/* eslint no-console: 0 */ /** * nodeApi.js * * Test node api operations * * Aim of these tests is to ensure each arg type is * handled correctly by the wrapper. * * @author d98762625 [d98762625@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2018 * @license Apache-2.0 */ import assert from "assert"; import it from "../assertionHandler"; import { ADD, addLineNumbers, adler32Checksum, AESDecrypt, affineCipherDecode, affineCipherEncode, bifidCipherEncode, bitShiftRight, cartesianProduct, CSSMinify, toBase64, } from "../../../src/node/index"; import TestRegister from "../../TestRegister"; TestRegister.addApiTests([ it("ADD: toggleString argument", () => { const result = ADD("sample input", { key: { string: "some key", option: "Hex" } }); assert.equal(result.toString(), "aO[^ZS\u000eW\\^cb"); }), it("addLineNumbers: No arguments", () => { const result = addLineNumbers("sample input"); assert.equal(result.toString(), "1 sample input"); }), it("adler32Checksum: No args", () => { const result = adler32Checksum("sample input"); assert.equal(result.toString(), "1f2304d3"); }), it("AES decrypt: toggleString and option", () => { const result = AESDecrypt("812c34ae6af353244a63c6ce23b7c34286b60be28ea4645523d4494700e7", { key: { string: "some longer key1", option: "utf8", }, iv: { string: "some iv", option: "utf8", }, mode: "OFB", }); assert.equal(result.toString(), "a slightly longer sampleinput?"); }), it("AffineCipherDecode: number input", () => { const result = affineCipherDecode("some input", { a: 7, b: 4 }); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "cuqa ifjgr"); }), it("affineCipherEncode: number input", () => { const result = affineCipherEncode("some input", { a: 11, b: 6 }); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "weiy qtpsh"); }), it("bifid cipher encode: string option", () => { const result = bifidCipherEncode("some input", { keyword: "mykeyword", }); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "nmhs zmsdo"); }), it("bitShiftRight: number and option", () => { const result = bitShiftRight("some bits to shift", { type: "Arithmetic shift", amount: 1, }); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "9762\u001014:9\u0010:7\u00109443:"); }), it("cartesianProduct: binary string", () => { const result = cartesianProduct("1:2\\n\\n3:4", { itemDelimiter: ":", }); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "(1,3):(1,4):(2,3):(2,4)"); }), it("CSS minify: boolean", () => { const input = `header { // comment width: 100%; color: white; }`; const result = CSSMinify(input, { preserveComments: true, }); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "header {// comment width: 100%;color: white;}"); }), it("toBase64: editableOption", () => { const result = toBase64("some input", { alphabet: { value: "0-9A-W" }, }); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "SPI1R1T0"); }), it("toBase64: editableOptions key is value", () => { const result = toBase64("some input", { alphabet: "0-9A-W", }); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "SPI1R1T0"); }), ]);