echo -e " β›” ${COLOR_RED}Failed to backup proxy host for host ID $HOST_ID.${COLOR_RESET}" fi echo "" } ############## ## restore-host # Function to restore a single host configuration and its certificate (if exists) restore-host() { echo "A finir " } ################################# # Main logic if [ "$CREATE_USER" = true ]; then create_user elif [ "$DELETE_USER" = true ]; then delete_user elif [ "$DELETE_HOST" = true ]; then delete_proxy_host elif [ "$LIST_HOSTS" = true ]; then list_proxy_hosts elif [ "$LIST_HOSTS_FULL" = true ]; then list_proxy_hosts_full elif [ "$HOST_SHOW" = true ]; then host_show elif [ "$LIST_SSL_CERTIFICATES" = true ]; then list_ssl_certificates elif [ "$LIST_USERS" = true ]; then list_users elif [ "$SEARCH_HOST" = true ]; then search_proxy_host elif [ "$ENABLE_HOST" = true ]; then enable_proxy_host elif [ "$DISABLE_HOST" = true ]; then disable_proxy_host elif [ "$CHECK_TOKEN" = true ]; then validate_token elif [ "$BACKUP" = true ]; then full_backup elif [ "$BACKUP_HOST" = true ]; then backup-host elif [ "$RESTORE" = true ]; then restore_backup elif [ "$RESTORE_HOST" = true ]; then restore-host elif [ "$GENERATE_CERT" = true ]; then generate_certificate elif [ "$ENABLE_SSL" = true ]; then enable_ssl elif [ "$DISABLE_SSL" = true ]; then disable_ssl elif [ "$SHOW_DEFAULT" = true ]; then show_default elif [ "$SSL_RESTORE" = true ]; then restore_ssl_certificates elif [ "$SSL_REGENERATE" = true ]; then regenerate_all_ssl_certificates elif [ "$1" = "--info" ]; then display_info else create_or_update_proxy_host fi