/** * @author sw5678 * @copyright Crown Copyright 2024 * @license Apache-2.0 */ import Operation from "../Operation.mjs"; /** * RAKE operation */ class RAKE extends Operation { /** * RAKE constructor */ constructor() { super(); this.name = "RAKE"; this.module = "Default"; this.description = [ "Rapid Keyword Extraction (RAKE)", "

", "RAKE is a domain-independent keyword extraction algorithm in Natural Language Processing.", "

", "The list of stop words are from the NLTK python package", ].join("\n"); this.inputType = "string"; this.outputType = "string"; this.args = [ { name: "Word Delimiter (Regex)", type: "text", value: "\\s" }, { name: "Sentence Delimiter (Regex)", type: "text", value: "\\.\\s|\\n" }, { name: "Stop Words", type: "text", value: "i,me,my,myself,we,our,ours,ourselves,you,you're,you've,you'll,you'd,your,yours,yourself,yourselves,he,him,his,himself,she,she's,her,hers,herself,it,it's,its,itsef,they,them,their,theirs,themselves,what,which,who,whom,this,that,that'll,these,those,am,is,are,was,were,be,been,being,have,has,had,having,do,does',did,doing,a,an,the,and,but,if,or,because,as,until,while,of,at,by,for,with,about,against,between,into,through,during,before,after,above,below,to,from,up,down,in,out,on,off,over,under,again,further,then,once,here,there,when,where,why,how,all,any,both,each,few,more,most,other,some,such,no,nor,not,only,own,same,so,than,too,very,s,t,can,will,just,don,don't,should,should've,now,d,ll,m,o,re,ve,y,ain,aren,aren't,couldn,couldn't,didn,didn't,doesn,doesn't,hadn,hadn't,hasn,hasn't,haven,haven't,isn,isn't,ma,mightn,mightn't,mustn,mustn't,needn,needn't,shan,shan't,shouldn,shouldn't,wasn,wasn't,weren,weren't,won,won't,wouldn,wouldn't" } ]; } /** * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ run(input, args) { // Get delimiter regexs const wordDelim = new RegExp(args[0], "g"); const sentDelim = new RegExp(args[1], "g"); // Deduplicate the stop words and add the empty string const stopWords = args[2].toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, "").split(",").unique(); stopWords.push(""); // Lower case input and remove start and ending whitespace input = input.toLowerCase().trim(); // Get tokens, token count, and phrases const tokens = []; const wordFrequencies = []; let phrases = []; // Build up list of phrases and token counts const sentences = input.split(sentDelim); for (const sent of sentences) { // Split sentence into words const splitSent = sent.split(wordDelim); let startIndex = 0; for (let i = 0; i < splitSent.length; i++) { const token = splitSent[i]; if (stopWords.includes(token)) { // If token is stop word then split to create phrase phrases.push(splitSent.slice(startIndex, i)); startIndex = i + 1; } else { // If token is not a stop word add to the count of the list of words if (tokens.includes(token)) { wordFrequencies[tokens.indexOf(token)]+=1; } else { tokens.push(token); wordFrequencies.push(1); } } } phrases.push(splitSent.slice(startIndex)); } // remove empty phrases phrases = phrases.filter(subArray => subArray.length > 0); // Remove duplicate phrases phrases = phrases.unique(); // Generate word_degree_matrix and populate const wordDegreeMatrix = Array(tokens.length).fill().map(() => Array(tokens.length).fill(0)); for (const phrase of phrases) { for (const word1 of phrase) { for (const word2 of phrase) { wordDegreeMatrix[tokens.indexOf(word1)][tokens.indexOf(word2)]++; } } } // Calculate degree score for each token const degreeScores = Array(tokens.length).fill(0); for (let i=0; i b[0] - a[0]); scores.unshift(new Array("Scores: ", "Keywords: ")); // Output works with the 'To Table' functionality already built into CC return scores.map(function (score) { return score.join(", "); }).join("\n"); } } export default RAKE;