#!/bin/bash ############################################################################### # Nginx Proxy Manager CLI Script # Erreur32 - July 2024 # # This script allows you to manage Nginx Proxy Manager via l'API. It provides # functionalities such as creating proxy hosts, managing users, and displaying # configurations. # # Usage: # ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh [OPTIONS] # # Examples: # ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh -d example.com -i -p 8080 -s true # ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --create-user newuser password123 # ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --list-hosts # ############################################################################### # Variables to edit (required) NGINX_IP="" # Existing nginx user API_USER="user@nginx" API_PASS="pass nginx" ################################ # Colors #COLOR_GREEN="\e[32m" #COLOR_RED="\e[41;1m" #COLOR_ORANGE="\e[38;5;202m" #COLOR_YELLOW="\e[93m" #COLOR_RESET="\e[0m" COLOR_GREEN="\033[32m" COLOR_RED="\033[41;1m" COLOR_ORANGE="\033[38;5;202m" COLOR_YELLOW="\033[93m" COLOR_RESET="\033[0m" # API Endpoints BASE_URL="http://$NGINX_IP:81/api" API_ENDPOINT="/tokens" EXPIRY_FILE="expiry.txt" TOKEN_FILE="token.txt" TOKEN_EXPIRY="1y" # Default variables SSL_FORCED=false CACHING_ENABLED=false BLOCK_EXPLOITS=true ALLOW_WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE=false HTTP2_SUPPORT=true ADVANCED_CONFIG="" LETS_ENCRYPT_AGREE=false LETS_ENCRYPT_EMAIL="" DNS_CHALLENGE=false FORWARD_SCHEME="http" # Control variables CREATE_USER=false DELETE_USER=false DELETE_HOST=false LIST_HOSTS=false LIST_HOSTS_FULL=false LIST_SSL_CERTIFICATES=false LIST_USERS=false SEARCH_HOST=false # Check if necessary dependencies are installed check_dependencies() { local dependencies=("curl" "jq") for dep in "${dependencies[@]}"; do if ! command -v $dep &> /dev/null; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Dependency $dep is not installed. Please install it before running this script.${COLOR_RESET}" exit 1 fi done } # Check if necessary dependencies are installed check_dependencies # Display help usage() { echo -e "\n${COLOR_YELLOW}Usage: $0 -d domain -i ip -p port [-f forward_scheme] [-s ssl_forced] [-c caching_enabled] [-b block_exploits] [-w allow_websocket_upgrade] [-h http2_support] [-a advanced_config] [-e lets_encrypt_agree] [-m lets_encrypt_email] [-n dns_challenge] [-t token_expiry] [--create-user username password] [--delete-user username] [--delete-host id] [--list-hosts] [--list-hosts-full] [--list-ssl-certificates] [--list-users] [--search-host hostname] [--help]${COLOR_RESET}" echo "" echo -e "Examples:" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh -d example.com -i -p 8080 -s true" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --create-user newuser password123" echo -e " ./nginx_proxy_manager_cli.sh --list-hosts" echo -e "" echo -e "Options:" echo -e " -d ${COLOR_ORANGE}DOMAIN_NAMES${COLOR_RESET} Domain name (${COLOR_RED} required ${COLOR_RESET})" echo -e " -i ${COLOR_ORANGE}FORWARD_HOST${COLOR_RESET} IP address or domain name of the target server (${COLOR_RED} required ${COLOR_RESET})" echo -e " -p ${COLOR_ORANGE}FORWARD_PORT${COLOR_RESET} Port of the target server (${COLOR_RED} required ${COLOR_RESET})" echo -e " -f FORWARD_SCHEME Scheme for forwarding (http/https, default: http)" echo -e " -s SSL_FORCED Force SSL (true/false, default: $(colorize_boolean $SSL_FORCED))" echo -e " -c CACHING_ENABLED Enable caching (true/false, default: $(colorize_boolean $CACHING_ENABLED))" echo -e " -b BLOCK_EXPLOITS Block exploits (true/false, default: $(colorize_boolean $BLOCK_EXPLOITS))" echo -e " -w ALLOW_WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE Allow WebSocket upgrade (true/false, default: $(colorize_boolean $ALLOW_WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE))" echo -e " -h HTTP2_SUPPORT Support HTTP/2 (true/false, default: $(colorize_boolean $HTTP2_SUPPORT))" echo -e " -a ADVANCED_CONFIG Advanced configuration (string)" echo -e " -e LETS_ENCRYPT_AGREE Accept Let's Encrypt (true/false, default: $(colorize_boolean $LETS_ENCRYPT_AGREE))" echo -e " -m LETS_ENCRYPT_EMAIL Email for Let's Encrypt (${COLOR_ORANGE}required${COLOR_RESET} if LETS_ENCRYPT_AGREE is true)" echo -e " -n DNS_CHALLENGE DNS challenge (true/false, default: $(colorize_boolean $DNS_CHALLENGE))" echo -e " -t TOKEN_EXPIRY Token expiry duration (default: ${COLOR_YELLOW}1y${COLOR_RESET})" echo -e " --create-user user pass Create a user with a username and password" echo -e " --delete-user username Delete a user by username" echo -e " --delete-host id Delete a proxy host by ID" echo -e " --list-hosts List the names of all proxy hosts" echo -e " --list-hosts-full List all proxy hosts with full details" echo -e " --list-ssl-certificates List all SSL certificates" echo -e " --list-users List all users" echo -e " --search-host hostname Search for a proxy host by domain name" echo -e " --help Display this help" echo exit 0 } # Function to colorize true and false values colorize_boolean() { local value=$1 if [ "$value" = true ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}true${COLOR_RESET}" else echo -e "${COLOR_YELLOW}false${COLOR_RESET}" fi } # Parse command-line options while getopts "d:i:p:f:s:c:b:w:h:a:e:m:n:t:-:" opt; do case $opt in d) DOMAIN_NAMES="$OPTARG" ;; i) FORWARD_HOST="$OPTARG" ;; p) FORWARD_PORT="$OPTARG" ;; f) FORWARD_SCHEME="$OPTARG" ;; s) SSL_FORCED="$OPTARG" ;; c) CACHING_ENABLED="$OPTARG" ;; b) BLOCK_EXPLOITS="$OPTARG" ;; w) ALLOW_WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE="$OPTARG" ;; h) HTTP2_SUPPORT="$OPTARG" ;; a) ADVANCED_CONFIG="$OPTARG" ;; e) LETS_ENCRYPT_AGREE="$OPTARG" ;; m) LETS_ENCRYPT_EMAIL="$OPTARG" ;; n) DNS_CHALLENGE="$OPTARG" ;; t) TOKEN_EXPIRY="$OPTARG" ;; -) case "${OPTARG}" in help) usage ;; create-user) CREATE_USER=true USERNAME="${!OPTIND}"; shift PASSWORD="${!OPTIND}"; shift ;; delete-user) DELETE_USER=true USERNAME="${!OPTIND}"; shift ;; delete-host) DELETE_HOST=true HOST_ID="${!OPTIND}"; shift ;; list-hosts) LIST_HOSTS=true ;; list-hosts-full) LIST_HOSTS_FULL=true ;; list-ssl-certificates) LIST_SSL_CERTIFICATES=true ;; list-users) LIST_USERS=true ;; search-host) SEARCH_HOST=true SEARCH_HOSTNAME="${!OPTIND}"; shift ;; *) echo "Unknown option --${OPTARG}" ; usage ;; esac ;; *) usage ;; esac done # Check if Nginx IP and port are accessible check_nginx_access() { if ping -c 2 -W 2 $NGINX_IP &> /dev/null; then if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$BASE_URL"; then echo "Nginx url ✅ $BASE_URL" else echo "Nginx url ⛔ $BASE_URL is NOT accessible." exit 1 fi else echo "$NGINX_IP ⛔ is not responding. Houston, we have a problem." exit 1 fi } # Function to generate the token generate_token() { response=$(curl -s -X POST "$BASE_URL$API_ENDPOINT" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw "{\"identity\":\"$API_USER\",\"secret\":\"$API_PASS\",\"expiry\":\"$TOKEN_EXPIRY\"}") token=$(echo $response | jq -r '.token') expires=$(echo $response | jq -r '.expires') if [ "$token" != "null" ]; then echo $token > $TOKEN_FILE echo $expires > $EXPIRY_FILE echo "Token: $token" echo "Expiry: $expires" else echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Error generating token.${COLOR_RESET}" exit 1 fi } # Function to validate the token validate_token() { if [ ! -f "$TOKEN_FILE" ] || [ ! -f "$EXPIRY_FILE" ]; then return 1 fi token=$(cat $TOKEN_FILE) expires=$(cat $EXPIRY_FILE) current_time=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") if [[ "$current_time" < "$expires" ]]; then echo -e " ${COLOR_GREEN}The token is valid. Expiry: $expires${COLOR_RESET}" return 0 else echo -e " ${COLOR_RED}The token is invalid. Expiry: $expires${COLOR_RESET}" return 1 fi } # Check if Nginx is accessible check_nginx_access # Check if the token file exists if ! validate_token; then echo "No valid token found. Generating a new token..." generate_token fi # Check required parameters for displaying help if [ -z "$DOMAIN_NAMES" ] && ! $CREATE_USER && ! $DELETE_USER && ! $DELETE_HOST && ! $LIST_HOSTS && ! $LIST_HOSTS_FULL && ! $LIST_SSL_CERTIFICATES && ! $LIST_USERS && ! $SEARCH_HOST; then usage fi # Function to check if proxy host exists check_existing_proxy_host() { RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") EXISTING_HOST=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r --arg DOMAIN "$DOMAIN_NAMES" '.