/** * Wrap operations for consumption in Node. * * @author d98762625 [d98762625@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2018 * @license Apache-2.0 */ /*eslint no-console: ["off"] */ import SyncDish from "./SyncDish"; import NodeRecipe from "./NodeRecipe"; import OperationConfig from "./config/OperationConfig.json"; import { sanitise, removeSubheadingsFromArray, sentenceToCamelCase } from "./apiUtils"; import ExludedOperationError from "../core/errors/ExcludedOperationError"; /** * Extract default arg value from operation argument * @param {Object} arg - an arg from an operation */ function extractArg(arg) { if (arg.type === "option") { // pick default option if not already chosen return typeof arg.value === "string" ? arg.value : arg.value[0]; } if (arg.type === "editableOption") { return typeof arg.value === "string" ? arg.value : arg.value[0].value; } if (arg.type === "toggleString") { // ensure string and option exist when user hasn't defined arg.string = arg.string || ""; arg.option = arg.option || arg.toggleValues[0]; return arg; } return arg.value; } /** * transformArgs * * Take the default args array and update with any user-defined * operation arguments. Allows user to define arguments in object style, * with accommodating name matching. Using named args in the API is more * clear to the user. * * Argument name matching is case and space insensitive * @private * @param {Object[]} originalArgs - the operation-s args list * @param {Object} newArgs - any inputted args */ function transformArgs(originalArgs, newArgs) { // Filter out arg values that are list subheadings - they are surrounded in []. // See Strings op for example. const allArgs = Object.assign([], originalArgs).map((a) => { if (Array.isArray(a.value)) { a.value = removeSubheadingsFromArray(a.value); } return a; }); if (newArgs) { Object.keys(newArgs).map((key) => { const index = allArgs.findIndex((arg) => { return arg.name.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, "") === key.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, ""); }); if (index > -1) { const argument = allArgs[index]; if (argument.type === "toggleString") { if (typeof newArgs[key] === "string") { argument.string = newArgs[key]; } else { argument.string = newArgs[key].string; argument.option = newArgs[key].option; } } else if (argument.type === "editableOption") { // takes key: "option", key: {name, val: "string"}, key: {name, val: [...]} argument.value = typeof newArgs[key] === "string" ? newArgs[key]: newArgs[key].value; } else { argument.value = newArgs[key]; } } }); } return allArgs.map(extractArg); } /** * Ensure an input is a SyncDish object. * @param input */ function ensureIsDish(input) { if (!input) { return new SyncDish(); } if (input instanceof SyncDish) { return input; } else { return new SyncDish(input); } } /** * prepareOp: transform args, make input the right type. * Also convert any Buffers to ArrayBuffers. * @param opInstance - instance of the operation * @param input - operation input * @param args - operation args */ function prepareOp(opInstance, input, args) { const dish = ensureIsDish(input); let transformedArgs; // Transform object-style args to original args array if (!Array.isArray(args)) { transformedArgs = transformArgs(opInstance.args, args); } else { transformedArgs = args; } const transformedInput = dish.get(opInstance.inputType); return {transformedInput, transformedArgs}; } /** * createArgOptions * * Create an object of options for each option or togglestring argument * in the given operation. * * Argument names are converted to camel case for consistency. * * @param {Operation} op - the operation to extract args from * @returns {{}} - arrays of options for option and toggleString args. */ function createArgOptions(op) { const result = {}; op.args.forEach((a) => { if (a.type === "option") { result[sentenceToCamelCase(a.name)] = removeSubheadingsFromArray(a.value); } else if (a.type === "toggleString") { result[sentenceToCamelCase(a.name)] = removeSubheadingsFromArray(a.toggleValues); } }); return result; } /** * Wrap an operation to be consumed by node API. * Checks to see if run function is async or not. * new Operation().run() becomes operation() * Perform type conversion on input * @private * @param {Operation} Operation * @returns {Function} The operation's run function, wrapped in * some type conversion logic */ export function wrap(OpClass) { // Check to see if class's run function is async. const opInstance = new OpClass(); const isAsync = opInstance.run.constructor.name === "AsyncFunction"; let wrapped; // If async, wrap must be async. if (isAsync) { /** * Async wrapped operation run function * @param {*} input * @param {Object | String[]} args - either in Object or normal args array * @returns {Promise} operation's output, on a Dish. * @throws {OperationError} if the operation throws one. */ wrapped = async (input, args=null) => { const {transformedInput, transformedArgs} = prepareOp(opInstance, input, args); const result = await opInstance.run(transformedInput, transformedArgs); return new SyncDish({ value: result, type: opInstance.outputType }); }; } else { /** * wrapped operation run function * @param {*} input * @param {Object | String[]} args - either in Object or normal args array * @returns {SyncDish} operation's output, on a Dish. * @throws {OperationError} if the operation throws one. */ wrapped = (input, args=null) => { const {transformedInput, transformedArgs} = prepareOp(opInstance, input, args); const result = opInstance.run(transformedInput, transformedArgs); return new SyncDish({ value: result, type: opInstance.outputType }); }; } // used in chef.help wrapped.opName = OpClass.name; wrapped.argOptions = createArgOptions(opInstance); return wrapped; } /** * help: Give information about operations matching the given search term, * or inputted operation. * * @param {String || wrapped operation} input - the name of the operation to get help for. * Case and whitespace are ignored in search. * @returns {Object[]} Config of matching operations. */ export function help(input) { let searchTerm = false; if (typeof input === "string") { searchTerm = input; } else if (typeof input === "function") { searchTerm = input.opName; } if (!searchTerm) { return null; } // Look for matches in operation name and description, listing name // matches first. const matches = Object.keys(OperationConfig) // hydrate operation: swap op name for op config object (with name) .map((m) => { const hydrated = OperationConfig[m]; hydrated.name = m; // Return hydrated along with what type of match it was return { hydrated, nameMatch: sanitise(hydrated.name).includes(sanitise(searchTerm)), descMatch: sanitise(hydrated.description).includes(sanitise(searchTerm)) }; }) // Filter out non-matches .filter((result) => { return result.nameMatch || result.descMatch; }) // sort results with name match first .sort((a, b) => { const aInt = a.nameMatch ? 1 : 0; const bInt = b.nameMatch ? 1 : 0; return bInt - aInt; }) // extract just the hydrated config .map(result => result.hydrated); // Concatenate matches but remove duplicates if (matches && matches.length) { console.log(`${matches.length} results found.`); return matches; } console.log("No results found."); return null; } /** * bake [Wrapped] - Perform an array of operations on some input. * @param operations array of chef's operations (used in wrapping stage) * @returns {Function} */ export function bake(operations){ /** * bake * * @param {*} input - some input for a recipe. * @param {String | Function | String[] | Function[] | [String | Function]} recipeConfig - * An operation, operation name, or an array of either. * @returns {SyncDish} of the result * @throws {TypeError} if invalid recipe given. */ return function(input, recipeConfig) { const recipe = new NodeRecipe(recipeConfig); const dish = ensureIsDish(input); return recipe.execute(dish); }; } /** * explainExcludedFunction * * Explain that the given operation is not included in the Node.js version. * @param {String} name - name of operation */ export function explainExludedFunction(name) { /** * Throw new error type with useful message. */ const func = () => { throw new ExludedOperationError(`Sorry, the ${name} operation is not available in the Node.js version of CyberChef.`); }; // Add opName prop so NodeRecipe can handle it, just like wrap does. func.opName = name; return func; }