/* eslint-env node */ module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.file.defaultEncoding = "utf8"; grunt.file.preserveBOM = false; // Tasks grunt.registerTask("dev", "A persistent task which creates a development build whenever source files are modified.", ["clean:dev", "concat:css", "concat:js", "copy:html_dev", "copy:static_dev", "chmod:build", "watch"]); grunt.registerTask("prod", "Creates a production-ready build. Use the --msg flag to add a compile message.", ["eslint", "exec:stats", "clean", "jsdoc", "concat", "copy:html_dev", "copy:html_prod", "copy:html_inline", "copy:static_dev", "copy:static_prod", "cssmin", "uglify:prod", "inline", "htmlmin", "chmod"]); grunt.registerTask("docs", "Compiles documentation in the /docs directory.", ["clean:docs", "jsdoc", "chmod:docs"]); grunt.registerTask("stats", "Provides statistics about the code base such as how many lines there are as well as details of file sizes before and after compression.", ["concat:js", "uglify:prod", "exec:stats", "exec:repo_size", "exec:display_stats"]); grunt.registerTask("release", "Prepares and deploys a production version of CyberChef to the gh-pages branch.", ["copy:gh_pages", "exec:deploy_gh_pages"]); grunt.registerTask("default", "Lints the code base and shows stats", ["jshint", "exec:stats", "exec:display_stats"]); grunt.registerTask("doc", "docs"); grunt.registerTask("lint", "eslint"); // Load tasks provided by each plugin grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-eslint"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-jsdoc"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-clean"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-concat"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-copy"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-uglify"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-cssmin"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-htmlmin"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-inline-alt"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-chmod"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-exec"); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-watch"); // JS includes var js_files = [ // Third party framework libraries "src/js/lib/jquery-2.1.1.js", "src/js/lib/bootstrap-3.3.6.js", "src/js/lib/split.js", "src/js/lib/bootstrap-switch.js", "src/js/lib/yahoo.js", "src/js/lib/snowfall.jquery.js", // Third party operation libraries "src/js/lib/cryptojs/core.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/x64-core.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/enc-base64.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/enc-utf16.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/md5.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/evpkdf.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/cipher-core.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/mode-cfb.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/mode-ctr-gladman.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/mode-ctr.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/mode-ecb.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/mode-ofb.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/format-hex.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/lib-typedarrays.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/pad-ansix923.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/pad-iso10126.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/pad-iso97971.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/pad-nopadding.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/pad-zeropadding.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/aes.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/hmac.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/rabbit-legacy.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/rabbit.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/ripemd160.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/sha1.