/** * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @author j433866 [j433866@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 */ import Utils, {debounce} from "../../core/Utils.mjs"; import Dish from "../../core/Dish.mjs"; import FileSaver from "file-saver"; import ZipWorker from "worker-loader?inline=no-fallback!../workers/ZipWorker.mjs"; import { EditorView, keymap, highlightSpecialChars, drawSelection, rectangularSelection, crosshairCursor } from "@codemirror/view"; import { EditorState, Compartment } from "@codemirror/state"; import { defaultKeymap } from "@codemirror/commands"; import { bracketMatching } from "@codemirror/language"; import { search, searchKeymap, highlightSelectionMatches } from "@codemirror/search"; import {statusBar} from "../utils/statusBar.mjs"; import {htmlPlugin} from "../utils/htmlWidget.mjs"; import {copyOverride} from "../utils/copyOverride.mjs"; import {renderSpecialChar} from "../utils/editorUtils.mjs"; /** * Waiter to handle events related to the output */ class OutputWaiter { /** * OutputWaiter constructor. * * @param {App} app - The main view object for CyberChef. * @param {Manager} manager - The CyberChef event manager */ constructor(app, manager) { this.app = app; this.manager = manager; this.outputTextEl = document.getElementById("output-text"); // Object to handle output HTML state - used by htmlWidget extension this.htmlOutput = { html: "", changed: false }; // Hold a copy of the currently displayed output so that we don't have to update it unnecessarily this.currentOutputCache = null; this.initEditor(); this.outputs = {}; this.zipWorker = null; this.maxTabs = this.manager.tabs.calcMaxTabs(); this.tabTimeout = null; } /** * Sets up the CodeMirror Editor */ initEditor() { // Mutable extensions this.outputEditorConf = { eol: new Compartment, lineWrapping: new Compartment, drawSelection: new Compartment }; const initialState = EditorState.create({ doc: null, extensions: [ // Editor extensions EditorState.readOnly.of(true), highlightSpecialChars({ render: renderSpecialChar, // Custom character renderer to handle special cases addSpecialChars: /[\ue000-\uf8ff]/g // Add the Unicode Private Use Area which we use for some whitespace chars }), rectangularSelection(), crosshairCursor(), bracketMatching(), highlightSelectionMatches(), search({top: true}), EditorState.allowMultipleSelections.of(true), // Custom extensions statusBar({ label: "Output", timing: this.manager.timing, tabNumGetter: function() { return this.manager.tabs.getActiveTab("output"); }.bind(this), eolHandler: this.eolChange.bind(this), chrEncHandler: this.chrEncChange.bind(this), chrEncGetter: this.getChrEnc.bind(this), htmlOutput: this.htmlOutput }), htmlPlugin(this.htmlOutput), copyOverride(), // Mutable state this.outputEditorConf.lineWrapping.of(EditorView.lineWrapping), this.outputEditorConf.eol.of(EditorState.lineSeparator.of("\n")), this.outputEditorConf.drawSelection.of(drawSelection()), // Keymap keymap.of([ ...defaultKeymap, ...searchKeymap ]), // Event listeners EditorView.updateListener.of(e => { if (e.selectionSet) this.manager.highlighter.selectionChange("output", e); if (e.docChanged || this.docChanging) { this.docChanging = false; this.toggleLoader(false); } }) ] }); this.outputEditorView = new EditorView({ state: initialState, parent: this.outputTextEl }); } /** * Handler for EOL change events * Sets the line separator * @param {string} eolVal */ async eolChange(eolVal) { const currentTabNum = this.manager.tabs.getActiveTab("output"); if (currentTabNum >= 0) { this.outputs[currentTabNum].eolSequence = eolVal; } else { throw new Error(`Cannot change output ${currentTabNum} EOL sequence to ${eolVal}`); } // Update the EOL value this.outputEditorView.dispatch({ effects: this.outputEditorConf.eol.reconfigure(EditorState.lineSeparator.of(eolVal)) }); // Reset the output so that lines are recalculated, preserving the old EOL values await this.setOutput(this.currentOutputCache, true); // Update the URL manually since we aren't firing a statechange event this.app.updateURL(true); } /** * Getter for the output EOL sequence * Prefer reading value from `this.outputs` since the editor may not have updated yet. * @returns {string} */ getEOLSeq() { const currentTabNum = this.manager.tabs.getActiveTab("output"); if (currentTabNum < 0) { return this.outputEditorConf.state?.lineBreak || "\n"; } return this.outputs[currentTabNum].eolSequence; } /** * Handler for Chr Enc change events * Sets the output character encoding * @param {number} chrEncVal */ async chrEncChange(chrEncVal) { if (typeof chrEncVal !