this.description="Base85 (also called Ascii85) is a notation for encoding arbitrary byte data. It is usually more efficient that Base64.<br><br>This operation encodes data in an ASCII string (with an alphabet of your choosing, presets included).<br><br>e.g. <code>hello world</code> becomes <code>BOu!rD]j7BEbo7</code><br><br>Base85 is commonly used in Adobe's PostScript and PDF file formats.<br><br><strong>Options</strong><br><u>Alphabet</u><ul><li>Standard - The standard alphabet, referred to as Ascii85</li><li>Z85 (ZeroMQ) - A string-safe variant of Base85, which avoids quote marks and backslash characters</li><li>IPv6 - A variant of Base85 suitable for encoding IPv6 addresses (RFC 1924)</li></ul><u>Include delimiter</u><br>Adds a '<~' and '~>' delimiter to the start and end of the data. This is standard for Adobe's implementation of Base85.";