/* globals Sortable */ /** * Waiter to handle events related to the operations. * * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 * * @constructor * @param {HTMLApp} app - The main view object for CyberChef. * @param {Manager} manager - The CyberChef event manager. */ var OperationsWaiter = function(app, manager) { this.app = app; this.manager = manager; this.options = {}; this.remove_intent = false; }; /** * Handler for search events. * Finds operations which match the given search term and displays them under the search box. * * @param {event} e */ OperationsWaiter.prototype.search_operations = function(e) { var ops, selected; if (e.type == "search") { // Search e.preventDefault(); ops = document.querySelectorAll("#search-results li"); if (ops.length) { selected = this.get_selected_op(ops); if (selected > -1) { this.manager.recipe.add_operation(ops[selected].innerHTML); this.app.auto_bake(); } } } if (e.keyCode == 13) { // Return e.preventDefault(); } else if (e.keyCode == 40) { // Down e.preventDefault(); ops = document.querySelectorAll("#search-results li"); if (ops.length) { selected = this.get_selected_op(ops); if (selected > -1) { ops[selected].classList.remove("selected-op"); } if (selected == ops.length-1) selected = -1; ops[selected+1].classList.add("selected-op"); } } else if (e.keyCode == 38) { // Up e.preventDefault(); ops = document.querySelectorAll("#search-results li"); if (ops.length) { selected = this.get_selected_op(ops); if (selected > -1) { ops[selected].classList.remove("selected-op"); } if (selected === 0) selected = ops.length; ops[selected-1].classList.add("selected-op"); } } else { var search_results_el = document.getElementById("search-results"), el = e.target, str = el.value; while (search_results_el.firstChild) { search_results_el.removeChild(search_results_el.firstChild); } $("#categories .in").collapse("hide"); if (str) { var matched_ops = this.filter_operations(str, true), matched_ops_html = ""; for (var i = 0; i < matched_ops.length; i++) { matched_ops_html += matched_ops[i].to_stub_html(); } search_results_el.innerHTML = matched_ops_html; search_results_el.dispatchEvent(this.manager.oplistcreate); } } }; /** * Filters operations based on the search string and returns the matching ones. * * @param {string} search_str * @param {boolean} highlight - Whether or not to highlight the matching string in the operation * name and description * @returns {string[]} */ OperationsWaiter.prototype.filter_operations = function(search_str, highlight) { var matched_ops = [], matched_descs = []; search_str = search_str.toLowerCase(); for (var op_name in this.app.operations) { var op = this.app.operations[op_name], name_pos = op_name.toLowerCase().indexOf(search_str), desc_pos = op.description.toLowerCase().indexOf(search_str); if (name_pos >= 0 || desc_pos >= 0) { var operation = new HTMLOperation(op_name, this.app.operations[op_name], this.app, this.manager); if (highlight) { operation.highlight_search_string(search_str, name_pos, desc_pos); } if (name_pos < 0) { matched_ops.push(operation); } else { matched_descs.push(operation); } } } return matched_descs.concat(matched_ops); }; /** * Finds the operation which has been selected using keyboard shortcuts. This will have the class * 'selected-op' set. Returns the index of the operation within the given list. * * @param {element[]} ops * @returns {number} */ OperationsWaiter.prototype.get_selected_op = function(ops) { for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) { if (ops[i].classList.contains("selected-op")) { return i; } } return -1; }; /** * Handler for oplistcreate events. * * @listens Manager#oplistcreate * @param {event} e */ OperationsWaiter.prototype.op_list_create = function(e) { this.manager.recipe.create_sortable_seed_list(e.target); $("[data-toggle=popover]").popover(); }; /** * Handler for operation doubleclick events. * Adds the operation to the recipe and auto bakes. * * @param {event} e */ OperationsWaiter.prototype.operation_dblclick = function(e) { var li = e.target; this.manager.recipe.add_operation(li.textContent); this.app.auto_bake(); }; /** * Handler for edit favourites click events. * Sets up the 'Edit favourites' pane and displays it. * * @param {event} e */ OperationsWaiter.prototype.edit_favourites_click = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); // Add favourites to modal var fav_cat = this.app.categories.filter(function(c) { return c.name == "Favourites"; })[0]; var html = ""; for (var i = 0; i < fav_cat.ops.length; i++) { var op_name = fav_cat.ops[i]; var operation = new HTMLOperation(op_name, this.app.operations[op_name], this.app, this.manager); html += operation.to_stub_html(true); } var edit_favourites_list = document.getElementById("edit-favourites-list"); edit_favourites_list.innerHTML = html; this.remove_intent = false; var editable_list = Sortable.create(edit_favourites_list, { filter: '.remove-icon', onFilter: function (evt) { var el = editable_list.closest(evt.item); if (el) { $(el).popover("destroy"); el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } }, onEnd: function(evt) { if (this.remove_intent) evt.item.remove(); }.bind(this), }); Sortable.utils.on(edit_favourites_list, "dragleave", function() { this.remove_intent = true; }.bind(this)); Sortable.utils.on(edit_favourites_list, "dragover", function() { this.remove_intent = false; }.bind(this)); $("#edit-favourites-list [data-toggle=popover]").popover(); $("#favourites-modal").modal(); }; /** * Handler for save favourites click events. * Saves the selected favourites and reloads them. */ OperationsWaiter.prototype.save_favourites_click = function() { var favourites_list = [], favs = document.querySelectorAll("#edit-favourites-list li"); for (var i = 0; i < favs.length; i++) { favourites_list.push(favs[i].textContent); } this.app.save_favourites(favourites_list); this.app.load_favourites(); this.app.populate_operations_list(); this.manager.recipe.initialise_operation_drag_n_drop(); }; /** * Handler for reset favourites click events. * Resets favourites to their defaults. */ OperationsWaiter.prototype.reset_favourites_click = function() { this.app.reset_favourites(); }; /** * Handler for op_icon mouseover events. * Hides any popovers already showing on the operation so that there aren't two at once. * * @param {event} e */ OperationsWaiter.prototype.op_icon_mouseover = function(e) { var op_el = e.target.parentNode; if (e.target.getAttribute("data-toggle") == "popover") { $(op_el).popover("hide"); } }; /** * Handler for op_icon mouseleave events. * If this icon created a popover and we're moving back to the operation element, display the * operation popover again. * * @param {event} e */ OperationsWaiter.prototype.op_icon_mouseleave = function(e) { var op_el = e.target.parentNode, to_el = e.toElement || e.relatedElement; if (e.target.getAttribute("data-toggle") == "popover" && to_el === op_el) { $(op_el).popover("show"); } };