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/sha256.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/sha224.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/sha512.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/sha384.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/sha3.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/tripledes.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/rc4.js", "src/js/lib/cryptojs/pbkdf2.js", "src/js/lib/jsbn/jsbn.js", "src/js/lib/jsbn/jsbn2.js", "src/js/lib/jsbn/base64.js", "src/js/lib/jsbn/ec.js", "src/js/lib/jsbn/prng4.js", "src/js/lib/jsbn/rng.js", "src/js/lib/jsbn/rsa.js", "src/js/lib/jsbn/sec.js", "src/js/lib/jsrasign/asn1-1.0.js", "src/js/lib/jsrasign/asn1hex-1.1.js", "src/js/lib/jsrasign/asn1x509-1.0.js", "src/js/lib/jsrasign/base64x-1.1.js", "src/js/lib/jsrasign/crypto-1.1.js", "src/js/lib/jsrasign/dsa-modified-1.0.js", "src/js/lib/jsrasign/ecdsa-modified-1.0.js", "src/js/lib/jsrasign/ecparam-1.0.js", "src/js/lib/jsrasign/keyutil-1.0.js", "src/js/lib/jsrasign/x509-1.1.js", "src/js/lib/blowfish.dojo.js", "src/js/lib/rawdeflate.js", "src/js/lib/rawinflate.js", "src/js/lib/zip.js", "src/js/lib/unzip.js", "src/js/lib/zlib_and_gzip.js", "src/js/lib/bzip2.js", "src/js/lib/punycode.js", "src/js/lib/uas_parser.js", "src/js/lib/esprima.js", "src/js/lib/escodegen.browser.js", "src/js/lib/esmangle.min.js", "src/js/lib/diff.js", "src/js/lib/moment.js", "src/js/lib/moment-timezone.js", "src/js/lib/prettify.js", "src/js/lib/vkbeautify.js", "src/js/lib/Sortable.js", "src/js/lib/bootstrap-colorpicker.js", "src/js/lib/xpath.js", // Custom libraries "src/js/lib/canvas_components.js", // Utility functions "src/js/core/Utils.js", // Operation objects "src/js/operations/*.js", // Core framework objects "src/js/core/*.js", "src/js/config/Categories.js", "src/js/config/OperationConfig.js", // HTML view objects "src/js/views/html/*.js", "!src/js/views/html/main.js", // Start the app! "src/js/views/html/main.js", ]; var banner = '/**\n\ * CyberChef - The Cyber Swiss Army Knife\n\ *\n\ * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016\n\ * @license Apache-2.0\n\ *\n\ * Copyright 2016 Crown Copyright\n\ *\n\ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\n\ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n\ * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n\ *\n\ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\ *\n\ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n\ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\n\ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n\ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n\ * limitations under the License.\n\ */\n'; var template_options = { data: { compile_msg: grunt.option("compile-msg") || grunt.option("msg") || "", codebase_stats: grunt.file.read("src/static/stats.txt").split("\n").join("
") } }; // Project configuration grunt.initConfig({ eslint: { options: { configFile: "src/js/.eslintrc.json" }, gruntfile: ["Gruntfile.js"], core: ["src/js/core/**/*.js"], config: ["src/js/config/**/*.js"], views: ["src/js/views/**/*.js"], operations: ["src/js/operations/**/*.js"], }, jsdoc: { options: { destination: "docs", template: "node_modules/ink-docstrap/template", recurse: true, readme: "./README.md", configure: "docs/jsdoc.conf.json" }, all: { src: [ "src/js/**/*.js", "!src/js/lib/**/*", ], } }, clean: { dev: ["build/dev/*"], prod: ["build/prod/*"], docs: ["docs/*", "!docs/*.conf.json", "!docs/*.ico"], }, concat: { options: { process: template_options }, css: { options: { banner: banner.replace(/\/\*\*/g, "/*!"), process: function(content, srcpath) { // Change special comments from /** to /*! to comply with cssmin content = content.replace(/^\/\*\* /g, "/*! 