import Utils from "../Utils.js"; import CryptoApi from "crypto-api"; import MD6 from "node-md6"; import * as SHA3 from "js-sha3"; import Checksum from "./Checksum.js"; /** * Hashing operations. * * @author n1474335 [] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 * * @namespace */ const Hash = { /** * Generic hash function. * * @param {string} name * @param {string} input * @returns {string} */ runHash: function(name, input) { const hasher = CryptoApi.hasher(name); hasher.state.message = input; hasher.state.length += input.length; hasher.process(); return hasher.finalize().stringify("hex"); }, /** * MD2 operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runMD2: function (input, args) { return Hash.runHash("md2", input); }, /** * MD4 operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runMD4: function (input, args) { return Hash.runHash("md4", input); }, /** * MD5 operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runMD5: function (input, args) { return Hash.runHash("md5", input); }, /** * @constant * @default */ MD6_SIZE: 256, /** * @constant * @default */ MD6_LEVELS: 64, /** * MD6 operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runMD6: function (input, args) { const size = args[0], levels = args[1], key = args[2]; if (size < 0 || size > 512) return "Size must be between 0 and 512"; if (levels < 0) return "Levels must be greater than 0"; return MD6.getHashOfText(input, size, key, levels); }, /** * SHA0 operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runSHA0: function (input, args) { return Hash.runHash("sha0", input); }, /** * SHA1 operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runSHA1: function (input, args) { return Hash.runHash("sha1", input); }, /** * @constant * @default */ SHA2_SIZE: ["512", "256", "384", "224", "512/256", "512/224"], /** * SHA2 operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runSHA2: function (input, args) { const size = args[0]; return Hash.runHash("sha" + size, input); }, /** * @constant * @default */ SHA3_SIZE: ["512", "384", "256", "224"], /** * SHA3 operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runSHA3: function (input, args) { const size = parseInt(args[0], 10); let algo; switch (size) { case 224: algo = SHA3.sha3_224; break; case 384: algo = SHA3.sha3_384; break; case 256: algo = SHA3.sha3_256; break; case 512: algo = SHA3.sha3_512; break; default: return "Invalid size"; } return algo(input); }, /** * @constant * @default */ KECCAK_SIZE: ["512", "384", "256", "224"], /** * Keccak operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runKeccak: function (input, args) { const size = parseInt(args[0], 10); let algo; switch (size) { case 224: algo = SHA3.keccak224; break; case 384: algo = SHA3.keccak384; break; case 256: algo = SHA3.keccak256; break; case 512: algo = SHA3.keccak512; break; default: return "Invalid size"; } return algo(input); }, /** * @constant * @default */ SHAKE_CAPACITY: ["256", "128"], /** * @constant * @default */ SHAKE_SIZE: 512, /** * Shake operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runShake: function (input, args) { const capacity = parseInt(args[0], 10), size = args[1]; let algo; if (size < 0) return "Size must be greater than 0"; switch (capacity) { case 128: algo = SHA3.shake128; break; case 256: algo = SHA3.shake256; break; default: return "Invalid size"; } return algo(input, size); }, /** * @constant * @default */ RIPEMD_SIZE: ["320", "256", "160", "128"], /** * RIPEMD operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runRIPEMD: function (input, args) { const size = args[0]; return Hash.runHash("ripemd" + size, input); }, /** * HAS-160 operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runHAS: function (input, args) { return Hash.runHash("has160", input); }, /** * @constant * @default */ WHIRLPOOL_VARIANT: ["Whirlpool", "Whirlpool-T", "Whirlpool-0"], /** * Whirlpool operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runWhirlpool: function (input, args) { const variant = args[0].toLowerCase(); return Hash.runHash(variant, input); }, /** * @constant * @default */ SNEFRU_ROUNDS: ["8", "4", "2"], /** * @constant * @default */ SNEFRU_SIZE: ["256", "128"], /** * Snefru operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runSnefru: function (input, args) { const rounds = args[0], size = args[1]; return Hash.runHash(`snefru-${rounds}-${size}`, input); }, /** * @constant * @default */ HMAC_FUNCTIONS: [ "MD2", "MD4", "MD5", "SHA0", "SHA1", "SHA224", "SHA256", "SHA384", "SHA512", "SHA512/224", "SHA512/256", "RIPEMD128", "RIPEMD160", "RIPEMD256", "RIPEMD320", "HAS160", "Whirlpool", "Whirlpool-0", "Whirlpool-T" ], /** * HMAC operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runHMAC: function (input, args) { const password = args[0], hashFunc = args[1].toLowerCase(), hmac = CryptoApi.mac("hmac", password, hashFunc, {}); hmac.update(input); return hmac.finalize().stringify("hex"); }, /** * Generate all hashes operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runAll: function (input, args) { let byteArray = Utils.strToByteArray(input), output = "MD2: " + Hash.runMD2(input, []) + "\nMD4: " + Hash.runMD4(input, []) + "\nMD5: " + Hash.runMD5(input, []) + "\nMD6: " + Hash.runMD6(input, []) + "\nSHA0: " + Hash.runSHA0(input, []) + "\nSHA1: " + Hash.runSHA1(input, []) + "\nSHA2 224: " + Hash.runSHA2(input, ["224"]) + "\nSHA2 256: " + Hash.runSHA2(input, ["256"]) + "\nSHA2 384: " + Hash.runSHA2(input, ["384"]) + "\nSHA2 512: " + Hash.runSHA2(input, ["512"]) + "\nSHA3 224: " + Hash.runSHA3(input, ["224"]) + "\nSHA3 256: " + Hash.runSHA3(input, ["256"]) + "\nSHA3 384: " + Hash.runSHA3(input, ["384"]) + "\nSHA3 512: " + Hash.runSHA3(input, ["512"]) + "\nKeccak 224: " + Hash.runKeccak(input, ["224"]) + "\nKeccak 256: " + Hash.runKeccak(input, ["256"]) + "\nKeccak 384: " + Hash.runKeccak(input, ["384"]) + "\nKeccak 512: " + Hash.runKeccak(input, ["512"]) + "\nShake 128: " + Hash.runShake(input, ["128", 256]) + "\nShake 256: " + Hash.runShake(input, ["256", 512]) + "\nRIPEMD-128: " + Hash.runRIPEMD(input, ["128"]) + "\nRIPEMD-160: " + Hash.runRIPEMD(input, ["160"]) + "\nRIPEMD-256: " + Hash.runRIPEMD(input, ["256"]) + "\nRIPEMD-320: " + Hash.runRIPEMD(input, ["320"]) + "\nHAS-160: " + Hash.runHAS(input, []) + "\nWhirlpool-0: " + Hash.runWhirlpool(input, ["Whirlpool-0"]) + "\nWhirlpool-T: " + Hash.runWhirlpool(input, ["Whirlpool-T"]) + "\nWhirlpool: " + Hash.runWhirlpool(input, ["Whirlpool"]) + "\n\nChecksums:" + "\nFletcher-8: " + Checksum.runFletcher8(byteArray, []) + "\nFletcher-16: " + Checksum.runFletcher16(byteArray, []) + "\nFletcher-32: " + Checksum.runFletcher32(byteArray, []) + "\nFletcher-64: " + Checksum.runFletcher64(byteArray, []) + "\nAdler-32: " + Checksum.runAdler32(byteArray, []) + "\nCRC-16: " + Checksum.runCRC16(input, []) + "\nCRC-32: " + Checksum.runCRC32(input, []); return output; }, /** * Analyse hash operation. * * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ runAnalyse: function(input, args) { input = input.replace(/\s/g, ""); let output = "", byteLength = input.length / 2, bitLength = byteLength * 8, possibleHashFunctions = []; if (!/^[a-f0-9]+$/i.test(input)) { return "Invalid hash"; } output += "Hash length: " + input.length + "\n" + "Byte length: " + byteLength + "\n" + "Bit length: " + bitLength + "\n\n" + "Based on the length, this hash could have been generated by one of the following hashing functions:\n"; switch (bitLength) { case 4: possibleHashFunctions = [ "Fletcher-4", "Luhn algorithm", "Verhoeff algorithm", ]; break; case 8: possibleHashFunctions = [ "Fletcher-8", ]; break; case 16: possibleHashFunctions = [ "BSD checksum", "CRC-16", "SYSV checksum", "Fletcher-16" ]; break; case 32: possibleHashFunctions = [ "CRC-32", "Fletcher-32", "Adler-32", ]; break; case 64: possibleHashFunctions = [ "CRC-64", "RIPEMD-64", "SipHash", ]; break; case 128: possibleHashFunctions = [ "MD5", "MD4", "MD2", "HAVAL-128", "RIPEMD-128", "Snefru", "Tiger-128", ]; break; case 160: possibleHashFunctions = [ "SHA-1", "SHA-0", "FSB-160", "HAS-160", "HAVAL-160", "RIPEMD-160", "Tiger-160", ]; break; case 192: possibleHashFunctions = [ "Tiger", "HAVAL-192", ]; break; case 224: possibleHashFunctions = [ "SHA-224", "SHA3-224", "ECOH-224", "FSB-224", "HAVAL-224", ]; break; case 256: possibleHashFunctions = [ "SHA-256", "SHA3-256", "BLAKE-256", "ECOH-256", "FSB-256", "GOST", "Grøstl-256", "HAVAL-256", "PANAMA", "RIPEMD-256", "Snefru", ]; break; case 320: possibleHashFunctions = [ "RIPEMD-320", ]; break; case 384: possibleHashFunctions = [ "SHA-384", "SHA3-384", "ECOH-384", "FSB-384", ]; break; case 512: possibleHashFunctions = [ "SHA-512", "SHA3-512", "BLAKE-512", "ECOH-512", "FSB-512", "Grøstl-512", "JH", "MD6", "Spectral Hash", "SWIFFT", "Whirlpool", ]; break; case 1024: possibleHashFunctions = [ "Fowler-Noll-Vo", ]; break; default: possibleHashFunctions = [ "Unknown" ]; break; } return output + possibleHashFunctions.join("\n"); }, }; export default Hash;