/** * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 */ import LoaderWorker from "worker-loader?inline&fallback=false!./LoaderWorker"; import Utils from "../core/Utils"; /** * Waiter to handle events related to the input. */ class InputWaiter { /** * InputWaiter constructor. * * @param {App} app - The main view object for CyberChef. * @param {Manager} manager - The CyberChef event manager. */ constructor(app, manager) { this.app = app; this.manager = manager; // Define keys that don't change the input so we don't have to autobake when they are pressed this.badKeys = [ 16, //Shift 17, //Ctrl 18, //Alt 19, //Pause 20, //Caps 27, //Esc 33, 34, 35, 36, //PgUp, PgDn, End, Home 37, 38, 39, 40, //Directional 44, //PrntScrn 91, 92, //Win 93, //Context 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, //F1-12 144, //Num 145, //Scroll ]; this.loaderWorker = null; this.fileBuffer = null; } /** * Gets the user's input from the input textarea. * * @returns {string} */ get() { return this.fileBuffer || document.getElementById("input-text").value; } /** * Sets the input in the input area. * * @param {string|File} input * @param {boolean} [silent=false] - Suppress statechange event * * @fires Manager#statechange */ set(input, silent=false) { const inputText = document.getElementById("input-text"); if (input instanceof File) { this.setFile(input); inputText.value = ""; this.setInputInfo(input.size, null); } else { inputText.value = input; this.closeFile(); if (!silent) window.dispatchEvent(this.manager.statechange); const lines = input.length < (this.app.options.ioDisplayThreshold * 1024) ? input.count("\n") + 1 : null; this.setInputInfo(input.length, lines); } } /** * Shows file details. * * @param {File} file */ setFile(file) { // Display file overlay in input area with details const fileOverlay = document.getElementById("input-file"), fileName = document.getElementById("input-file-name"), fileSize = document.getElementById("input-file-size"), fileType = document.getElementById("input-file-type"), fileLoaded = document.getElementById("input-file-loaded"); this.fileBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(); fileOverlay.style.display = "block"; fileName.textContent = file.name; fileSize.textContent = file.size.toLocaleString() + " bytes"; fileType.textContent = file.type || "unknown"; fileLoaded.textContent = "0%"; } /** * Displays information about the input. * * @param {number} length - The length of the current input string * @param {number} lines - The number of the lines in the current input string */ setInputInfo(length, lines) { let width = length.toString().length; width = width < 2 ? 2 : width; const lengthStr = length.toString().padStart(width, " ").replace(/ /g, " "); let msg = "length: " + lengthStr; if (typeof lines === "number") { const linesStr = lines.toString().padStart(width, " ").replace(/ /g, " "); msg += "
lines: " + linesStr; } document.getElementById("input-info").innerHTML = msg; } /** * Handler for input change events. * * @param {event} e * * @fires Manager#statechange */ inputChange(e) { // Ignore this function if the input is a File if (this.fileBuffer) return; // Remove highlighting from input and output panes as the offsets might be different now this.manager.highlighter.removeHighlights(); // Reset recipe progress as any previous processing will be redundant now this.app.progress = 0; // Update the input metadata info const inputText = this.get(); const lines = inputText.length < (this.app.options.ioDisplayThreshold * 1024) ? inputText.count("\n") + 1 : null; this.setInputInfo(inputText.length, lines); if (e && this.badKeys.indexOf(e.keyCode) < 0) { // Fire the statechange event as the input has been modified window.dispatchEvent(this.manager.statechange); } } /** * Handler for input paste events. * Checks that the size of the input is below the display limit, otherwise treats it as a file/blob. * * @param {event} e */ inputPaste(e) { const pastedData = e.clipboardData.getData("Text"); if (pastedData.length < (this.app.options.ioDisplayThreshold * 1024)) { this.inputChange(e); } else { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const file = new File([pastedData], "PastedData", { type: "text/plain", lastModified: Date.now() }); this.loaderWorker = new LoaderWorker(); this.loaderWorker.addEventListener("message", this.handleLoaderMessage.bind(this)); this.loaderWorker.postMessage({"file": file}); this.set(file); return false; } } /** * Handler for input dragover events. * Gives the user a visual cue to show that items can be dropped here. * * @param {event} e */ inputDragover(e) { // This will be set if we're dragging an operation if (e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed === "move") return false; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); e.target.closest("#input-text,#input-file").classList.add("dropping-file"); } /** * Handler for input dragleave events. * Removes the visual cue. * * @param {event} e */ inputDragleave(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); document.getElementById("input-text").classList.remove("dropping-file"); document.getElementById("input-file").classList.remove("dropping-file"); } /** * Handler for input drop events. * Loads the dragged data into the input textarea. * * @param {event} e */ inputDrop(e) { // This will be set if we're dragging an operation if (e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed === "move") return false; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); const file = e.dataTransfer.files[0]; const text = e.dataTransfer.getData("Text"); document.getElementById("input-text").classList.remove("dropping-file"); document.getElementById("input-file").classList.remove("dropping-file"); if (text) { this.closeFile(); this.set(text); return; } if (file) { this.loadFile(file); } } /** * Handler for open input button events * Loads the opened data into the input textarea * * @param {event} e */ inputOpen(e) { e.preventDefault(); const file = e.srcElement.files[0]; this.loadFile(file); } /** * Handler for messages sent back by the LoaderWorker. * * @param {MessageEvent} e */ handleLoaderMessage(e) { const r = e.data; if (r.hasOwnProperty("progress")) { const fileLoaded = document.getElementById("input-file-loaded"); fileLoaded.textContent = r.progress + "%"; } if (r.hasOwnProperty("error")) { this.app.alert(r.error, 10000); } if (r.hasOwnProperty("fileBuffer")) { log.debug("Input file loaded"); this.fileBuffer = r.fileBuffer; this.displayFilePreview(); window.dispatchEvent(this.manager.statechange); } } /** * Shows a chunk of the file in the input behind the file overlay. */ displayFilePreview() { const inputText = document.getElementById("input-text"), fileSlice = this.fileBuffer.slice(0, 4096); inputText.style.overflow = "hidden"; inputText.classList.add("blur"); inputText.value = Utils.printable(Utils.arrayBufferToStr(fileSlice)); if (this.fileBuffer.byteLength > 4096) { inputText.value += "[truncated]..."; } } /** * Handler for file close events. */ closeFile() { if (this.loaderWorker) this.loaderWorker.terminate(); this.fileBuffer = null; document.getElementById("input-file").style.display = "none"; const inputText = document.getElementById("input-text"); inputText.style.overflow = "auto"; inputText.classList.remove("blur"); } /** * Loads a file into the input. * * @param {File} file */ loadFile(file) { if (file) { this.closeFile(); this.loaderWorker = new LoaderWorker(); this.loaderWorker.addEventListener("message", this.handleLoaderMessage.bind(this)); this.loaderWorker.postMessage({"file": file}); this.set(file); } } /** * Handler for clear IO events. * Resets the input, output and info areas. * * @fires Manager#statechange */ clearIoClick() { this.closeFile(); this.manager.output.closeFile(); this.manager.highlighter.removeHighlights(); document.getElementById("input-text").value = ""; document.getElementById("output-text").value = ""; document.getElementById("input-info").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("output-info").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("input-selection-info").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("output-selection-info").innerHTML = ""; window.dispatchEvent(this.manager.statechange); } /** * Handler for adding a new input tab. * */ addTab() { const tabWrapper = document.getElementById("input-tabs"); const tabsList = tabWrapper.children[0]; const lastTabNum = tabsList.lastElementChild.id.replace("input-tab-", ""); const newTabNum = parseInt(lastTabNum, 10) + 1; tabWrapper.style.display = "block"; // Resize highlighter // document.getElementById("input-highlighter").style.height = "calc(100% - var(--tab-height) - var(--title-height))"; const activeTabElements = document.getElementsByClassName("active-input-tab"); for (let i = 0; i < activeTabElements.length; i++) { activeTabElements.item(i).classList.remove("active-input-tab"); } const newTab = document.createElement("li"); newTab.id = `input-tab-${newTabNum}`; newTab.classList.add("active-input-tab"); const newTabContent = document.createElement("div"); newTabContent.classList.add("input-tab-content"); newTabContent.innerText = `Tab ${newTabNum}`; const newTabCloseBtn = document.createElement("button"); newTabCloseBtn.className = "btn btn-primary bmd-btn-icon btn-close-tab"; newTabCloseBtn.id = `btn-close-tab-${newTabNum}`; const newTabCloseBtnIcon = document.createElement("i"); newTabCloseBtnIcon.classList.add("material-icons"); newTabCloseBtnIcon.innerText = "clear"; newTabCloseBtn.appendChild(newTabCloseBtnIcon); newTab.appendChild(newTabContent); newTab.appendChild(newTabCloseBtn); tabsList.appendChild(newTab); const multiWrapper = document.getElementById("multi-input-wrapper"); const activeAreaElements = document.getElementsByClassName("active-input-area"); for (let i = 0; i < activeAreaElements.length; i++) { activeAreaElements.item(i).classList.remove("active-input-area"); } const newTextAreaWrapper = document.createElement("div"); newTextAreaWrapper.className = "textarea-wrapper no-select input-wrapper active-input-area"; newTextAreaWrapper.id = `tab-input-area-${newTabNum}`; const newTextArea = document.createElement("textarea"); newTextArea.id = `input-text-${newTabNum}`; newTextArea.spellcheck = "false"; newTextArea.classList.add("input-text"); const newFileArea = document.createElement("div"); newFileArea.id = `input-file-${newTabNum}`; newFileArea.classList.add("input-file"); const newFileOverlay = document.createElement("div"); newFileOverlay.classList.add("file-overlay"); const newFileWrapper = document.createElement("div"); newFileWrapper.style.position = "relative"; newFileWrapper.style.height = "100%"; const newFileCard = document.createElement("div"); newFileCard.className = "io-card card"; const newFileThumb = document.createElement("img"); newFileThumb["aria-hidden"] = "true"; newFileThumb.src = require("./static/images/file-128x128.png"); newFileThumb.alt = "File icon"; newFileThumb.id = `input-file-thumbnail-${newTabNum}`; const newFileCardBody = document.createElement("div"); newFileCardBody.class = "card-body"; const newFileCloseButton = document.createElement("button"); newFileCloseButton.type = "button"; newFileCloseButton.class = "close"; newFileCloseButton.id = `input-file-close-${newTabNum}`; newFileCloseButton.innerHTML = "×"; newFileCardBody.appendChild(newFileCloseButton); const cardInfo = ` Name:
Loaded: `; newFileCardBody.innerHTML = newFileCardBody.innerHTML + cardInfo; newFileCard.appendChild(newFileThumb); newFileCard.appendChild(newFileCardBody); newFileWrapper.appendChild(newFileCard); newFileArea.appendChild(newFileOverlay); newFileArea.appendChild(newFileWrapper); newTextAreaWrapper.appendChild(newTextArea); newTextAreaWrapper.appendChild(newFileArea); multiWrapper.appendChild(newTextAreaWrapper); // file inputs! } /** * Handler for removing an input tab * * @param {event} mouseEvent */ removeTab(mouseEvent) { if (!mouseEvent.path) { return; } const closeBtn = mouseEvent.path[1]; const liItem = closeBtn.parentElement; const tabList = liItem.parentElement; if (tabList.children.length > 1) { if (liItem.classList.contains("active-input-tab")) { // If current tab is active, change the active tab and input to another tab let newActiveAreaId; if (liItem.previousElementSibling) { liItem.previousElementSibling.classList.add("active-input-tab"); const newActiveTabNum = liItem.previousElementSibling.id.replace("input-tab-", ""); newActiveAreaId = `tab-input-area-${newActiveTabNum}`; } else if (liItem.nextElementSibling) { liItem.nextElementSibling.classList.add("active-input-tab"); const newActiveTabNum = liItem.nextElementSibling.id.replace("input-tab-", ""); newActiveAreaId = `tab-input-area-${newActiveTabNum}`; } if (newActiveAreaId) { document.getElementById(newActiveAreaId).classList.add("active-input-area"); } } const tabNum = liItem.id.replace("input-tab-", ""); const multiInputArea = document.getElementById("multi-input-wrapper"); const inputAreaId = `tab-input-area-${tabNum}`; const inputArea = document.getElementById(inputAreaId); tabList.removeChild(liItem); multiInputArea.removeChild(inputArea); } if (tabList.children.length === 1) { document.getElementById("input-tabs").style.display = "none"; // document.getElementById("input-highlighter").style.height = "calc(100% - var(--title-height))"; } } /** * Handler for changing tabs * * @param {event} mouseEvent */ changeTab(mouseEvent) { if (!mouseEvent.path) { return; } const tabContent = mouseEvent.path[0]; const liItem = tabContent.parentElement; const tabNum = liItem.id.replace("input-tab-", ""); const activeTabsList = document.getElementsByClassName("active-input-tab"); for (let i = 0; i < activeTabsList.length; i++) { activeTabsList.item(i).classList.remove("active-input-tab"); } const activeAreaList = document.getElementsByClassName("active-input-area"); for (let i = 0; i < activeAreaList.length; i++) { activeAreaList.item(i).classList.remove("active-input-area"); } liItem.classList.add("active-input-tab"); const newActiveAreaId = `tab-input-area-${tabNum}`; document.getElementById(newActiveAreaId).classList.add("active-input-area"); } } export default InputWaiter;