/** * Flow Control tests. * * @author tlwr [toby@toby.codes] * * @copyright Crown Copyright 2017 * @license Apache-2.0 */ import TestRegister from "../../TestRegister.js"; TestRegister.addTests([ { name: "Fork: nothing", input: "", expectedOutput: "", recipeConfig: [ { op: "Fork", args: ["\n", "\n", false], }, ], }, { name: "Fork, Merge: nothing", input: "", expectedOutput: "", recipeConfig: [ { op: "Fork", args: ["\n", "\n", false], }, { op: "Merge", args: [], }, ], }, { name: "Fork, (expect) Error, Merge", input: "1\n2\na\n4", expectedError: true, recipeConfig: [ { op: "Fork", args: ["\n", "\n", false], }, { op: "To Base", args: [16], }, { op: "Merge", args: [], }, ], }, { name: "Fork, Conditional Jump, Encodings", input: "Some data with a 1 in it\nSome data with a 2 in it", expectedOutput: "U29tZSBkYXRhIHdpdGggYSAxIGluIGl0\n53 6f 6d 65 20 64 61 74 61 20 77 69 74 68 20 61 20 32 20 69 6e 20 69 74\n", recipeConfig: [ {"op": "Fork", "args": ["\\n", "\\n", false]}, {"op": "Conditional Jump", "args": ["1", false, "skipReturn", "10"]}, {"op": "To Hex", "args": ["Space"]}, {"op": "Return", "args": []}, {"op": "Label", "args": ["skipReturn"]}, {"op": "To Base64", "args": ["A-Za-z0-9+/="]} ] }, { name: "Jump: Empty Label", input: [ "should be changed", ].join("\n"), expectedOutput: [ "should be changed was changed", ].join("\n"), recipeConfig: [ { op: "Jump", args: ["", 10], }, { op: "Find / Replace", args: [ { "option": "Regex", "string": "should be changed" }, "should be changed was changed", true, true, true, ], }, ], }, { name: "Jump: skips 1", input: [ "shouldnt be changed", ].join("\n"), expectedOutput: [ "shouldnt be changed", ].join("\n"), recipeConfig: [ { op: "Jump", args: ["skipReplace", 10], }, { op: "Find / Replace", args: [ { "option": "Regex", "string": "shouldnt be changed" }, "shouldnt be changed was changed", true, true, true, ], }, { op: "Label", args: ["skipReplace"] }, ], }, { name: "Conditional Jump: Skips 0", input: [ "match", "should be changed 1", "should be changed 2", ].join("\n"), expectedOutput: [ "match", "should be changed 1 was changed", "should be changed 2 was changed" ].join("\n"), recipeConfig: [ { op: "Conditional Jump", args: ["match", false, "", 0], }, { op: "Find / Replace", args: [ { "option": "Regex", "string": "should be changed 1" }, "should be changed 1 was changed", true, true, true, ], }, { op: "Find / Replace", args: [ { "option": "Regex", "string": "should be changed 2" }, "should be changed 2 was changed", true, true, true, ], }, ], }, { name: "Comment: nothing", input: "", expectedOutput: "", recipeConfig: [ { "op": "Comment", "args": [""] } ] }, { name: "Fork, Comment, Base64", input: "cat\nsat\nmat", expectedOutput: "Y2F0\nc2F0\nbWF0\n", recipeConfig: [ { "op": "Fork", "args": ["\\n", "\\n", false] }, { "op": "Comment", "args": ["Testing 123"] }, { "op": "To Base64", "args": ["A-Za-z0-9+/="] } ] }, { name: "Conditional Jump: Skips 1", input: [ "match", "should not be changed", "should be changed", ].join("\n"), expectedOutput: [ "match", "should not be changed", "should be changed was changed" ].join("\n"), recipeConfig: [ { op: "Conditional Jump", args: ["match", false, "skip match", 10], }, { op: "Find / Replace", args: [ { "option": "Regex", "string": "should not be changed" }, "should not be changed was changed", true, true, true, ], }, { op: "Label", args: ["skip match"], }, { op: "Find / Replace", args: [ { "option": "Regex", "string": "should be changed" }, "should be changed was changed", true, true, true, ], }, ], }, { name: "Conditional Jump: Skips negatively", input: [ "match", ].join("\n"), expectedOutput: [ "replaced", ].join("\n"), recipeConfig: [ { op: "Label", args: ["back to the beginning"], }, { op: "Jump", args: ["skip replace"], }, { op: "Find / Replace", args: [ { "option": "Regex", "string": "match" }, "replaced", true, true, true, ], }, { op: "Label", args: ["skip replace"], }, { op: "Conditional Jump", args: ["match", false, "back to the beginning", 10], }, ], }, ]);