/* eslint no-console: 0 */ /** * nodeApi.js * * Test node api utilities * * @author d98762625 [d98762625@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2018 * @license Apache-2.0 */ import assert from "assert"; import it from "../assertionHandler"; import chef from "../../../src/node/index"; import OperationError from "../../../src/core/errors/OperationError"; import SyncDish from "../../../src/node/SyncDish"; import fs from "fs"; import { toBase32, Dish, SHA3 } from "../../../src/node/index"; import TestRegister from "../../TestRegister"; TestRegister.addApiTests([ it("should have some operations", () => { assert(chef); assert(chef.toBase32); assert(chef.setUnion); assert(!chef.randomFunction); }), it("should export other functions at top level", () => { assert(toBase32); }), it("should be synchronous", () => { try { const result = chef.toBase32("input"); assert.notEqual("something", result); } catch (e) { // shouldnt reach here assert(false); } try { const fail = chef.setUnion("1"); // shouldnt get here assert(!fail || false); } catch (e) { assert(true); } }), it("should not catch Errors", () => { try { chef.setUnion("1"); assert(false); } catch (e) { assert(e instanceof OperationError); } }), it("should accept arguments in object format for operations", () => { const result = chef.setUnion("1 2 3 4:3 4 5 6", { itemDelimiter: " ", sampleDelimiter: ":" }); assert.equal(result.value, "1 2 3 4 5 6"); }), it("should accept just some of the optional arguments being overriden", () => { const result = chef.setIntersection("1 2 3 4 5\\n\\n3 4 5", { itemDelimiter: " ", }); assert.equal(result.value, "3 4 5"); }), it("should accept no override arguments and just use the default values", () => { const result = chef.powerSet("1,2,3"); assert.equal(result.value, "\n3\n2\n1\n2,3\n1,3\n1,2\n1,2,3\n"); }), it("should return an object with a .to method", () => { const result = chef.toBase32("input"); assert(result.to); assert.equal(result.to("string"), "NFXHA5LU"); }), it("should return an object with a .get method", () => { const result = chef.toBase32("input"); assert(result.get); assert.equal(result.get("string"), "NFXHA5LU"); }), it("should return a SyncDish", () => { const result = chef.toBase32("input"); assert(result instanceof SyncDish); }), it("should coerce to a string as you expect", () => { const result = chef.fromBase32(chef.toBase32("something")); assert.equal(String(result), "something"); // This kind of coercion uses toValue assert.equal(""+result, "NaN"); }), it("should coerce to a number as you expect", () => { const result = chef.fromBase32(chef.toBase32("32")); assert.equal(3 + result, 35); }), it("chef.help: should exist", () => { assert(chef.help); }), it("chef.help: should describe a operation", () => { const result = chef.help("tripleDESDecrypt"); assert.strictEqual(result[0].name, "Triple DES Decrypt"); assert.strictEqual(result[0].module, "Ciphers"); assert.strictEqual(result[0].inputType, "string"); assert.strictEqual(result[0].outputType, "string"); assert.strictEqual(result[0].description, "Triple DES applies DES three times to each block to increase key size.

Key: Triple DES uses a key length of 24 bytes (192 bits).
DES uses a key length of 8 bytes (64 bits).

IV: The Initialization Vector should be 8 bytes long. If not entered, it will default to 8 null bytes.

