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Emulation of the SIGABA machine
@author hettysymes
@copyright hettysymes 2020
@license Apache-2.0
A set of randomised example SIGABA cipher/control rotors (these rotors are interchangeable). Cipher and control rotors can be referred to as C and R rotors respectively.
export const CR_ROTORS = [
{name: "Example 1", value: "SRGWANHPJZFXVIDQCEUKBYOLMT"},
{name: "Example 2", value: "THQEFSAZVKJYULBODCPXNIMWRG"},
{name: "Example 3", value: "XDTUYLEVFNQZBPOGIRCSMHWKAJ"},
{name: "Example 4", value: "LOHDMCWUPSTNGVXYFJREQIKBZA"},
{name: "Example 5", value: "ERXWNZQIJYLVOFUMSGHTCKPBDA"},
{name: "Example 6", value: "FQECYHJIOUMDZVPSLKRTGWXBAN"},
{name: "Example 7", value: "TBYIUMKZDJSOPEWXVANHLCFQGR"},
{name: "Example 8", value: "QZUPDTFNYIAOMLEBWJXCGHKRSV"},
{name: "Example 9", value: "CZWNHEMPOVXLKRSIDGJFYBTQAU"},
{name: "Example 10", value: "ENPXJVKYQBFZTICAGMOHWRLDUS"}
A set of randomised example SIGABA index rotors (may be referred to as I rotors).
export const I_ROTORS = [
{name: "Example 1", value: "6201348957"},
{name: "Example 2", value: "6147253089"},
{name: "Example 3", value: "8239647510"},
{name: "Example 4", value: "7194835260"},
{name: "Example 5", value: "4873205916"}
export const NUMBERS = "0123456789".split("");
Converts a letter to uppercase (if it already isn't)
@param {char} letter - letter to convert to upper case
@returns {char}
export function convToUpperCase(letter){
const charCode = letter.charCodeAt();
if (97<=charCode && charCode<=122){
return String.fromCharCode(charCode-32);
return letter;
The SIGABA machine consisting of the 3 rotor banks: cipher, control and index banks.
export class SigabaMachine{
SigabaMachine constructor
@param {Object[]} cipherRotors - list of CRRotors
@param {Object[]} controlRotors - list of CRRotors
@param {object[]} indexRotors - list of IRotors
constructor(cipherRotors, controlRotors, indexRotors){
this.cipherBank = new CipherBank(cipherRotors);
this.controlBank = new ControlBank(controlRotors);
this.indexBank = new IndexBank(indexRotors);
Steps all the correct rotors in the machine.
const controlOut = this.controlBank.goThroughControl();
const indexOut = this.indexBank.goThroughIndex(controlOut);
Encrypts a letter. A space is converted to a "Z" before encryption, and a "Z" is converted to an "X". This allows spaces to be encrypted.
@param {char} letter - letter to encrypt
@returns {char}
letter = convToUpperCase(letter);
if (letter == " "){
letter = "Z";
else if (letter == "Z") {
letter = "X";
const encryptedLetter = this.cipherBank.encrypt(letter);
return encryptedLetter;
Decrypts a letter. A letter decrypted as a "Z" is converted to a space before it is output, since spaces are converted to "Z"s before encryption.
@param {char} letter - letter to decrypt
@returns {char}
letter = convToUpperCase(letter);
let decryptedLetter = this.cipherBank.decrypt(letter);
if (decryptedLetter == "Z"){
decryptedLetter = " ";
return decryptedLetter;
Encrypts a message of one or more letters
@param {string} msg - message to encrypt
@returns {string}
let ciphertext = "";
for (const letter of msg){
ciphertext = ciphertext.concat(this.encryptLetter(letter));
return ciphertext;
Decrypts a message of one or more letters
@param {string} msg - message to decrypt
@returns {string}
let plaintext = "";
for (const letter of msg){
plaintext = plaintext.concat(this.decryptLetter(letter));
return plaintext;
The cipher rotor bank consists of 5 cipher rotors in either a forward or reversed orientation.
