
274 lines
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* @author jkataja
* @copyright Crown Copyright 2023
* @license Apache-2.0
import Operation from "../Operation.mjs";
import forge from "node-forge";
import Utils from "../Utils.mjs";
* Parse CSR operation
class ParseCSR extends Operation {
* ParseCSR constructor
constructor() {
super(); = "Parse CSR";
this.module = "PublicKey";
this.description = "Parse Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for an X.509 certificate";
this.infoURL = "";
this.inputType = "string";
this.outputType = "string";
this.args = [
"name": "Input format",
"type": "option",
"value": ["PEM"]
"name": "Key type",
"type": "option",
"value": ["RSA"]
"name": "Strict ASN.1 value lengths",
"type": "boolean",
"value": true
this.checks = [
"pattern": "^-+BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-+\\r?\\n[\\da-z+/\\n\\r]+-+END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-+\\r?\\n?$",
"flags": "i",
"args": ["PEM"]
* @param {string} input
* @param {Object[]} args
* @returns {string} Human-readable description of a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
run(input, args) {
if (!input.length) {
return "No input";
const csr = forge.pki.certificationRequestFromPem(input, args[1]);
// RSA algorithm is the only one supported for CSR in node-forge as of 1.3.1
return `Version: ${1 + csr.version} (0x${Utils.hex(csr.version)})
Subject Alternative Names${formatSubjectAlternativeNames(csr)}
Public Key
Algorithm: RSA
Length: ${csr.publicKey.n.bitLength()} bits
Modulus: ${formatMultiLine(chop(csr.publicKey.n.toString(16).replace(/(..)/g, "$&:")))}
Exponent: ${csr.publicKey.e} (0x${Utils.hex(csr.publicKey.e)})
Algorithm: ${forge.pki.oids[csr.signatureOid]}
Signature: ${formatMultiLine(Utils.strToByteArray(csr.signature).map(b => Utils.hex(b)).join(":"))}
* Format Subject of the request as a multi-line string
* @param {*} subject CSR Subject
* @returns Multi-line string describing Subject
function formatSubject(subject) {
let out = "\n";
for (const attribute of subject.attributes) {
out += ` ${attribute.shortName} = ${attribute.value}\n`;
return chop(out);
* Format Subject Alternative Names from the name `subjectAltName` extension
* @param {*} extension CSR object
* @returns Multi-line string describing Subject Alternative Names
function formatSubjectAlternativeNames(csr) {
let out = "\n";
for (const attribute of csr.attributes) {
for (const extension of attribute.extensions) {
if ( === "subjectAltName") {
const names = [];
for (const altName of extension.altNames) {
switch (altName.type) {
case 1:
names.push(`EMAIL: ${altName.value}`);
case 2:
names.push(`DNS: ${altName.value}`);
case 6:
names.push(`URI: ${altName.value}`);
case 7:
names.push(`IP: ${altName.ip}`);
names.push(`(unable to format type ${altName.type} name)\n`);
out += indent(2, names);
return chop(out);
* Format known extensions of a CSR
* @param {*} csr CSR object
* @returns Multi-line string describing attributes
function formatExtensions(csr) {
let out = "\n";
for (const attribute of csr.attributes) {
for (const extension of attribute.extensions) {
// formatted separately
if ( === "subjectAltName") {
out += ` ${}${(extension.critical ? " CRITICAL" : "")}:\n`;
let parts = [];
switch ( {
case "basicConstraints" :
parts = describeBasicConstraints(extension);
case "keyUsage" :
parts = describeKeyUsage(extension);
case "extKeyUsage" :
parts = describeExtendedKeyUsage(extension);
default :
parts = ["(unable to format extension)"];
out += indent(4, parts);
return chop(out);
* Format hex string onto multiple lines
* @param {*} longStr
* @returns Hex string as a multi-line hex string
function formatMultiLine(longStr) {
const lines = [];
for (let remain = longStr ; remain !== "" ; remain = remain.substring(48)) {
lines.push(remain.substring(0, 48));
return lines.join("\n ");
* Describe Basic Constraints
* @see RFC 5280 Basic Constraints
* @param {*} extension CSR extension with the name `basicConstraints`
* @returns Array of strings describing Basic Constraints
function describeBasicConstraints(extension) {
const constraints = [];
constraints.push(`CA = ${extension.cA}`);
if (extension.pathLenConstraint !== undefined) constraints.push(`PathLenConstraint = ${extension.pathLenConstraint}`);
return constraints;
* Describe Key Usage extension permitted use cases
* @see RFC 5280 Key Usage
* @param {*} extension CSR extension with the name `keyUsage`
* @returns Array of strings describing Key Usage extension permitted use cases
function describeKeyUsage(extension) {
const usage = [];
if (extension.digitalSignature) usage.push("Digital signature");
if (extension.nonRepudiation) usage.push("Non-repudiation");
if (extension.keyEncipherment) usage.push("Key encipherment");
if (extension.dataEncipherment) usage.push("Data encipherment");
if (extension.keyAgreement) usage.push("Key agreement");
if (extension.keyCertSign) usage.push("Key certificate signing");
if (extension.cRLSign) usage.push("CRL signing");
if (extension.encipherOnly) usage.push("Encipher only");
if (extension.decipherOnly) usage.push("Decipher only");
if (usage.length === 0) usage.push("(none)");
return usage;
* Describe Extended Key Usage extension permitted use cases
* @see RFC 5280 Extended Key Usage
* @param {*} extension CSR extension with the name `extendedKeyUsage`
* @returns Array of strings describing Extended Key Usage extension permitted use cases
function describeExtendedKeyUsage(extension) {
const usage = [];
if (extension.serverAuth) usage.push("TLS Web Server Authentication");
if (extension.clientAuth) usage.push("TLS Web Client Authentication");
if (extension.codeSigning) usage.push("Code signing");
if (extension.emailProtection) usage.push("E-mail Protection (S/MIME)");
if (extension.timeStamping) usage.push("Trusted Timestamping");
if (extension.msCodeInd) usage.push("Microsoft Individual Code Signing");
if (extension.msCodeCom) usage.push("Microsoft Commercial Code Signing");
if (extension.msCTLSign) usage.push("Microsoft Trust List Signing");
if (extension.msSGC) usage.push("Microsoft Server Gated Crypto");
if (extension.msEFS) usage.push("Microsoft Encrypted File System");
if (extension.nsSGC) usage.push("Netscape Server Gated Crypto");
if (usage.length === 0) usage.push("(none)");
return usage;
* Join an array of strings and add leading spaces to each line.
* @param {*} n How many leading spaces
* @param {*} parts Array of strings
* @returns Joined and indented string.
function indent(n, parts) {
const fluff = " ".repeat(n);
return fluff + parts.join("\n" + fluff) + "\n";
* Remove last character from a string.
* @param {*} s String
* @returns Chopped string.
function chop(s) {
return s.substring(0, s.length - 1);
export default ParseCSR;