import Utils from "../Utils.mjs"; import protobuf from "protobufjs"; /** * Protobuf lib. Contains functions to decode protobuf serialised * data without a schema or .proto file. * * Provides utility functions to encode and decode variable length * integers (varint). * * @author GCHQ Contributor [3] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2019 * @license Apache-2.0 */ class Protobuf { /** * Protobuf constructor * * @param {byteArray|Uint8Array} data */ constructor(data) { // Check we have a byteArray or Uint8Array if (data instanceof Array || data instanceof Uint8Array) { = data; } else { throw new Error("Protobuf input must be a byteArray or Uint8Array"); } // Set up masks this.TYPE = 0x07; this.NUMBER = 0x78; this.MSB = 0x80; this.VALUE = 0x7f; // Declare offset, length, and field type object this.offset = 0; this.LENGTH = data.length; this.fieldTypes = {}; } // Public Functions /** * Encode a varint from a number * * @param {number} number * @returns {byteArray} */ static varIntEncode(number) { const MSB = 0x80, VALUE = 0x7f, MSBALL = ~VALUE, INT = Math.pow(2, 31); const out = []; let offset = 0; while (number >= INT) { out[offset++] = (number & 0xff) | MSB; number /= 128; } while (number & MSBALL) { out[offset++] = (number & 0xff) | MSB; number >>>= 7; } out[offset] = number | 0; return out; } /** * Decode a varint from the byteArray * * @param {byteArray} input * @returns {number} */ static varIntDecode(input) { const pb = new Protobuf(input); return pb._varInt(); } /** * Encode input JSON according to the given schema * * @param {Object} input * @param {Object []} args * @returns {Object} */ static encode(input, args) { this.updateProtoRoot(args[0]); if (!this.mainMessageName) { throw new Error("Schema Error: Schema not defined"); } const message = this.parsedProto.root.nested[this.mainMessageName]; // Convert input into instance of message, and verify instance input = message.fromObject(input); const error = message.verify(input); if (error) { throw new Error("Input Error: " + error); } // Encode input const output = message.encode(input).finish(); return new Uint8Array(output).buffer; } /** * Parse Protobuf data * * @param {byteArray} input * @returns {Object} */ static decode(input, args) { this.updateProtoRoot(args[0]); this.showUnknownFields = args[1]; this.showTypes = args[2]; return this.mergeDecodes(input); } /** * Update the parsedProto, throw parsing errors * * @param {string} protoText */ static updateProtoRoot(protoText) { try { this.parsedProto = protobuf.parse(protoText); if (this.parsedProto.package) { this.parsedProto.root = this.parsedProto.root.nested[this.parsedProto.package]; } this.updateMainMessageName(); } catch (error) { throw new Error("Schema " + error); } } /** * Set mainMessageName to the first instance of a message defined in the schema that is not a submessage * */ static updateMainMessageName() { const messageNames = []; const fieldTypes = []; this.parsedProto.root.nestedArray.forEach(block => { if (block instanceof protobuf.Type) { messageNames.push(; this.parsedProto.root.nested[].fieldsArray.forEach(field => { fieldTypes.push(field.type); }); } }); if (messageNames.length === 0) { this.mainMessageName = null; } else { // for (const name of messageNames) { // if (!fieldTypes.includes(name)) { // this.mainMessageName = name; // break; // } // } this.mainMessageName = messageNames[0]; } } /** * Decode input using Protobufjs package and raw methods, compare, and merge results * * @param {byteArray} input * @returns {Object} */ static mergeDecodes(input) { const pb = new Protobuf(input); let rawDecode = pb._parse(); let message; if (this.showTypes) { rawDecode = this.showRawTypes(rawDecode, pb.fieldTypes); this.parsedProto.root = this.appendTypesToFieldNames(this.parsedProto.root); } try { message = this.parsedProto.root.nested[this.mainMessageName]; const packageDecode = message.toObject(message.decode(input), { bytes: String, longs: Number, enums: String, defualts: true }); const output = {}; if (this.showUnknownFields) { output[] = packageDecode; output["Unknown Fields"] = this.compareFields(rawDecode, message); return output; } else { return packageDecode; } } catch (error) { if (message) { throw new Error("Input " + error); } else { return rawDecode; } } } /** * Replace fieldnames with fieldname and type * * @param {Object} schemaRoot * @returns {Object} */ static appendTypesToFieldNames(schemaRoot) { for (const block of schemaRoot.nestedArray) { if (block instanceof protobuf.Type) { for (const [fieldName, fieldData] of Object.entries(block.fields)) { schemaRoot.nested[].remove(block.fields[fieldName]); schemaRoot.nested[].add(new protobuf.Field(`${fieldName} (${fieldData.type})`,, fieldData.type, fieldData.rule)); } } } return schemaRoot; } /** * Add field type to field name for fields in the raw decoded output * * @param {Object} rawDecode * @param {Object} fieldTypes * @returns {Object} */ static showRawTypes(rawDecode, fieldTypes) { for (const [fieldNum, value] of Object.entries(rawDecode)) { const fieldType = fieldTypes[fieldNum]; let outputFieldValue; let outputFieldType; // Submessages if (isNaN(fieldType)) { outputFieldType = 2; // Repeated submessages if (Array.isArray(value)) { const fieldInstances = []; for (const instance of Object.keys(value)) { if (typeof(value[instance]) !== "string") { fieldInstances.push(this.showRawTypes(value[instance], fieldType)); } else { fieldInstances.push(value[instance]); } } outputFieldValue = fieldInstances; // Single submessage } else { outputFieldValue = this.showRawTypes(value, fieldType); } // Non-submessage field } else { outputFieldType = fieldType; outputFieldValue = value; } // Substitute fieldNum with field number and type rawDecode[`field #${fieldNum}: ${this.getTypeInfo(outputFieldType)}`] = outputFieldValue; delete rawDecode[fieldNum]; } return rawDecode; } /** * Compare raw decode to package decode and return discrepancies * * @param rawDecodedMessage * @param schemaMessage * @returns {Object} */ static compareFields(rawDecodedMessage, schemaMessage) { // Define message data using raw decode output and schema const schemaFieldProperties = {}; const schemaFieldNames = Object.keys(schemaMessage.fields); schemaFieldNames.forEach(field => schemaFieldProperties[schemaMessage.fields[field].id] = field); // Loop over each field present in the raw decode output for (const fieldName in rawDecodedMessage) { let fieldId; if (isNaN(fieldName)) { fieldId = fieldName.match(/^field #(\d+)/)[1]; } else { fieldId = fieldName; } // Check if this field is defined in the schema if (fieldId in schemaFieldProperties) { const schemaFieldName = schemaFieldProperties[fieldId]; // Extract the current field data from the raw decode and schema const rawFieldData = rawDecodedMessage[fieldName]; const schemaField = schemaMessage.fields[schemaFieldName]; // Check for repeated fields if (Array.isArray(rawFieldData) && !schemaField.repeated) { rawDecodedMessage[`(${}) ${schemaFieldName} is a repeated field`] = rawFieldData; } // Check for submessage fields if (schemaField.resolvedType instanceof protobuf.Type) { const subMessageType = schemaMessage.fields[schemaFieldName].type; const schemaSubMessage = this.parsedProto.root.nested[subMessageType]; const rawSubMessages = rawDecodedMessage[fieldName]; let rawDecodedSubMessage = {}; // Squash multiple submessage instances into one submessage if (Array.isArray(rawSubMessages)) { rawSubMessages.forEach(subMessageInstance => { const instanceFields = Object.entries(subMessageInstance); instanceFields.forEach(subField => { rawDecodedSubMessage[subField[0]] = subField[1]; }); }); } else { rawDecodedSubMessage = rawSubMessages; } // Treat submessage as own message and compare its fields rawDecodedSubMessage = Protobuf.compareFields(rawDecodedSubMessage, schemaSubMessage); if (Object.entries(rawDecodedSubMessage).length !== 0) { rawDecodedMessage[`${schemaFieldName} (${subMessageType}) has missing fields`] = rawDecodedSubMessage; } } delete rawDecodedMessage[fieldName]; } } return rawDecodedMessage; } /** * Returns wiretype information for input wiretype number * * @param {number} wireType * @returns {string} */ static getTypeInfo(wireType) { switch (wireType) { case 0: return "VarInt (e.g. int32, bool)"; case 1: return "64-Bit (e.g. fixed64, double)"; case 2: return "L-delim (e.g. string, message)"; case 5: return "32-Bit (e.g. fixed32, float)"; } } // Private Class Functions /** * Main private parsing function * * @private * @returns {Object} */ _parse() { let object = {}; // Continue reading whilst we still have data while (this.offset < this.LENGTH) { const field = this._parseField(); object = this._addField(field, object); } // Throw an error if we have gone beyond the end of the data if (this.offset > this.LENGTH) { throw new Error("Exhausted Buffer"); } return object; } /** * Add a field read from the protobuf data into the Object. As * protobuf fields can appear multiple times, if the field already * exists we need to add the new field into an array of fields * for that key. * * @private * @param {Object} field * @param {Object} object * @returns {Object} */ _addField(field, object) { // Get the field key/values const key = field.key; const value = field.value; object[key] =, key) ? object[key] instanceof Array ? object[key].concat([value]) : [object[key], value] : value; return object; } /** * Parse a field and return the Object read from the record * * @private * @returns {Object} */ _parseField() { // Get the field headers const header = this._fieldHeader(); const type = header.type; const key = header.key; if (typeof(this.fieldTypes[key]) !== "object") { this.fieldTypes[key] = type; } switch (type) { // varint case 0: return { "key": key, "value": this._varInt() }; // fixed 64 case 1: return { "key": key, "value": this._uint64() }; // length delimited case 2: return { "key": key, "value": this._lenDelim(key) }; // fixed 32 case 5: return { "key": key, "value": this._uint32() }; // unknown type default: throw new Error("Unknown type 0x" + type.toString(16)); } } /** * Parse the field header and return the type and key * * @private * @returns {Object} */ _fieldHeader() { // Make sure we call type then number to preserve offset return { "type": this._fieldType(), "key": this._fieldNumber() }; } /** * Parse the field type from the field header. Type is stored in the * lower 3 bits of the tag byte. This does not move the offset on as * we need to read the field number from the tag byte too. * * @private * @returns {number} */ _fieldType() { // Field type stored in lower 3 bits of tag byte return[this.offset] & this.TYPE; } /** * Parse the field number (i.e. the key) from the field header. The * field number is stored in the upper 5 bits of the tag byte - but * is also varint encoded so the follow on bytes may need to be read * when field numbers are > 15. * * @private * @returns {number} */ _fieldNumber() { let shift = -3; let fieldNumber = 0; do { fieldNumber += shift < 28 ? shift === -3 ? ([this.offset] & this.NUMBER) >> -shift : ([this.offset] & this.VALUE) << shift : ([this.offset] & this.VALUE) * Math.pow(2, shift); shift += 7; } while (([this.offset++] & this.MSB) === this.MSB); return fieldNumber; } // Field Parsing Functions /** * Read off a varint from the data * * @private * @returns {number} */ _varInt() { let value = 0; let shift = 0; // Keep reading while upper bit set do { value += shift < 28 ? ([this.offset] & this.VALUE) << shift : ([this.offset] & this.VALUE) * Math.pow(2, shift); shift += 7; } while (([this.offset++] & this.MSB) === this.MSB); return value; } /** * Read off a 64 bit unsigned integer from the data * * @private * @returns {number} */ _uint64() { // Read off a Uint64 with little-endian const lowerHalf =[this.offset++] + ([this.offset++] * 0x100) + ([this.offset++] * 0x10000) +[this.offset++] * 0x1000000; const upperHalf =[this.offset++] + ([this.offset++] * 0x100) + ([this.offset++] * 0x10000) +[this.offset++] * 0x1000000; return upperHalf * 0x100000000 + lowerHalf; } /** * Read off a length delimited field from the data * * @private * @returns {Object|string} */ _lenDelim(fieldNum) { // Read off the field length const length = this._varInt(); const fieldBytes =, this.offset + length); let field; try { // Attempt to parse as a new Protobuf Object const pbObject = new Protobuf(fieldBytes); field = pbObject._parse(); // Set field types object this.fieldTypes[fieldNum] = {...this.fieldTypes[fieldNum], ...pbObject.fieldTypes}; } catch (err) { // Otherwise treat as bytes field = Utils.byteArrayToChars(fieldBytes); } // Move the offset and return the field this.offset += length; return field; } /** * Read a 32 bit unsigned integer from the data * * @private * @returns {number} */ _uint32() { // Use a dataview to read off the integer const dataview = new DataView(new Uint8Array(, this.offset + 4)).buffer); const value = dataview.getUint32(0, true); this.offset += 4; return value; } } export default Protobuf;