/** * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @author cplussharp * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 */ import { fromBase64 } from "../lib/Base64.mjs"; import { toHexFast } from "../lib/Hex.mjs"; import Operation from "../Operation.mjs"; import OperationError from "../errors/OperationError.mjs"; /** * PEM to Hex operation */ class PEMToHex extends Operation { /** * PEMToHex constructor */ constructor() { super(); this.name = "PEM to Hex"; this.module = "Default"; this.description = "Converts PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) format to a hexadecimal DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) string."; this.infoURL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privacy-Enhanced_Mail#Format"; this.inputType = "string"; this.outputType = "string"; this.args = []; this.checks = [ { "pattern": "----BEGIN ([A-Z][A-Z ]+[A-Z])-----", "args": [] } ]; } /** * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ run(input, args) { const output = []; let match; const regex = /-----BEGIN ([A-Z][A-Z ]+[A-Z])-----/g; while ((match = regex.exec(input)) !== null) { // find corresponding end tag const indexBase64 = match.index + match[0].length; const footer = `-----END ${match[1]}-----`; const indexFooter = input.indexOf(footer, indexBase64); if (indexFooter === -1) { throw new OperationError(`PEM footer '${footer}' not found`); } // decode base64 content const base64 = input.substring(indexBase64, indexFooter); const bytes = fromBase64(base64, "A-Za-z0-9+/=", "byteArray", true); const hex = toHexFast(bytes); output.push(hex); } return output.join("\n"); } } export default PEMToHex;