== "number") return; const currentTabNum = this.manager.tabs.getActiveTab("output"); if (currentTabNum >= 0) { this.outputs[currentTabNum].encoding = chrEncVal; } else { throw new Error(`Cannot change output ${currentTabNum} chrEnc to ${chrEncVal}`); } // Reset the output, forcing it to re-decode the data with the new character encoding await this.setOutput(this.currentOutputCache, true); // Update the URL manually since we aren't firing a statechange event this.app.updateURL(true); } /** * Getter for the output character encoding * @returns {number} */ getChrEnc() { const currentTabNum = this.manager.tabs.getActiveTab("output"); if (currentTabNum < 0) { return 0; } return this.outputs[currentTabNum].encoding; } /** * Sets word wrap on the output editor * @param {boolean} wrap */ setWordWrap(wrap) { this.outputEditorView.dispatch({ effects: this.outputEditorConf.lineWrapping.reconfigure( wrap ? EditorView.lineWrapping : [] ) }); } /** * Sets the value of the current output * @param {string|ArrayBuffer} data * @param {boolean} [force=false] */ async setOutput(data, force=false) { // Don't do anything if the output hasn't changed if (!force && data === this.currentOutputCache) { this.manager.controls.hideStaleIndicator(); this.toggleLoader(false); return; } this.currentOutputCache = data; this.toggleLoader(true); // Remove class to #output-text to change display settings this.outputTextEl.classList.remove("html-output"); // If data is an ArrayBuffer, convert to a string in the correct character encoding const tabNum = this.manager.tabs.getActiveTab("output"); this.manager.timing.recordTime("outputDecodingStart", tabNum); if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { data = await this.bufferToStr(data); } this.manager.timing.recordTime("outputDecodingEnd", tabNum); // Turn drawSelection back on this.outputEditorView.dispatch({ effects: this.outputEditorConf.drawSelection.reconfigure( drawSelection() ) }); // Ensure we're not exceeding the maximum line length let wrap = this.app.options.wordWrap; const lineLengthThreshold = 131072; // 128KB if (data.length > lineLengthThreshold) { const lines = data.split(this.getEOLSeq()); const longest = lines.reduce((a, b) => a > b.length ? a : b.length, 0 ); if (longest > lineLengthThreshold) { // If we are exceeding the max line length, turn off word wrap wrap = false; } } // If turning word wrap off, do it before we populate the editor for performance reasons if (!wrap) this.setWordWrap(wrap); // We use setTimeout here to delay the editor dispatch until the next event cycle, // ensuring all async actions have completed before attempting to set the contents // of the editor. This is mainly with the above call to setWordWrap() in mind. setTimeout(() => { this.docChanging = true; // Insert data into editor, overwriting any previous contents this.outputEditorView.dispatch({ changes: { from: 0, to: this.outputEditorView.state.doc.length, insert: data } }); // If turning word wrap on, do it after we populate the editor if (wrap) setTimeout(() => { this.setWordWrap(wrap); }); }); } /** * Sets the value of the current output to a rendered HTML value * @param {string} html */ async setHTMLOutput(html) { this.htmlOutput.html = html; this.htmlOutput.changed = true; // This clears the text output, but also fires a View update which // triggers the htmlWidget to render the HTML. We set the force flag // to ensure the loader gets removed and HTML is rendered. await this.setOutput("", true); // Turn off drawSelection this.outputEditorView.dispatch({ effects: this.outputEditorConf.drawSelection.reconfigure([]) }); // Add class to #output-text to change display settings this.outputTextEl.classList.add("html-output"); // Execute script sections const outputHTML = document.getElementById("output-html"); const scriptElements = outputHTML ? outputHTML.querySelectorAll("script") : []; for (let i = 0; i < scriptElements.length; i++) { try { eval(scriptElements[i].innerHTML); // eslint-disable-line no-eval } catch (err) { log.error(err); } } } /** * Clears the HTML output */ clearHTMLOutput() { this.htmlOutput.html = ""; this.htmlOutput.changed = true; // Fire a blank change to force the htmlWidget to update and remove any HTML this.outputEditorView.dispatch({ changes: { from: 0, insert: "" } }); } /** * Calculates the maximum number of tabs to display */ calcMaxTabs() { const numTabs = this.manager.tabs.calcMaxTabs(); if (numTabs !== this.maxTabs) { this.maxTabs = numTabs; this.refreshTabs(this.manager.tabs.getActiveTab("output"), "right"); } } /** * Gets the dish object for an output. * * @param inputNum - The inputNum of the output to get the dish of * @returns {Dish} */ getOutputDish(inputNum) { if (this.outputExists(inputNum) && this.outputs[inputNum].data && this.outputs[inputNum].data.dish) { return this.outputs[inputNum].data.dish; } return null; } /** * Checks if an output exists in the output dictionary * * @param {number} inputNum - The number of the output we're looking for * @returns {boolean} */ outputExists(inputNum) { if (this.outputs[inputNum] === undefined || this.outputs[inputNum] === null) { return false; } return true; } /** * Adds a new output to the output array. * Creates a new tab if we have less than maxtabs tabs open * * @param {number} inputNum - The inputNum of the new output * @param {boolean} [changeTab=true] - If true, change to the new output */ addOutput(inputNum, changeTab = true) { // Remove the output (will only get removed if it already exists) this.removeOutput(inputNum); const newOutput = { data: null, inputNum: inputNum, statusMessage: `Input ${inputNum} has not been baked yet.