/** * Co-ordinate conversion resources. * * @author j433866 [j433866@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2019 * @license Apache-2.0 */ import geohash from "ngeohash"; import geodesy from "geodesy"; /** * Co-ordinate formats */ export const FORMATS = [ "Degrees Minutes Seconds", "Degrees Decimal Minutes", "Decimal Degrees", "Geohash", "Military Grid Reference System", "Ordnance Survey National Grid" ]; /** * Formats that are made up of one string * These formats skip bits like filtering delimiters and * are outputted differently (only one output) */ export const STRING_FORMATS = [ "Geohash", "Military Grid Reference System", "Ordnance Survey National Grid" ]; /** * Convert a given latitude and longitude into a different format. * @param {string} inLat - Input latitude to be converted. Use this for supplying single values for conversion (e.g. geohash) * @param {string} inLong - Input longitude to be converted * @param {string} inFormat - Format of the input coordinates * @param {string} outFormat - Format to convert to * @param {number} precision - Precision of the result * @returns {string[]} Array containing the converted latitude and longitude */ export function convertCoordinates (inLat, inLong, inFormat, outFormat, precision) { let convLat = inLat; let convLong = inLong; if (inFormat === "Geohash") { const hash = geohash.decode(inLat); convLat = hash.latitude.toString(); convLong = hash.longitude.toString(); } else if (inFormat === "Military Grid Reference System") { const utm = geodesy.Mgrs.parse(inLat).toUtm(); const result = utm.toLatLonE().toString("d", 4).replace(/[^0-9.,]/g, ""); const splitResult = result.split(","); if (splitResult.length === 2) { convLat = splitResult[0]; convLong = splitResult[1]; } } else if (inFormat === "Ordnance Survey National Grid") { const osng = geodesy.OsGridRef.parse(inLat); const latlon = geodesy.OsGridRef.osGridToLatLon(osng, geodesy.LatLonEllipsoidal.datum.WGS84); const result = latlon.toString("d", 4).replace(/[^0-9.,]/g, ""); const splitResult = result.split(","); if (splitResult.length === 2) { convLat = splitResult[0]; convLong = splitResult[1]; } } else { convLat = convertSingleCoordinate(inLat, inFormat, "Decimal Degrees", 15).split("°"); convLong = convertSingleCoordinate(inLong, inFormat, "Decimal Degrees", 15).split("°"); } // Convert Geohash and MGRS here, as they need both the lat and long values if (outFormat === "Geohash") { convLat = geohash.encode(parseFloat(convLat), parseFloat(convLong), precision); } else if (outFormat === "Military Grid Reference System") { const utm = new geodesy.LatLonEllipsoidal(parseFloat(convLat), parseFloat(convLong)).toUtm(); const mgrs = utm.toMgrs(); convLat = mgrs.toString(); } else if (outFormat === "Ordnance Survey National Grid") { const latlon = new geodesy.LatLonEllipsoidal(parseFloat(convLat), parseFloat(convLong)); const osng = geodesy.OsGridRef.latLonToOsGrid(latlon); convLat = osng.toString(); } else { convLat = convertSingleCoordinate(convLat.toString(), "Decimal Degrees", outFormat, precision); convLong = convertSingleCoordinate(convLong.toString(), "Decimal Degrees", outFormat, precision); } return [convLat, convLong]; } /** * @param {string} input - The input co-ordinate to be converted * @param {string} inFormat - The format of the input co-ordinates * @param {string} outFormat - The format which input should be converted to * @param {boolean} returnRaw - When true, returns the raw float instead of a String * @returns {string|{Object}} The converted co-ordinate result, as either the raw object or a formatted string */ export function convertSingleCoordinate (input, inFormat, outFormat, precision, returnRaw = false){ let converted; precision = Math.pow(10, precision); const convData = splitInput(input); // Convert everything to decimal degrees first switch (inFormat) { case "Degrees Minutes Seconds": if (convData.length < 3) { throw "Invalid co-ordinates format."; } converted = convDMSToDD(convData[0], convData[1], convData[2], precision); break; case "Degrees Decimal Minutes": if (convData.length < 2) { throw "Invalid co-ordinates format."; } converted = convDDMToDD(convData[0], convData[1], precision); break; case "Decimal Degrees": if (convData.length < 1) { throw "Invalid co-ordinates format."; } converted = convDDToDD(convData[0], precision); break; default: throw "Unknown input format selection."; } // Convert from decimal degrees to the output format switch (outFormat) { case "Decimal Degrees": break; case "Degrees Minutes Seconds": converted = convDDToDMS(converted.degrees); break; case "Degrees Decimal Minutes": converted = convDDToDDM(converted.degrees, precision); break; default: throw "Unknown output format selection."; } if (returnRaw) { return converted; } else { return converted.string; } } /** * Split up the input using a space, and sanitise the result * @param {string} input - The input data to be split * @returns {number[]} An array of the different items in the string, stored as floats */ function splitInput (input){ const split = []; input.split(" ").forEach(item => { // Remove any character that isn't a digit item = item.replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, ""); if (item.length > 0){ split.push(parseFloat(item, 10)); } }); return split; } /** * Convert Degrees Minutes Seconds to Decimal Degrees * @param {number} degrees - The degrees of the input co-ordinates * @param {number} minutes - The minutes of the input co-ordinates * @param {number} seconds - The seconds of the input co-ordinates * @param {number} precision - The precision the result should be rounded to * @returns {{string: string, degrees: number}} An object containing the raw converted value (obj.degrees), and a formatted string version (obj.string) */ function convDMSToDD (degrees, minutes, seconds, precision){ const converted = new Object(); converted.degrees = degrees + (minutes / 60) + (seconds / 3600); converted.string = (Math.round(converted.degrees * precision) / precision) + "°"; return converted; } /** * Convert Decimal Degrees Minutes to Decimal Degrees * @param {number} degrees - The input degrees to be converted * @param {number} minutes - The input minutes to be converted * @param {number} precision - The precision which the result should be rounded to * @returns {{string: string, degrees: number}} An object containing the raw converted value (obj.degrees), and a formatted string version (obj.string) */ function convDDMToDD (degrees, minutes, precision) { const converted = new Object(); converted.degrees = degrees + minutes / 60; converted.string = ((Math.round(converted.degrees * precision) / precision) + "°"); return converted; } /** * Convert Decimal Degrees to Decimal Degrees * Doesn't affect the input, just puts it into an object * @param {number} degrees - The input degrees to be converted * @param {number} precision - The precision which the result should be rounded to * @returns {{string: string, degrees: number}} An object containing the raw converted value (obj.degrees), and a formatted string version (obj.string) */ function convDDToDD (degrees, precision) { const converted = new Object(); converted.degrees = degrees; converted.string = Math.round(converted.degrees * precision) / precision + "°"; return converted; } /** * Convert Decimal Degrees to Degrees Minutes Seconds * @param {number} decDegrees - The input data to be converted * @returns {{string: string, degrees: number, minutes: number, seconds: number}} An object containing the raw converted value as separate numbers (.degrees, .minutes, .seconds), and a formatted string version (obj.string) */ function convDDToDMS (decDegrees) { const degrees = Math.floor(decDegrees); const minutes = Math.floor(60 * (decDegrees - degrees)); const seconds = Math.round(3600 * (decDegrees - degrees) - 60 * minutes); const converted = new Object(); converted.degrees = degrees; converted.minutes = minutes; converted.seconds = seconds; converted.string = degrees + "° " + minutes + "' " + seconds + "\""; return converted; } /** * Convert Decimal Degrees to Degrees Decimal Minutes * @param {number} decDegrees - The input degrees to be converted * @param {number} precision - The precision the input data should be rounded to * @returns {{string: string, degrees: number, minutes: number}} An object containing the raw converted value as separate numbers (.degrees, .minutes), and a formatted string version (obj.string) */ function convDDToDDM (decDegrees, precision) { const degrees = Math.floor(decDegrees); const minutes = decDegrees - degrees; const decMinutes = Math.round((minutes * 60) * precision) / precision; const converted = new Object(); converted.degrees = degrees; converted.minutes = decMinutes; converted.string = degrees + "° " + decMinutes + "'"; return converted; } /** * * @param {string} input - The input data whose format we need to detect * @param {string} delim - The delimiter separating the data in input * @returns {string} The input format */ export function findFormat (input, delim) { input = input.trim(); let testData; if (delim.includes("Direction")) { const split = input.split(/[NnEeSsWw]/); if (split.length > 0) { if (split[0] === "") { // Direction Preceding testData = split[1]; } else { // Direction Following testData = split[0]; } } } else if (delim !== "") { const split = input.split(delim); if (!input.includes(delim)) { testData = input; } if (split.length > 0) { if (split[0] !== "") { testData = split[0]; } else if (split.length > 1) { testData = split[1]; } } } // Test MGRS and Geohash if (input.split(" ").length <= 1) { const filteredInput = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/, "").toUpperCase(); const mgrsPattern = new RegExp(/^[0-9]{2}[C-HJ-NP-X]{2}[A-Z]+/); const geohashPattern = new RegExp(/^[0123456789BCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVWXYZ]+$/); if (mgrsPattern.test(filteredInput)) { return "Military Grid Reference System"; } else if (geohashPattern.test(filteredInput)) { return "Geohash"; } } // Test DMS/DDM/DD formats if (testData !== undefined) { const split = splitInput(testData); switch (split.length){ case 3: return "Degrees Minutes Seconds"; case 2: return "Degrees Decimal Minutes"; case 1: return "Decimal Degrees"; } } return null; } /** * Automatically find the delimeter type from the given input * @param {string} input * @returns {string} Delimiter type */ export function findDelim (input) { input = input.trim(); const delims = [",", ";", ":"]; const testDir = input.match(/[NnEeSsWw]/g); if (testDir !== null && testDir.length > 0 && testDir.length < 3) { // Possibly contains a direction const splitInput = input.split(/[NnEeSsWw]/); if (splitInput.length <= 3 && splitInput.length > 0) { // If there's 3 splits (one should be empty), then assume we have directions if (splitInput[0] === "") { return "Direction Preceding"; } else if (splitInput[splitInput.length - 1] === "") { return "Direction Following"; } } } // Loop through the standard delimiters, and try to find them in the input for (let i = 0; i < delims.length; i++) { const delim = delims[i]; if (input.includes(delim)) { const splitInput = input.split(delim); if (splitInput.length <= 3 && splitInput.length > 0) { // Don't want to try and convert more than 2 co-ordinates return delim; } } } return null; }