/** * @author tlwr [toby@toby.codes] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 */ import Operation from "../Operation"; import Utils from "../Utils"; import Stream from "../lib/Stream"; /** * Untar operation */ class Untar extends Operation { /** * Untar constructor */ constructor() { super(); this.name = "Untar"; this.module = "Compression"; this.description = "Unpacks a tarball and displays it per file."; this.infoURL = "https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Tar_(computing)"; this.inputType = "byteArray"; this.outputType = "List"; this.presentType = "html"; this.args = []; this.patterns = [ { "match": "^.{257}\\x75\\x73\\x74\\x61\\x72", "flags": "", "args": [] } ]; } /** * @param {byteArray} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {List} */ run(input, args) { const stream = new Stream(input), files = []; while (stream.hasMore()) { const dataPosition = stream.position + 512; const file = { fileName: stream.readString(100), fileMode: stream.readString(8), ownerUID: stream.readString(8), ownerGID: stream.readString(8), size: parseInt(stream.readString(12), 8), // Octal lastModTime: new Date(1000 * parseInt(stream.readString(12), 8)), // Octal checksum: stream.readString(8), type: stream.readString(1), linkedFileName: stream.readString(100), USTARFormat: stream.readString(6).indexOf("ustar") >= 0, }; if (file.USTARFormat) { file.version = stream.readString(2); file.ownerUserName = stream.readString(32); file.ownerGroupName = stream.readString(32); file.deviceMajor = stream.readString(8); file.deviceMinor = stream.readString(8); file.filenamePrefix = stream.readString(155); } stream.position = dataPosition; if (file.type === "0") { // File let endPosition = stream.position + file.size; if (file.size % 512 !== 0) { endPosition += 512 - (file.size % 512); } file.bytes = stream.getBytes(file.size); files.push(new File([new Uint8Array(file.bytes)], file.fileName)); stream.position = endPosition; } else if (file.type === "5") { // Directory files.push(new File([new Uint8Array(file.bytes)], file.fileName)); } else { // Symlink or empty bytes } } return files; } /** * Displays the files in HTML for web apps. * * @param {File[]} files * @returns {html} */ async present(files) { return await Utils.displayFilesAsHTML(files); } } export default Untar;