`, error: null, status: "inactive", bakeId: -1, progress: false, encoding: 0, eolSequence: "\u000a" }; this.outputs[inputNum] = newOutput; this.addTab(inputNum, changeTab); } /** * Updates the value for the output in the output array. * If this is the active output tab, updates the output textarea * * @param {ArrayBuffer | String} data * @param {number} inputNum * @param {boolean} set */ updateOutputValue(data, inputNum, set=true) { if (!this.outputExists(inputNum)) { this.addOutput(inputNum); } if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(data, "dish")) { data.dish = new Dish(data.dish); } this.outputs[inputNum].data = data; const tabItem = this.manager.tabs.getTabItem(inputNum, "output"); if (tabItem) tabItem.style.background = ""; if (set) this.set(inputNum); } /** * Updates the status message for the output in the output array. * If this is the active output tab, updates the output textarea * * @param {string} statusMessage * @param {number} inputNum * @param {boolean} [set=true] */ updateOutputMessage(statusMessage, inputNum, set=true) { if (!this.outputExists(inputNum)) return; this.outputs[inputNum].statusMessage = statusMessage; if (set) this.set(inputNum); } /** * Updates the error value for the output in the output array. * If this is the active output tab, calls app.handleError. * Otherwise, the error will be handled when the output is switched to * * @param {Error} error * @param {number} inputNum * @param {number} [progress=0] */ updateOutputError(error, inputNum, progress=0) { if (!this.outputExists(inputNum)) return; const errorString = error.displayStr || error.toString(); this.outputs[inputNum].error = errorString; this.outputs[inputNum].progress = progress; this.updateOutputStatus("error", inputNum); } /** * Updates the status value for the output in the output array * * @param {string} status * @param {number} inputNum */ updateOutputStatus(status, inputNum) { if (!this.outputExists(inputNum)) return; this.outputs[inputNum].status = status; if (status !== "error") { delete this.outputs[inputNum].error; } this.displayTabInfo(inputNum); this.set(inputNum); } /** * Updates the stored bake ID for the output in the output array * * @param {number} bakeId * @param {number} inputNum */ updateOutputBakeId(bakeId, inputNum) { if (!this.outputExists(inputNum)) return; this.outputs[inputNum].bakeId = bakeId; } /** * Updates the stored progress value for the output in the output array * * @param {number} progress * @param {number} total * @param {number} inputNum */ updateOutputProgress(progress, total, inputNum) { if (!this.outputExists(inputNum)) return; this.outputs[inputNum].progress = progress; if (progress !== false) { this.manager.tabs.updateTabProgress(inputNum, progress, total, "output"); } } /** * Removes an output from the output array. * * @param {number} inputNum */ removeOutput(inputNum) { if (!this.outputExists(inputNum)) return; delete this.outputs[inputNum]; } /** * Removes all output tabs */ removeAllOutputs() { this.outputs = {}; const tabsList = document.getElementById("output-tabs"); const tabsListChildren = tabsList.children; tabsList.classList.remove("tabs-left"); tabsList.classList.remove("tabs-right"); for (let i = tabsListChildren.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { tabsListChildren.item(i).remove(); } } /** * Sets the output in the output pane. * * @param {number} inputNum */ async set(inputNum) { inputNum = parseInt(inputNum, 10); if (inputNum !== this.manager.tabs.getActiveTab("output") || !this.outputExists(inputNum)) return; this.toggleLoader(true); return new Promise(async function(resolve, reject) { const output = this.outputs[inputNum]; this.manager.timing.recordTime("settingOutput", inputNum); // Update the EOL value this.outputEditorView.dispatch({ effects: this.outputEditorConf.eol.reconfigure( EditorState.lineSeparator.of(output.eolSequence) ) }); // If pending or baking, show loader and status message // If error, style the tab and handle the error // If done, display the output if it's the active tab // If inactive, show the last bake value (or blank) if (output.status === "inactive" || output.status === "stale" || (output.status === "baked" && output.bakeId < this.manager.worker.bakeId)) { this.manager.controls.showStaleIndicator(); } else { this.manager.controls.hideStaleIndicator(); } if (output.progress !