/** * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 */ import Operation from "../Operation"; import Utils from "../Utils"; import {ALPHABET, ALPHABET_OPTIONS} from "../lib/Base64"; /** * To Base64 operation */ class ToBase64 extends Operation { /** * ToBase64 constructor */ constructor() { super(); this.name = "To Base64"; this.module = "Default"; this.description = "Base64 is a notation for encoding arbitrary byte data using a restricted set of symbols that can be conveniently used by humans and processed by computers.

This operation decodes data from an ASCII Base64 string back into its raw format.

e.g. aGVsbG8= becomes hello"; this.inputType = "ArrayBuffer"; this.outputType = "string"; this.args = [ { name: "Alphabet", type: "editableOption", value: ALPHABET_OPTIONS } ]; } /** * @param {ArrayBuffer} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {string} */ run(input, args) { const alphabet = args[0] || ALPHABET; return Utils.toBase64(new Uint8Array(input), alphabet); } /** * Highlight to Base64 * * @param {Object[]} pos * @param {number} pos[].start * @param {number} pos[].end * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {Object[]} pos */ highlight(pos, args) { pos[0].start = Math.floor(pos[0].start / 3 * 4); pos[0].end = Math.ceil(pos[0].end / 3 * 4); return pos; } /** * Highlight from Base64 * * @param {Object[]} pos * @param {number} pos[].start * @param {number} pos[].end * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {Object[]} pos */ highlightReverse(pos, args) { pos[0].start = Math.ceil(pos[0].start / 4 * 3); pos[0].end = Math.floor(pos[0].end / 4 * 3); return pos; } } export default ToBase64;