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return grunt.template.process(content, template_options); } }, src: "build/prod/index.html", dest: "build/prod/index.html" } }, uglify: { options: { preserveComments: function(node, comment) { if (comment.value.indexOf("* @license") === 0) return true; return false; }, screwIE8: true, ASCIIOnly: true, beautify: { beautify: false, inline_script: true, ascii_only: true, screw_ie8: true }, compress: { screw_ie8: true }, banner: banner }, prod: { src: "build/dev/scripts.js", dest: "build/prod/scripts.js" } }, cssmin: { prod: { src: "build/dev/styles.css", dest: "build/prod/styles.css" } }, htmlmin: { prod: { options: { removeComments: true, collapseWhitespace: true, minifyJS: true, minifyCSS: true }, src: "build/prod/index.html", dest: "build/prod/index.html" }, inline: { options: { removeComments: true, collapseWhitespace: true, minifyJS: false, minifyCSS: false }, src: "build/prod/cyberchef.htm", dest: "build/prod/cyberchef.htm" } }, inline: { options: { tag: "", inlineTagAttributes: { js: "type='application/javascript'", css: "type='text/css'" } }, compiled: { src: "build/prod/cyberchef.htm", dest: "build/prod/cyberchef.htm" }, prod: { options: { tag: "__inline" }, src: "build/prod/index.html", dest: "build/prod/index.html" } }, chmod: { build: { options: { mode: "755", }, src: ["build/**/*", "build/**/.htaccess", "build/"] }, docs: { options: { mode: "755", }, src: ["docs/**/*", "docs/"] } }, exec: { repo_size: { command: [ "git ls-files | wc -l | xargs printf '\n%b\ttracked files\n'", "du -hs | egrep -o '^[^\t]*' | xargs printf '%b\trepository size\n'" ].join(";"), stderr: false }, stats: { command: "rm src/static/stats.txt;" + [ "ls src/ -R1 | grep '^$' -v | grep ':$' -v | wc -l | xargs printf '%b\tsource files\n'", "find src/ -regex '.*\..*' -print | xargs cat | wc -l | xargs printf '%b\tlines\n'", "du -hs src/ | pcregrep -o '^[^\t]*' | xargs printf '%b\tsize\n'", "ls src/js/ -R1 | grep '\.js$' | wc -l | xargs printf '\n%b\tJavaScript source files\n'", "find src/js/ -regex '.*\.js' -print | xargs cat | wc -l | xargs printf '%b\tlines\n'", "find src/js/ -regex '.*\.js' -exec du -hcs {} \+ | tail -n1 | egrep -o '^[^\t]*' | xargs printf '%b\tsize\n'", "find src/js/ -regex '.*/lib/.*\.js' -print | wc -l | xargs printf '\n%b\tthird party JavaScript source files\n'", "find src/js/ -regex '.*/lib/.*\.js' -print | xargs cat | wc -l | xargs printf '%b\tlines\n'", "find src/js/ -regex '.*/lib/.*\.js' -exec du -hcs {} \+ | tail -n1 | egrep -o '^[^\t]*' | xargs printf '%b\tsize\n'", "find src/js/ -regex '.*\.js' -not -regex '.*/lib/.*' -print | wc -l | xargs printf '\n%b\tfirst party JavaScript source files\n'", "find src/js/ -regex '.*\.js' -not -regex '.*/lib/.*' -print | xargs cat | wc -l | xargs printf '%b\tlines\n'", "find src/js/ -regex '.*\.js' -not -regex '.*/lib/.*' -exec du -hcs {} \+ | tail -n1 | egrep -o '^[^\t]*' | xargs printf '%b\tsize\n'", "du build/dev/scripts.js -h | egrep -o '^[^\t]*' | xargs printf '\n%b\tuncompressed JavaScript size\n'", "du build/prod/scripts.js -h | egrep -o '^[^\t]*' | xargs printf '%b\tcompressed JavaScript size\n'", "grep -E '^\\s+name: ' src/js/config/Categories.js | wc -l | xargs printf '\n%b\tcategories\n'", "grep -E '^\\s+\"[A-Za-z0-9 \\-]+\": {' src/js/config/OperationConfig.js | wc -l | xargs printf '%b\toperations\n'", ].join(" >> src/static/stats.txt;") + " >> src/static/stats.txt;", stderr: false }, display_stats: { command: "cat src/static/stats.txt" }, clean_git: { command: "git gc --prune=now --aggressive" }, deploy_gh_pages: { command: [ "git add build/prod/index.html -v", "COMMIT_HASH=$(git rev-parse HEAD)", "git commit -m \"GitHub Pages release for ${COMMIT_HASH}\"", "git push origin `git subtree split --prefix build/prod master`:gh-pages --force", "git reset HEAD~", "git checkout build/prod/index.html" ].join(";") } }, watch: { css: { files: "src/css/**/*.css", tasks: ["concat:css", "chmod:build"] }, js: { files: "src/js/**/*.js", tasks: ["concat:js", "chmod:build"] }, html: { files: "src/html/**/*.html", tasks: ["copy:html_dev", "chmod:build"] }, static: { files: ["src/static/**/*", "src/static/**/.*"], tasks: ["copy:static_dev", "chmod:build"] }, grunt: { files: "Gruntfile.js", tasks: ["clean:dev", "concat:css", "concat:js", "copy:html_dev", "copy:static_dev", "chmod:build"] } }, }); };