== undefined && !this.app.baking) { this.manager.recipe.updateBreakpointIndicator(output.progress); } else { this.manager.recipe.updateBreakpointIndicator(false); } if (output.status === "pending" || output.status === "baking") { // show the loader and the status message if it's being shown // otherwise don't do anything document.querySelector("#output-loader .loading-msg").textContent = output.statusMessage; } else if (output.status === "error") { this.clearHTMLOutput(); if (output.error) { await this.setOutput(output.error); } else { await this.setOutput(output.data.result); } } else if (output.status === "baked" || output.status === "inactive") { document.querySelector("#output-loader .loading-msg").textContent = `Loading output ${inputNum}`; if (output.data === null) { this.clearHTMLOutput(); await this.setOutput(""); return; } switch (output.data.type) { case "html": await this.setHTMLOutput(output.data.result); break; case "ArrayBuffer": case "string": default: this.clearHTMLOutput(); await this.setOutput(output.data.result); break; } this.manager.timing.recordTime("complete", inputNum); // Trigger an update so that the status bar recalculates timings this.outputEditorView.dispatch({ changes: { from: 0, to: 0 } }); debounce(this.backgroundMagic, 50, "backgroundMagic", this, [])(); } }.bind(this)); } /** * Retrieves the dish as a string * * @param {Dish} dish * @returns {string} */ async getDishStr(dish) { return await new Promise(resolve => { this.manager.worker.getDishAs(dish, "string", r => { resolve(r.value); }); }); } /** * Retrieves the dish as an ArrayBuffer * * @param {Dish} dish * @returns {ArrayBuffer} */ async getDishBuffer(dish) { return await new Promise(resolve => { this.manager.worker.getDishAs(dish, "ArrayBuffer", r => { resolve(r.value); }); }); } /** * Retrieves the title of the Dish as a string * * @param {Dish} dish * @param {number} maxLength * @returns {string} */ async getDishTitle(dish, maxLength) { return await new Promise(resolve => { this.manager.worker.getDishTitle(dish, maxLength, r => { resolve(r.value); }); }); } /** * Asks a worker to translate an ArrayBuffer into a certain character encoding * * @param {ArrrayBuffer} buffer * @returns {string} */ async bufferToStr(buffer) { const encoding = this.getChrEnc(); if (buffer.byteLength === 0) return ""; return await new Promise(resolve => { this.manager.worker.bufferToStr(buffer, encoding, r => { resolve(r.value); }); }); } /** * Save bombe object then remove it from the DOM so that it does not cause performance issues. */ saveBombe() { this.bombeEl = document.getElementById("bombe"); this.bombeEl.parentNode.removeChild(this.bombeEl); } /** * Shows or hides the output loading screen. * The animated Bombe SVG, whilst quite aesthetically pleasing, is reasonably CPU * intensive, so we remove it from the DOM when not in use. We only show it if the * recipe is taking longer than 200ms. We add it to the DOM just before that so that * it is ready to fade in without stuttering. * * @param {boolean} value - If true, show the loader */ toggleLoader(value) { const outputLoader = document.getElementById("output-loader"), animation = document.getElementById("output-loader-animation"); if (value) { this.manager.controls.hideStaleIndicator(); // Don't add the bombe if it's already there or scheduled to be loaded if (animation.children.length === 0 && !this.appendBombeTimeout) { // Start a timer to add the Bombe to the DOM just before we make it // visible so that there is no stuttering this.appendBombeTimeout = setTimeout(function() { this.appendBombeTimeout = null; animation.appendChild(this.bombeEl); }.bind(this), 150); } if (outputLoader.style.visibility !== "visible" && !this.outputLoaderTimeout) { // Show the loading screen this.outputLoaderTimeout = setTimeout(function() { this.outputLoaderTimeout = null; outputLoader.style.visibility = "visible"; outputLoader.style.opacity = 1; }, 200); } } else if (outputLoader.style.visibility !== "hidden" || this.appendBombeTimeout || this.outputLoaderTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.appendBombeTimeout); clearTimeout(this.outputLoaderTimeout); this.appendBombeTimeout = null; this.outputLoaderTimeout = null; // Remove the Bombe from the DOM to save resources this.outputLoaderTimeout = setTimeout(function () { this.outputLoaderTimeout = null; if (animation.children.length > 0) animation.removeChild(this.bombeEl); }.bind(this), 500); outputLoader.style.opacity = 0; outputLoader.style.visibility = "hidden"; } } /** * Handler for save click events. * Saves the current output to a file. */ saveClick() { this.downloadFile(); } /** * Handler for file download events. */ async downloadFile() { const dish = this.getOutputDish(this.manager.tabs.getActiveTab("output")); if (dish === null) { this.app.alert("Could not find any output data to download. Has this output been baked?", 3000); return; } const fileName = window.prompt("Please enter a filename: ", "download.dat"); // Assume if the user clicks cancel they don't want to download if (fileName === null) return; const data = await dish.get(Dish.ARRAY_BUFFER), file = new File([data], fileName); FileSaver.saveAs(file, fileName, {autoBom: false}); } /** * Handler for save all click event * Saves all outputs to a single archive file */ async saveAllClick() { const downloadButton = document.getElementById("save-all-to-file"); if (downloadButton.firstElementChild.innerHTML === "archive") { this.downloadAllFiles(); } else { const cancel = await new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { this.app.confirm( "Cancel zipping?", "The outputs are currently being zipped for download.
