/** * Based on murmurhash-js (https://github.com/garycourt/murmurhash-js) * @author Gary Court * @license MIT * * @author AliceGrey [alice@grey.systems] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2024 * @license Apache-2.0 */ import Operation from "../Operation.mjs"; /** * MurmurHash3 operation */ class MurmurHash3 extends Operation { /** * MurmurHash3 constructor */ constructor() { super(); this.name = "MurmurHash3"; this.module = "Default"; this.description = "Generates a MurmurHash v3 for a string input and an optional seed input"; this.infoURL = "https://wikipedia.org/wiki/MurmurHash"; this.inputType = "string"; this.outputType = "number"; this.args = [ { name: "Seed", type: "number", value: 0 }, { name: "Convert to Signed", type: "boolean", value: false } ]; } /** * Calculates the MurmurHash3 hash of the input. * Based on Gary Court's JS MurmurHash implementation * @see http://github.com/garycourt/murmurhash-js * @author AliceGrey [alice@grey.systems] * @param {string} input ASCII only * @param {number} seed Positive integer only * @return {number} 32-bit positive integer hash */ mmh3(input, seed) { let h1b; let k1; const remainder = input.length & 3; // input.length % 4 const bytes = input.length - remainder; let h1 = seed; const c1 = 0xcc9e2d51; const c2 = 0x1b873593; let i = 0; while (i < bytes) { k1 = ((input.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff)) | ((input.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 8) | ((input.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 16) | ((input.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 24); ++i; k1 = ((((k1 & 0xffff) * c1) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c1) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff; k1 = (k1 << 15) | (k1 >>> 17); k1 = ((((k1 & 0xffff) * c2) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c2) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff; h1 ^= k1; h1 = (h1 << 13) | (h1 >>> 19); h1b = ((((h1 & 0xffff) * 5) + ((((h1 >>> 16) * 5) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff; h1 = (((h1b & 0xffff) + 0x6b64) + ((((h1b >>> 16) + 0xe654) & 0xffff) << 16)); } k1 = 0; if (remainder === 3) { k1 ^= (input.charCodeAt(i + 2) & 0xff) << 16; } if (remainder === 3 || remainder === 2) { k1 ^= (input.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 0xff) << 8; } if (remainder === 3 || remainder === 2 || remainder === 1) { k1 ^= (input.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff); k1 = (((k1 & 0xffff) * c1) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c1) & 0xffff) << 16)) & 0xffffffff; k1 = (k1 << 15) | (k1 >>> 17); k1 = (((k1 & 0xffff) * c2) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c2) & 0xffff) << 16)) & 0xffffffff; h1 ^= k1; } h1 ^= input.length; h1 ^= h1 >>> 16; h1 = (((h1 & 0xffff) * 0x85ebca6b) + ((((h1 >>> 16) * 0x85ebca6b) & 0xffff) << 16)) & 0xffffffff; h1 ^= h1 >>> 13; h1 = ((((h1 & 0xffff) * 0xc2b2ae35) + ((((h1 >>> 16) * 0xc2b2ae35) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff; h1 ^= h1 >>> 16; return h1 >>> 0; } /** * Converts an unsigned 32-bit integer to a signed 32-bit integer * @author AliceGrey [alice@grey.systems] * @param {value} 32-bit unsigned integer * @return {number} 32-bit signed integer */ unsignedToSigned(value) { if (value & 0x80000000) { return -0x100000000 + value; } else { return value; } } /** * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {number} */ run(input, args) { if (args && args.length >= 1) { const seed = args[0]; const hash = this.mmh3(input, seed); if (args.length > 1 && args[1]) { return this.unsignedToSigned(hash); } return hash; } return this.mmh3(input); } } export default MurmurHash3;