/** * @author Matt C [matt@artemisbot.uk] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 */ import Operation from "../Operation"; /** * Default argument for ROT47 operation */ const ROT47_AMOUNT = 47; /** * ROT47 operation. */ class ROT47 extends Operation { /** * ROT47 constructor */ constructor() { super(); this.name = "ROT47"; this.module = "Default"; this.description = "A slightly more complex variation of a caesar cipher, which includes ASCII characters from 33 '!' to 126 '~'. Default rotation: 47."; this.inputType = "byteArray"; this.outputType = "byteArray"; this.args = [ { name: "Amount", type: "number", value: ROT47_AMOUNT }, ]; } /** * @param {string} input * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {byteArray} */ run(input, args) { const output = input; let amount = args[0], chr; if (amount) { if (amount < 0) { amount = 94 - (Math.abs(amount) % 94); } for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { chr = input[i]; if (chr >= 33 && chr <= 126) { chr = (chr - 33 + amount) % 94; output[i] = chr + 33; } } } return output; } /** * Highlight ROT47 * * @param {Object[]} pos * @param {number} pos[].start * @param {number} pos[].end * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {Object[]} pos */ highlight(pos, args) { return pos; } /** * Highlight ROT47 in reverse * * @param {Object[]} pos * @param {number} pos[].start * @param {number} pos[].end * @param {Object[]} args * @returns {Object[]} pos */ highlightReverse(pos, args) { return pos; } } export default ROT47;