Cancel zipping?", "Continue zipping", "Cancel zipping", resolve, this); }.bind(this)); if (!cancel) { this.terminateZipWorker(); } } } /** * Spawns a new ZipWorker and sends it the outputs so that they can * be zipped for download */ async downloadAllFiles() { const inputNums = Object.keys(this.outputs); for (let i = 0; i < inputNums.length; i++) { const iNum = inputNums[i]; if (this.outputs[iNum].status !== "baked" || this.outputs[iNum].bakeId !== this.manager.worker.bakeId) { const continueDownloading = await new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { this.app.confirm( "Incomplete outputs", "Not all outputs have been baked yet. Continue downloading outputs?", "Download", "Cancel", resolve, this); }.bind(this)); if (continueDownloading) { break; } else { return; } } } let fileName = window.prompt("Please enter a filename: ", "download.zip"); if (fileName === null || fileName === "") { // Don't zip the files if there isn't a filename this.app.alert("No filename was specified.", 3000); return; } if (!fileName.match(/.zip$/)) { fileName += ".zip"; } let fileExt = window.prompt("Please enter a file extension for the files, or leave blank to detect automatically.", ""); if (fileExt === null) fileExt = ""; if (this.zipWorker !== null) { this.terminateZipWorker(); } const downloadButton = document.getElementById("save-all-to-file"); downloadButton.classList.add("spin"); downloadButton.title = `Zipping ${inputNums.length} files...`; downloadButton.setAttribute("data-original-title", `Zipping ${inputNums.length} files...`); downloadButton.firstElementChild.innerHTML = "autorenew"; log.debug("Creating ZipWorker"); this.zipWorker = new ZipWorker(); this.zipWorker.postMessage({ action: "setLogLevel", data: log.getLevel() }); this.zipWorker.postMessage({ action: "zipFiles", data: { outputs: this.outputs, filename: fileName, fileExtension: fileExt } }); this.zipWorker.addEventListener("message", this.handleZipWorkerMessage.bind(this)); } /** * Terminate the ZipWorker */ terminateZipWorker() { if (this.zipWorker === null) return; // Already terminated log.debug("Terminating ZipWorker."); this.zipWorker.terminate(); this.zipWorker = null; const downloadButton = document.getElementById("save-all-to-file"); downloadButton.classList.remove("spin"); downloadButton.title = "Save all outputs to a zip file"; downloadButton.setAttribute("data-original-title", "Save all outputs to a zip file"); downloadButton.firstElementChild.innerHTML = "archive"; } /** * Handle messages sent back by the ZipWorker */ handleZipWorkerMessage(e) { const r = e.data; if (!("zippedFile" in r)) { log.error("No zipped file was sent in the message."); this.terminateZipWorker(); return; } if (!("filename" in r)) { log.error("No filename was sent in the message."); this.terminateZipWorker(); return; } const file = new File([r.zippedFile], r.filename); FileSaver.saveAs(file, r.filename, {autoBom: false}); this.terminateZipWorker(); } /** * Adds a new output tab. * * @param {number} inputNum * @param {boolean} [changeTab=true] */ addTab(inputNum, changeTab = true) { const tabsWrapper = document.getElementById("output-tabs"); const numTabs = tabsWrapper.children.length; if (!this.manager.tabs.getTabItem(inputNum, "output") && numTabs < this.maxTabs) { // Create a new tab element const newTab = this.manager.tabs.createTabElement(inputNum, changeTab, "output"); tabsWrapper.appendChild(newTab); } else if (numTabs === this.maxTabs) { // Can't create a new tab document.getElementById("output-tabs").lastElementChild.classList.add("tabs-right"); } this.displayTabInfo(inputNum); if (changeTab) { this.changeTab(inputNum, false); } } /** * Changes the active tab * * @param {number} inputNum * @param {boolean} [changeInput = false] */ changeTab(inputNum, changeInput = false) { if (!this.outputExists(inputNum)) return; const currentNum = this.manager.tabs.getActiveTab("output"); this.hideMagicButton(); if (!this.manager.tabs.changeTab(inputNum, "output")) { let direction = "right"; if (currentNum > inputNum) { direction = "left"; } const newOutputs = this.getNearbyNums(inputNum, direction); const tabsLeft = (newOutputs[0] !== this.getSmallestInputNum()); const tabsRight = (newOutputs[newOutputs.length - 1] !