export class CipherBank{
CipherBank constructor
@param {Object[]} rotors - list of CRRotors
this.rotors = rotors;
Encrypts a letter through the cipher rotors (signal goes from left-to-right)
@param {char} inputPos - the input position of the signal (letter to be encrypted)
@returns {char}
for (let rotor of this.rotors){
inputPos = rotor.crypt(inputPos, "leftToRight");
return inputPos;
Decrypts a letter through the cipher rotors (signal goes from right-to-left)
@param {char} inputPos - the input position of the signal (letter to be decrypted)
@returns {char}
const revOrderedRotors = [...this.rotors].reverse();
for (let rotor of revOrderedRotors){
inputPos = rotor.crypt(inputPos, "rightToLeft");
return inputPos;
Step the cipher rotors forward according to the inputs from the index rotors
@param {number[]} indexInputs - the inputs from the index rotors
const logicDict = {0: [0,9], 1:[7,8], 2:[5,6], 3:[3,4], 4:[1,2]};
let rotorsToMove = [];
for (const key in logicDict){
const item = logicDict[key];
for (const i of indexInputs){
if (item.includes(i)){
for (let rotor of rotorsToMove){
The control rotor bank consists of 5 control rotors in either a forward or reversed orientation. Signals to the control rotor bank always go from right-to-left.
export class ControlBank{
ControlBank constructor. The rotors have been reversed as signals go from right-to-left through the control rotors.
@param {Object[]} rotors - list of CRRotors
this.rotors = [...rotors].reverse();
this.numberOfMoves = 1;
Encrypts a letter.
@param {char} inputPos - the input position of the signal
@returns {char}
for (let rotor of this.rotors){
inputPos = rotor.crypt(inputPos, "rightToLeft");
return inputPos;
Gets the outputs of the control rotors. The inputs to the control rotors are always "F", "G", "H" and "I".
@returns {number[]}
const outputs = [this.crypt("F"), this.crypt("G"), this.crypt("H"), this.crypt("I")];
const logicDict = {1:"B", 2:"C", 3:"DE", 4:"FGH", 5:"IJK", 6:"LMNO", 7:"PQRST", 8:"UVWXYZ", 9:"A"};
let numberOutputs = [];
for (let key in logicDict){
const item = logicDict[key];
for (let output of outputs){
if (item.includes(output)){
return numberOutputs;
Steps the control rotors. Only 3 of the control rotors step: one after every encryption, one after every 26, and one after every 26 squared.
const MRotor = this.rotors[1], FRotor = this.rotors[2], SRotor = this.rotors[3];
this.numberOfMoves ++;
if (this.numberOfMoves%26 == 0){
if (this.numberOfMoves%(26*26) == 0){
The goThroughControl function combines getting the outputs from the control rotor bank and then stepping them.
@returns {number[]}
const outputs = this.getOutputs();
return outputs;
The index rotor bank consists of 5 index rotors all placed in the forwards orientation.
export class IndexBank{
IndexBank constructor
@param {Object[]} rotors - list of IRotors
this.rotors = rotors;
Encrypts a number.
@param {number} inputPos - the input position of the signal
@returns {number}
for (let rotor of this.rotors){
inputPos = rotor.crypt(inputPos);
return inputPos;
The goThroughIndex function takes the inputs from the control rotor bank and returns the list of outputs after encryption through the index rotors.