[] | select(.domain_names[] == $DOMAIN)') if [ -n "$EXISTING_HOST" ]; then echo -e "\n 🔔 Proxy host for $DOMAIN_NAMES already exists.${COLOR_GREEN}" read -p " Do you want to update it with the new configuration? (y/n): " -r if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then HOST_ID=$(echo "$EXISTING_HOST" | jq -r '.id') update_proxy_host $HOST_ID else echo -e "${COLOR_RESET} No changes made." exit 0 fi else create_new_proxy_host fi } # Function to update a proxy host update_proxy_host() { HOST_ID=$1 echo -e "\n Updating proxy host for $DOMAIN_NAMES..." DATA='{ "domain_names": ["'"$DOMAIN_NAMES"'"], "forward_host": "'"$FORWARD_HOST"'", "forward_port": '"$FORWARD_PORT"', "access_list_id": null, "certificate_id": null, "ssl_forced": '"$SSL_FORCED"', "caching_enabled": '"$CACHING_ENABLED"', "block_exploits": '"$BLOCK_EXPLOITS"', "advanced_config": "'"$ADVANCED_CONFIG"'", "meta": { "letsencrypt_agree": '"$LETS_ENCRYPT_AGREE"', "dns_challenge": '"$DNS_CHALLENGE"', "letsencrypt_email": "'"$LETS_ENCRYPT_EMAIL"'" }, "allow_websocket_upgrade": '"$ALLOW_WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE"', "http2_support": '"$HTTP2_SUPPORT"', "forward_scheme": "'"$FORWARD_SCHEME"'", "enabled": true, "locations": [] }' RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X PUT "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts/$HOST_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw "$DATA") if [ $(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.error | length') -eq 0 ]; then echo -e " ${COLOR_GREEN}Proxy host updated successfully!${COLOR_RESET} ✅" else echo -e " ${COLOR_RED}Failed to update proxy host. Error: $(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.message')${COLOR_RESET}" fi } # Function to create a new proxy host create_new_proxy_host() { echo "Creating proxy host for $DOMAIN_NAMES..." DATA='{ "domain_names": ["'"$DOMAIN_NAMES"'"], "forward_host": "'"$FORWARD_HOST"'", "forward_port": '"$FORWARD_PORT"', "access_list_id": null, "certificate_id": null, "ssl_forced": '"$SSL_FORCED"', "caching_enabled": '"$CACHING_ENABLED"', "block_exploits": '"$BLOCK_EXPLOITS"', "advanced_config": "'"$ADVANCED_CONFIG"'", "meta": { "letsencrypt_agree": '"$LETS_ENCRYPT_AGREE"', "dns_challenge": '"$DNS_CHALLENGE"', "letsencrypt_email": "'"$LETS_ENCRYPT_EMAIL"'" }, "allow_websocket_upgrade": '"$ALLOW_WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE"', "http2_support": '"$HTTP2_SUPPORT"', "forward_scheme": "'"$FORWARD_SCHEME"'", "enabled": true, "locations": [] }' RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X POST "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw "$DATA") if [ $(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.error | length') -eq 0 ]; then echo -e " ${COLOR_GREEN}Proxy host created successfully!${COLOR_RESET} ✅" else echo -e " ${COLOR_RED}Failed to create proxy host. Error: $(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.message')${COLOR_RESET}" fi } # Function to create or update a proxy host create_or_update_proxy_host() { if [ -z "$DOMAIN_NAMES" ] || [ -z "$FORWARD_HOST" ] || [ -z "$FORWARD_PORT" ]; then echo "The -d, -i, and -p options are required to create or update a proxy host." usage fi if $LETS_ENCRYPT_AGREE && [ -z "$LETS_ENCRYPT_EMAIL" ]; then echo "The -m option is required when -e is true." usage fi check_existing_proxy_host } # Function to delete a proxy host delete_proxy_host() { if [ -z "$HOST_ID" ]; then echo "The --delete-host option requires a host ID." usage fi echo " Deleting proxy host ID: $HOST_ID..." RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X DELETE "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts/$HOST_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") if [ $(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.error | length') -eq 0 ]; then echo -e " ${COLOR_GREEN}Proxy host deleted successfully!${COLOR_RESET} ✅" else echo -e " ${COLOR_RED}Failed to delete proxy host. Error: $(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.message')${COLOR_RESET}" fi } # Function to list all proxy hosts (simple) list_proxy_hosts() { echo "List of proxy hosts..." RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.