Padding: In CBC and ECB mode, PKCS#7 padding will be used."); assert.strictEqual(result[0].args.length, 5); }), it("chef.help: null for invalid operation", () => { const result = chef.help("some invalid function name"); assert.strictEqual(result, null); }), it("chef.help: takes a wrapped operation as input", () => { const result = chef.help(chef.toBase32); assert.strictEqual(result[0].name, "To Base32"); assert.strictEqual(result[0].module, "Default"); }), it("chef.help: returns multiple results", () => { const result = chef.help("base 64"); assert.strictEqual(result.length, 10); }), it("chef.help: looks in description for matches too", () => { // string only in one operation's description. const result = chef.help("Converts a unit of data to another format."); assert.strictEqual(result.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(result[0].name, "Convert data units"); }), it("chef.help: lists name matches before desc matches", () => { const result = chef.help("MD5"); assert.ok(result[0].name.includes("MD5")); assert.strictEqual(result[1].name.includes("MD5"), false); assert.strictEqual(result[2].name.includes("MD5"), false); assert.ok(result[1].description.includes("MD5")); assert.ok(result[2].description.includes("MD5")); }), it("chef.bake: should exist", () => { assert(chef.bake); }), it("chef.bake: should return SyncDish", () => { const result = chef.bake("input", "to base 64"); assert(result instanceof SyncDish); }), it("chef.bake: should take an input and an op name and perform it", () => { const result = chef.bake("some input", "to base 32"); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "ONXW2ZJANFXHA5LU"); }), it("chef.bake: should complain if recipe isnt a valid object", () => { try { chef.bake("some input", 3264); } catch (e) { assert.strictEqual(e.name, "TypeError"); assert.strictEqual(e.message, "Recipe can only contain function names or functions"); } }), it("chef.bake: Should complain if string op is invalid", () => { try { chef.bake("some input", "not a valid operation"); assert.fail("Shouldn't be hit"); } catch (e) { assert.strictEqual(e.name, "TypeError"); assert.strictEqual(e.message, "Couldn't find an operation with name 'not a valid operation'."); } }), it("chef.bake: Should take an input and an operation and perform it", () => { const result = chef.bake("https://google.com/search?q=help", chef.parseURI); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "Protocol:\thttps:\nHostname:\tgoogle.com\nPath name:\t/search\nArguments:\n\tq = help\n"); }), it("chef.bake: Should complain if an invalid operation is inputted", () => { try { chef.bake("https://google.com/search?q=help", () => {}); assert.fail("Shouldn't be hit"); } catch (e) { assert.strictEqual(e.name, "TypeError"); assert.strictEqual(e.message, "Inputted function not a Chef operation."); } }), it("chef.bake: accepts an array of operation names and performs them all in order", () => { const result = chef.bake("https://google.com/search?q=that's a complicated question", ["URL encode", "URL decode", "Parse URI"]); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "Protocol:\thttps:\nHostname:\tgoogle.com\nPath name:\t/search\nArguments:\n\tq = that's a complicated question\n"); }), it("chef.bake: forgiving with operation names", () =>{ const result = chef.bake("https://google.com/search?q=that's a complicated question", ["urlencode", "url decode", "parseURI"]); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "Protocol:\thttps:\nHostname:\tgoogle.com\nPath name:\t/search\nArguments:\n\tq = that's a complicated question\n"); }), it("chef.bake: forgiving with operation names", () =>{ const result = chef.bake("hello", ["to base 64"]); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "aGVsbG8="); }), it("chef.bake: if recipe is empty array, return input as dish", () => { const result = chef.bake("some input", []); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "some input"); assert(result instanceof SyncDish, "Result is not instance of SyncDish"); }), it("chef.bake: accepts an array of operations as recipe", () => { const result = chef.bake("https://google.com/search?q=that's a complicated question", [chef.URLEncode, chef.URLDecode, chef.parseURI]); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "Protocol:\thttps:\nHostname:\tgoogle.com\nPath name:\t/search\nArguments:\n\tq = that's a complicated question\n"); }), it("should complain if an invalid operation is inputted as part of array", () => { try { chef.bake("something", [() => {}]); } catch (e) { assert.strictEqual(e.name, "TypeError"); assert.strictEqual(e.message, "Inputted function not a Chef operation."); } }), it("chef.bake: should take single JSON object describing op and args OBJ", () => { const result = chef.bake("some input", { op: chef.toHex, args: { Delimiter: "Colon" } }); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "73:6f:6d:65:20:69:6e:70:75:74"); }), it("chef.bake: should take single JSON object describing op and args ARRAY", () => { const result = chef.bake("some input", { op: chef.toHex, args: ["Colon"] }); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "73:6f:6d:65:20:69:6e:70:75:74"); }), it("chef.bake: should error if op in JSON is not chef op", () => { try { chef.bake("some input", { op: () => {}, args: ["Colon"], }); } catch (e) { assert.strictEqual(e.name, "TypeError"); assert.strictEqual(e.message, "Inputted function not a Chef operation."); } }), it("chef.bake: should take multiple ops in JSON object form, some ops by string", () => { const result = chef.bake("some input", [ { op: chef.toHex, args: ["Colon"] }, { op: "to octal", args: { delimiter: "Semi-colon", } } ]); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "67;63;72;66;146;72;66;144;72;66;65;72;62;60;72;66;71;72;66;145;72;67;60;72;67;65;72;67;64"); }), it("chef.bake: should handle op with multiple args", () => { const result = chef.bake("some input", { op: "to morse code", args: { formatOptions: "Dash/Dot", wordDelimiter: "Comma", letterDelimiter: "Backslash", } }); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "DotDotDot\\DashDashDash\\DashDash\\Dot,DotDot\\DashDot\\DotDashDashDot\\DotDotDash\\Dash"); }), it("chef.bake: should take compact JSON format from Chef Website as recipe", () => { const result = chef.bake("some input", [{"op": "To Morse Code", "args": ["Dash/Dot", "Backslash", "Comma"]}, {"op": "Hex to PEM", "args": ["SOMETHING"]}, {"op": "To Snake case", "args": [false]}]); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "begin_something_anananaaaaak_da_aaak_da_aaaaananaaaaaaan_da_aaaaaaanan_da_aaak_end_something"); }), it("chef.bake: should accept Clean JSON format from Chef website as recipe", () => { const result = chef.bake("some input", [ { "op": "To Morse Code", "args": ["Dash/Dot", "Backslash", "Comma"] }, { "op": "Hex to PEM", "args": ["SOMETHING"] }, { "op": "To Snake case", "args": [false] } ]); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "begin_something_anananaaaaak_da_aaak_da_aaaaananaaaaaaan_da_aaaaaaanan_da_aaak_end_something"); }), it("Composable Dish: Should have top level Dish object", () => { assert.ok(Dish); }), it("Composable Dish: Should construct empty dish object", () => { const dish = new Dish(); assert.deepEqual(dish.value, []); assert.strictEqual(dish.type, 0); }), it("Composable Dish: constructed dish should have apply prototype functions", () => { const dish = new Dish(); assert.ok(dish.apply); assert.throws(() => dish.someInvalidFunction()); }), it("Composable Dish: composed function returns another dish", () => { const result = new Dish("some input").apply(toBase32); assert.ok(result instanceof SyncDish); }), it("Composable dish: infers type from input if needed", () => { const dish = new Dish("string input"); assert.strictEqual(dish.type, 1); const numberDish = new Dish(333); assert.strictEqual(numberDish.type, 2); const arrayBufferDish = new Dish(Buffer.from("some buffer input").buffer); assert.strictEqual(arrayBufferDish.type, 4); const JSONDish = new Dish({key: "value"}); assert.strictEqual(JSONDish.type, 6); }), it("Composable dish: Buffer type dishes should be converted to strings", () => { fs.writeFileSync("test.txt", "abc"); const dish = new Dish(fs.readFileSync("test.txt")); assert.strictEqual(dish.type, 4); fs.unlinkSync("test.txt"); }), it("Composable Dish: apply should allow set of arguments for operation", () => { const result = new Dish("input").apply(SHA3, {size: "256"}); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "7640cc9b7e3662b2250a43d1757e318bb29fb4860276ac4373b67b1650d6d3e3"); }), it("Composable Dish: apply functions can be chained", () => { const result = new Dish("input").apply(toBase32).apply(SHA3, {size: "224"}); assert.strictEqual(result.toString(), "493e8136b759370a415ef2cf2f7a69690441ff86592aba082bc2e2e0"); }), it("Excluded operations: throw a sensible error when you try and call one", () => { try { chef.fork(); } catch (e) { assert.strictEqual(e.type, "ExcludedOperationError"); assert.strictEqual(e.message, "Sorry, the Fork operation is not available in the Node.js version of CyberChef."); } }), it("Excluded operations: throw a sensible error when you try and call one", () => { try { chef.renderImage(); } catch (e) { assert.strictEqual(e.type, "ExcludedOperationError"); assert.strictEqual(e.message, "Sorry, the RenderImage operation is not available in the Node.js version of CyberChef."); } }), it("Operation arguments: should be accessible from operation object if op has array arg", () => { assert.ok(chef.toCharcode.argOptions); assert.equal(chef.unzip.argOptions, undefined); }), it("Operation arguments: should have key for each array-based argument in operation", () => { assert.ok(chef.convertDistance.argOptions.inputUnits); assert.ok(chef.convertDistance.argOptions.outputUnits); assert.ok(chef.bitShiftRight.argOptions.type); // is a number type, so not included. assert.equal(chef.bitShiftRight.argOptions.amount, undefined); }), it("Operation arguments: should list all options excluding subheadings", () => { // First element (subheading) removed assert.equal(chef.convertDistance.argOptions.inputUnits[0], "Nanometres (nm)"); assert.equal(chef.defangURL.argOptions.process[1], "Only full URLs"); }) ]);