== this.getLargestInputNum()); this.manager.tabs.refreshTabs(newOutputs, inputNum, tabsLeft, tabsRight, "output"); for (let i = 0; i < newOutputs.length; i++) { this.displayTabInfo(newOutputs[i]); } } this.set(inputNum); if (changeInput) { this.manager.input.changeTab(inputNum, false); } } /** * Handler for changing tabs event * * @param {event} mouseEvent */ changeTabClick(mouseEvent) { if (!mouseEvent.target) return; const tabNum = mouseEvent.target.parentElement.getAttribute("inputNum"); if (tabNum) { this.changeTab(parseInt(tabNum, 10), this.app.options.syncTabs); } } /** * Handler for scrolling on the output tabs area * * @param {event} wheelEvent */ scrollTab(wheelEvent) { wheelEvent.preventDefault(); if (wheelEvent.deltaY > 0) { this.changeTabLeft(); } else if (wheelEvent.deltaY < 0) { this.changeTabRight(); } } /** * Handler for mouse down on the next tab button */ nextTabClick() { this.mousedown = true; this.changeTabRight(); const time = 200; const func = function(time) { if (this.mousedown) { this.changeTabRight(); const newTime = (time > 50) ? time - 10 : 50; setTimeout(func.bind(this, [newTime]), newTime); } }; this.tabTimeout = setTimeout(func.bind(this, [time]), time); } /** * Handler for mouse down on the previous tab button */ previousTabClick() { this.mousedown = true; this.changeTabLeft(); const time = 200; const func = function(time) { if (this.mousedown) { this.changeTabLeft(); const newTime = (time > 50) ? time - 10 : 50; setTimeout(func.bind(this, [newTime]), newTime); } }; this.tabTimeout = setTimeout(func.bind(this, [time]), time); } /** * Handler for mouse up event on the tab buttons */ tabMouseUp() { this.mousedown = false; clearTimeout(this.tabTimeout); this.tabTimeout = null; } /** * Handler for changing to the left tab */ changeTabLeft() { const currentTab = this.manager.tabs.getActiveTab("output"); this.changeTab(this.getPreviousInputNum(currentTab), this.app.options.syncTabs); } /** * Handler for changing to the right tab */ changeTabRight() { const currentTab = this.manager.tabs.getActiveTab("output"); this.changeTab(this.getNextInputNum(currentTab), this.app.options.syncTabs); } /** * Handler for go to tab button clicked */ goToTab() { const min = this.getSmallestInputNum(), max = this.getLargestInputNum(); let tabNum = window.prompt(`Enter tab number (${min} - ${max}):`, this.manager.tabs.getActiveTab("output").toString()); if (tabNum === null) return; tabNum = parseInt(tabNum, 10); if (this.outputExists(tabNum)) { this.changeTab(tabNum, this.app.options.syncTabs); } } /** * Generates a list of the nearby inputNums * @param inputNum * @param direction */ getNearbyNums(inputNum, direction) { const nums = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.maxTabs; i++) { let newNum; if (i === 0 && this.outputs[inputNum] !== undefined) { newNum = inputNum; } else { switch (direction) { case "left": newNum = this.getNextInputNum(nums[i - 1]); if (newNum === nums[i - 1]) { direction = "right"; newNum = this.getPreviousInputNum(nums[0]); } break; case "right": newNum = this.getPreviousInputNum(nums[i - 1]); if (newNum === nums[i - 1]) { direction = "left"; newNum = this.getNextInputNum(nums[0]); } } } if (!nums.includes(newNum) && (newNum > 0)) { nums.push(newNum); } } nums.sort((a, b) => a - b); // Forces the sort function to treat a and b as numbers return nums; } /** * Gets the largest inputNum * * @returns {number} */ getLargestInputNum() { const inputNums = Object.keys(this.outputs); if (inputNums.length === 0) return -1; return Math.max(...inputNums); } /** * Gets the smallest inputNum * * @returns {number} */ getSmallestInputNum() { const inputNums = Object.keys(this.outputs); if (inputNums.length === 0) return -1; return Math.min(...inputNums); } /** * Gets the previous inputNum * * @param {number} inputNum - The current input number * @returns {number} */ getPreviousInputNum(inputNum) { const inputNums = Object.keys(this.outputs); if (inputNums.length === 0) return -1; let num = Math.min(...inputNums); for (let i = 0; i < inputNums.length; i++) { const iNum = parseInt(inputNums[i], 10); if (iNum < inputNum) { if (iNum > num) { num = iNum; } } } return num; } /** * Gets the next inputNum * * @param {number} inputNum - The current input number * @returns {number} */ getNextInputNum(inputNum) { const inputNums = Object.keys(this.outputs); if (inputNums.length === 0) return -1; let num = Math.max(...inputNums); for (let i = 0; i < inputNums.length; i++) { const iNum = parseInt(inputNums[i], 10); if (iNum > inputNum) { if (iNum < num) { num = iNum; } } } return num; } /** * Removes a tab and it's corresponding output * * @param {number} inputNum */ removeTab(inputNum) { if (!this.outputExists(inputNum)) return; const tabElement = this.manager.tabs.getTabItem(inputNum, "output"); this.removeOutput(inputNum); if (tabElement !== null) { this.refreshTabs(this.getPreviousInputNum(inputNum), "left"); } } /** * Redraw the entire tab bar to remove any outdated tabs * * @param {number} activeTab * @param {string} direction - Either "left" or "right" */ refreshTabs(activeTab, direction) { const newNums = this.getNearbyNums(activeTab, direction), tabsLeft = (newNums[0] !