[] | "\(.id) \(.domain_names[])"' | awk -v yellow="$COLOR_YELLOW" -v green="$COLOR_GREEN" -v reset="$COLOR_RESET" '{ printf " id: " yellow "%-4s" reset " " green "%s" reset "\n", $1, $2 }' } # Function to list all proxy hosts with full details list_proxy_hosts_full() { echo -e "\n${COLOR_ORANGE} List of proxy hosts with full details...${COLOR_RESET}\n" RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -c '.[]' | while IFS= read -r line; do domain_names=$(echo "$line" | jq -r '.domain_names[]') advanced_config=$(echo "$line" | jq -r '.advanced_config') echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}$domain_names${COLOR_RESET}" echo -e "$advanced_config" | awk '{ gsub(/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/, "'${COLOR_ORANGE}'&'${COLOR_RESET}'"); print }' | sed 's/^/ /' echo done } # Function to search for a proxy host and display details if found search_proxy_host() { if [ -z "$SEARCH_HOSTNAME" ]; then echo "The --search-host option requires a domain name." usage fi echo "Searching for proxy host for $SEARCH_HOSTNAME..." RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/proxy-hosts" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -c --arg search "$SEARCH_HOSTNAME" '.[] | select(.domain_names[] | contains($search))' | while IFS= read -r line; do domain_names=$(echo "$line" | jq -r '.domain_names[]') advanced_config=$(echo "$line" | jq -r '.advanced_config') echo "domain_names: $domain_names" echo "$advanced_config" | sed 's/^/ /' echo done } # Function to list all SSL certificates list_ssl_certificates() { echo "List of SSL certificates..." RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/nginx/certificates" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") echo "$RESPONSE" | jq } # Function to list all users list_users() { echo "List of users..." RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/users" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") echo "$RESPONSE" | jq } # Function to create a user create_user() { if [ -z "$USERNAME" ] || [ -z "$PASSWORD" ]; then echo "The username and password parameters are required to create a user." usage fi echo "Creating user $USERNAME..." RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X POST "$BASE_URL/users" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ --data-raw '{ "username": "'"$USERNAME"'", "password": "'"$PASSWORD"'", "roles": ["user"] }') if [ $(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.error | length') -eq 0 ]; then echo -e " ${COLOR_GREEN}User created successfully!${COLOR_RESET} ✅" else echo -e " ${COLOR_RED}Failed to create user. Error: $(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.message')${COLOR_RESET}" fi } # Function to delete a user delete_user() { if [ -z "$USERNAME" ]; then echo "The --delete-user option requires a username." usage fi echo "Deleting user $USERNAME..." USER_ID=$(curl -s -X GET "$BASE_URL/users" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)" | jq -r '.[] | select(.username == "'"$USERNAME"'") | .id') if [ -n "$USER_ID" ]; then RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X DELETE "$BASE_URL/users/$USER_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat $TOKEN_FILE)") if [ $(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.error | length') -eq 0 ]; then echo -e " ${COLOR_GREEN}User deleted successfully!${COLOR_RESET} ✅" else echo -e " ${COLOR_RED}Failed to delete user. Error: $(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.message')${COLOR_RESET}" fi else echo "User not found: $USERNAME" fi } # Call functions based on options if [ "$CREATE_USER" = true ]; then create_user elif [ "$DELETE_USER" = true ]; then delete_user elif [ "$DELETE_HOST" = true ]; then delete_proxy_host elif [ "$LIST_HOSTS" = true ]; then list_proxy_hosts elif [ "$LIST_HOSTS_FULL" = true ]; then list_proxy_hosts_full elif [ "$LIST_SSL_CERTIFICATES" = true ]; then list_ssl_certificates elif [ "$LIST_USERS" = true ]; then list_users elif [ "$SEARCH_HOST" = true ]; then search_proxy_host else create_or_update_proxy_host fi