* @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com]
* @copyright Crown Copyright 2016
* @license Apache-2.0
import Operation from "../Operation";
* Generic Code Beautify operation
class GenericCodeBeautify extends Operation {
* GenericCodeBeautify constructor
constructor() {
this.name = "Generic Code Beautify";
this.module = "Code";
this.description = "Attempts to pretty print C-style languages such as C, C++, C#, Java, PHP, JavaScript etc.
This will not do a perfect job, and the resulting code may not work any more. This operation is designed purely to make obfuscated or minified code more easy to read and understand.
Things which will not work properly:
- For loop formatting
- Do-While loop formatting
- Switch/Case indentation
- Certain bit shift operators
this.inputType = "string";
this.outputType = "string";
this.args = [];
* @param {string} input
* @param {Object[]} args
* @returns {string}
run(input, args) {
const preservedTokens = [];
let code = input,
t = 0,
// Remove strings
const sstrings = /'([^'\\]|\\.)*'/g;
while ((m = sstrings.exec(code))) {
code = preserveToken(code, m, t++);
sstrings.lastIndex = m.index;
const dstrings = /"([^"\\]|\\.)*"/g;
while ((m = dstrings.exec(code))) {
code = preserveToken(code, m, t++);
dstrings.lastIndex = m.index;
// Remove comments
const scomments = /\/\/[^\n\r]*/g;
while ((m = scomments.exec(code))) {
code = preserveToken(code, m, t++);
scomments.lastIndex = m.index;
const mcomments = /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//gm;
while ((m = mcomments.exec(code))) {
code = preserveToken(code, m, t++);
mcomments.lastIndex = m.index;
const hcomments = /(^|\n)#[^\n\r#]+/g;
while ((m = hcomments.exec(code))) {
code = preserveToken(code, m, t++);
hcomments.lastIndex = m.index;
// Remove regexes
const regexes = /\/.*?[^\\]\/[gim]{0,3}/gi;
while ((m = regexes.exec(code))) {
code = preserveToken(code, m, t++);
regexes.lastIndex = m.index;
code = code
// Create newlines after ;
.replace(/;/g, ";\n")
// Create newlines after { and around }
.replace(/{/g, "{\n")
.replace(/}/g, "\n}\n")
// Remove carriage returns
.replace(/\r/g, "")
// Remove all indentation
.replace(/^\s+/g, "")
.replace(/\n\s+/g, "\n")
// Remove trailing spaces
.replace(/\s*$/g, "")
.replace(/\n{/g, "{");
// Indent
let i = 0,
level = 0,
while (i < code.length) {
switch (code[i]) {
case "{":
case "\n":
if (i+1 >= code.length) break;
if (code[i+1] === "}") level--;
indent = (level >= 0) ? Array(level*4+1).join(" ") : "";
code = code.substring(0, i+1) + indent + code.substring(i+1);
if (level > 0) i += level*4;
code = code
// Add strategic spaces
.replace(/\s*([!<>=+-/*]?)=\s*/g, " $1= ")
.replace(/\s*<([=]?)\s*/g, " <$1 ")
.replace(/\s*>([=]?)\s*/g, " >$1 ")
.replace(/([^+])\+([^+=])/g, "$1 + $2")
.replace(/([^-])-([^-=])/g, "$1 - $2")
.replace(/([^*])\*([^*=])/g, "$1 * $2")
.replace(/([^/])\/([^/=])/g, "$1 / $2")
.replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ", ")
.replace(/\s*{/g, " {")
.replace(/}\n/g, "}\n\n")
// Hacky horribleness
.replace(/(if|for|while|with|elif|elseif)\s*\(([^\n]*)\)\s*\n([^{])/gim, "$1 ($2)\n $3")
.replace(/(if|for|while|with|elif|elseif)\s*\(([^\n]*)\)([^{])/gim, "$1 ($2) $3")
.replace(/else\s*\n([^{])/gim, "else\n $1")
.replace(/else\s+([^{])/gim, "else $1")
// Remove strategic spaces
.replace(/\s+;/g, ";")
.replace(/\{\s+\}/g, "{}")
.replace(/\[\s+\]/g, "[]")
.replace(/}\s*(else|catch|except|finally|elif|elseif|else if)/gi, "} $1");
// Replace preserved tokens
const ptokens = /###preservedToken(\d+)###/g;
while ((m = ptokens.exec(code))) {
const ti = parseInt(m[1], 10);
code = code.substring(0, m.index) + preservedTokens[ti] + code.substring(m.index + m[0].length);
ptokens.lastIndex = m.index;
return code;
* Replaces a matched token with a placeholder value.
function preserveToken(str, match, t) {
preservedTokens[t] = match[0];
return str.substring(0, match.index) +
"###preservedToken" + t + "###" +
str.substring(match.index + match[0].length);
export default GenericCodeBeautify;