== this.getSmallestInputNum() && newNums.length > 0), tabsRight = (newNums[newNums.length - 1] !== this.getLargestInputNum() && newNums.length > 0); this.manager.tabs.refreshTabs(newNums, activeTab, tabsLeft, tabsRight, "output"); for (let i = 0; i < newNums.length; i++) { this.displayTabInfo(newNums[i]); } } /** * Display output information in the tab header * * @param {number} inputNum */ async displayTabInfo(inputNum) { // Don't display anything if there are no, or only one, tabs if (!this.outputExists(inputNum) || Object.keys(this.outputs).length <= 1) return; const dish = this.getOutputDish(inputNum); let tabStr = ""; if (dish !== null) { tabStr = await this.getDishTitle(this.getOutputDish(inputNum), 100); tabStr = tabStr.replace(/[\n\r]/g, ""); } this.manager.tabs.updateTabHeader(inputNum, tabStr, "output"); if (this.manager.worker.recipeConfig !== undefined) { this.manager.tabs.updateTabProgress(inputNum, this.outputs[inputNum]?.progress, this.manager.worker.recipeConfig.length, "output"); } const tabItem = this.manager.tabs.getTabItem(inputNum, "output"); if (tabItem) { if (this.outputs[inputNum].status === "error") { tabItem.style.color = "#FF0000"; } else { tabItem.style.color = ""; } } } /** * Triggers the BackgroundWorker to attempt Magic on the current output. */ async backgroundMagic() { this.hideMagicButton(); const dish = this.getOutputDish(this.manager.tabs.getActiveTab("output")); if (!this.app.options.autoMagic || dish === null) return; const buffer = await this.getDishBuffer(dish); const sample = buffer.slice(0, 1000) || ""; if (sample.length || sample.byteLength) { this.manager.background.magic(sample); } } /** * Handles the results of a background Magic call. * * @param {Object[]} options */ backgroundMagicResult(options) { if (!options.length) return; const currentRecipeConfig = this.app.getRecipeConfig(); let msg = "", newRecipeConfig; if (options[0].recipe.length) { const opSequence = options[0].recipe.map(o => o.op).join(", "); newRecipeConfig = currentRecipeConfig.concat(options[0].recipe); msg = `${opSequence} will produce "${Utils.escapeHtml(Utils.truncate(options[0].data), 30)}"`; } else if (options[0].fileType && options[0].fileType.name) { const ft = options[0].fileType; newRecipeConfig = currentRecipeConfig.concat([{op: "Detect File Type", args: []}]); msg = `${ft.name} file detected`; } else { return; } this.showMagicButton(msg, newRecipeConfig); } /** * Handler for Magic click events. * * Loads the Magic recipe. * * @fires Manager#statechange */ magicClick() { const magicButton = document.getElementById("magic"); this.app.setRecipeConfig(JSON.parse(magicButton.getAttribute("data-recipe"))); window.dispatchEvent(this.manager.statechange); this.hideMagicButton(); } /** * Displays the Magic button with a title and adds a link to a recipe. * * @param {string} msg * @param {Object[]} recipeConfig */ showMagicButton(msg, recipeConfig) { const magicButton = document.getElementById("magic"); magicButton.setAttribute("data-original-title", msg); magicButton.setAttribute("data-recipe", JSON.stringify(recipeConfig), null, ""); magicButton.classList.remove("hidden"); magicButton.classList.add("pulse"); } /** * Hides the Magic button and resets its values. */ hideMagicButton() { const magicButton = document.getElementById("magic"); magicButton.classList.add("hidden"); magicButton.classList.remove("pulse"); magicButton.setAttribute("data-recipe", ""); magicButton.setAttribute("data-original-title", "Magic!"); } /** * Handler for extract file events. * * @param {Event} e */ async extractFileClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const el = e.target.nodeName === "I" ? e.target.parentNode : e.target; const blobURL = el.getAttribute("blob-url"); const fileName = el.getAttribute("file-name"); const blob = await fetch(blobURL).then(r => r.blob()); this.manager.input.loadUIFiles([new File([blob], fileName, {type: blob.type})]); } /** * Handler for copy click events. * Copies the output to the clipboard */ async copyClick() { const dish = this.getOutputDish(this.manager.tabs.getActiveTab("output")); if (dish === null) { this.app.alert("Could not find data to copy. Has this output been baked yet?", 3000); return; } const output = await this.getDishStr(dish); const self = this; navigator.clipboard.writeText(output).then(function() { self.app.alert("Copied raw output successfully.", 2000); }, function(err) { self.app.alert("Sorry, the output could not be copied.", 3000); }); } /** * Handler for switch click events. * Moves the current output into the input textarea. */ async switchClick() { const activeTab = this.manager.tabs.getActiveTab("output"); const switchButton = document.getElementById("switch"); switchButton.classList.add("spin"); switchButton.disabled = true; switchButton.firstElementChild.innerHTML = "autorenew"; $(switchButton).tooltip("hide"); const activeData = await this.getDishBuffer(this.getOutputDish(activeTab)); if (this.outputExists(activeTab)) { this.manager.input.set(activeTab, { type: "userinput", buffer: activeData, encoding: this.outputs[activeTab].encoding, eolSequence: this.outputs[activeTab].eolSequence }); } switchButton.classList.remove("spin"); switchButton.disabled = false; switchButton.firstElementChild.innerHTML = "open_in_browser"; } /** * Handler for maximise output click events. * Resizes the output frame to be as large as possible, or restores it to its original size. */ maximiseOutputClick(e) { const el = e.target.id === "maximise-output" ? e.target : e.target.parentNode; if (el.getAttribute("data-original-title").indexOf("Maximise") === 0) { document.body.classList.add("output-maximised"); this.app.initialiseSplitter(true); this.app.columnSplitter.collapse(0); this.app.columnSplitter.collapse(1); this.app.ioSplitter.collapse(0); $(el).attr("data-original-title", "Restore output pane"); el.querySelector("i").innerHTML = "fullscreen_exit"; } else { document.body.classList.remove("output-maximised"); $(el).attr("data-original-title", "Maximise output pane"); el.querySelector("i").innerHTML = "fullscreen"; this.app.initialiseSplitter(false); this.app.resetLayout(); } } /** * Handler for find tab button clicked */ findTab() { this.filterTabSearch(); $("#output-tab-modal").modal(); } /** * Searches the outputs using the filter settings and displays the results */ async filterTabSearch() { const showPending = document.getElementById("output-show-pending").checked, showBaking = document.getElementById("output-show-baking").checked, showBaked = document.getElementById("output-show-baked").checked, showStale = document.getElementById("output-show-stale").checked, showErrored = document.getElementById("output-show-errored").checked, contentFilter = document.getElementById("output-content-filter").value, resultsList = document.getElementById("output-search-results"), numResults = parseInt(document.getElementById("output-num-results").value, 10), inputNums = Object.keys(this.outputs), results = []; let contentFilterExp; try { contentFilterExp = new RegExp(contentFilter, "i"); } catch (error) { this.app.handleError(error); return; } // Search through the outputs for matching output results for (let i = 0; i < inputNums.length; i++) { const iNum = inputNums[i], output = this.outputs[iNum]; if (output.status === "pending" && showPending || output.status === "baking" && showBaking || output.status === "error" && showErrored || output.status === "stale" && showStale || output.status === "inactive" && showStale) { const outDisplay = { "pending": "Not baked yet", "baking": "Baking", "error": output.error || "Errored", "stale": "Stale (output is out of date)", "inactive": "Not baked yet" }; // If the output has a dish object, check it against the filter if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(output, "data") && output.data && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(output.data, "dish")) { const data = await output.data.dish.get(Dish.STRING); if (contentFilterExp.test(data)) { results.push({ inputNum: iNum, textDisplay: data.slice(0, 100) }); } } else { results.push({ inputNum: iNum, textDisplay: outDisplay[output.status] }); } } else if (output.status === "baked" && showBaked && output.progress === false) { let data = await output.data.dish.get(Dish.STRING); data = data.replace(/[\r\n]/g, ""); if (contentFilterExp.test(data)) { results.push({ inputNum: iNum, textDisplay: data.slice(0, 100) }); } } else if (output.progress !== false && showErrored) { let data = await output.data.dish.get(Dish.STRING); data = data.replace(/[\r\n]/g, ""); if (contentFilterExp.test(data)) { results.push({ inputNum: iNum, textDisplay: data.slice(0, 100) }); } } if (results.length >= numResults) { break; } } for (let i = resultsList.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { resultsList.children.item(i).remove(); } for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { const newListItem = document.createElement("li"); newListItem.classList.add("output-filter-result"); newListItem.setAttribute("inputNum", results[i].inputNum); newListItem.innerText = `${results[i].inputNum}: ${results[i].textDisplay}`; resultsList.appendChild(newListItem); } } /** * Handler for clicking on a filter result. * Changes to the clicked output * * @param {event} e */ filterItemClick(e) { if (!e.target) return; const inputNum = parseInt(e.target.getAttribute("inputNum"), 10); if (inputNum <= 0) return; $("#output-tab-modal").modal("hide"); this.changeTab(inputNum, this.app.options.syncTabs); } /** * Sets the console log level in the workers. */ setLogLevel() { if (!this.zipWorker) return; this.zipWorker.postMessage({ action: "setLogLevel", data: log.getLevel() }); } } export default OutputWaiter;