@param {number[]} - inputs from the control rotors
@returns {number[]}
let outputs = [];
for (const inp of controlInputs){
return outputs;
Rotor class
export class Rotor{
Rotor constructor
@param {number[]} wireSetting - the wirings within the rotor: mapping from left-to-right, the index of the number in the list maps onto the number at that index
@param {bool} rev - true if the rotor is reversed, false if it isn't
@param {number} key - the starting position or state of the rotor
constructor(wireSetting, key, rev){
this.state = key;
this.numMapping = this.getNumMapping(wireSetting, rev);
this.posMapping = this.getPosMapping(rev);
Get the number mapping from the wireSetting (only different from wireSetting if rotor is reversed)
@param {number[]} wireSetting - the wirings within the rotors
@param {bool} rev - true if reversed, false if not
@returns {number[]}
getNumMapping(wireSetting, rev){
if (rev==false){
return wireSetting;
else {
const length = wireSetting.length;
let tempMapping = new Array(length);
for (let i=0; i<length; i++){
tempMapping[wireSetting[i]] = i;
return tempMapping;
Get the position mapping (how the position numbers map onto the numbers of the rotor)
@param {bool} rev - true if reversed, false if not
@returns {number[]}
const length = this.numMapping.length;
let posMapping = [];
if (rev==false){
for (let i=this.state; i<this.state+length; i++){
let res = i%length;
if (res<0){
res += length;
else {
for (let i=this.state; i>this.state-length; i--){
let res = i%length;
if (res<0){
res += length;
return posMapping;
Encrypt/decrypt data. This process is identical to the rotors of cipher machines such as Enigma or Typex.
@param {number} inputPos - the input position of the signal (the data to encrypt/decrypt)
@param {string} direction - one of "leftToRight" and "rightToLeft", states the direction in which the signal passes through the rotor
@returns {number}
cryptNum(inputPos, direction){
const inpNum = this.posMapping[inputPos];
var outNum;
if (direction == "leftToRight"){
outNum = this.numMapping[inpNum];
else if (direction == "rightToLeft") {
outNum = this.numMapping.indexOf(inpNum);
const outPos = this.posMapping.indexOf(outNum);
return outPos;
Steps the rotor. The number at position 0 will be moved to position 1 etc.
const lastNum = this.posMapping.pop();
this.posMapping.splice(0, 0, lastNum);
this.state = this.posMapping[0];
A CRRotor is a cipher (C) or control (R) rotor. These rotors are identical and interchangeable. A C or R rotor consists of 26 contacts, one for each letter, and may be put into either a forwards of reversed orientation.
export class CRRotor extends Rotor{
CRRotor constructor
@param {string} wireSetting - the rotor wirings (string of letters)
@param {char} key - initial state of rotor
@param {bool} rev - true if reversed, false if not
constructor(wireSetting, key, rev=false){
wireSetting = wireSetting.split("").map(CRRotor.letterToNum);
super(wireSetting, CRRotor.letterToNum(key), rev);
Static function which converts a letter into its number i.e. its offset from the letter "A"
@param {char} letter - letter to convert to number
@returns {number}
static letterToNum(letter){
return letter.charCodeAt()-65;
Static function which converts a number (a letter's offset from "A") into its letter
@param {number} num - number to convert to letter
@returns {char}
static numToLetter(num){
return String.fromCharCode(num+65);
Encrypts/decrypts a letter.
@param {char} inputPos - the input position of the signal ("A" refers to position 0 etc.)
@param {string} direction - one of "leftToRight" and "rightToLeft"
@returns {char}
crypt(inputPos, direction){
inputPos = CRRotor.letterToNum(inputPos);
const outPos = this.cryptNum(inputPos, direction);
return CRRotor.numToLetter(outPos);
An IRotor is an index rotor, which consists of 10 contacts each numbered from 0 to 9. Unlike C and R rotors, they cannot be put in the reversed orientation. The index rotors do not step at any point during encryption or decryption.
export class IRotor extends Rotor{
IRotor constructor
@param {string} wireSetting - the rotor wirings (string of numbers)
@param {char} key - initial state of rotor
constructor(wireSetting, key){
wireSetting = wireSetting.split("").map(Number);
super(wireSetting, Number(key), false);
Encrypts a number
@param {number} inputPos - the input position of the signal
@returns {number}
return this.cryptNum(inputPos, "leftToRight");